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what 8

so you could lose your 50/50 for keqing to keqing?

Anonymous 7

wtf is this comment section lawl

Banners 6

So I have a question. I'm AR 40 rn but I've never looked into banners. So I wanna ask if you can get jean or diluc from keqings banner. Hopr that someone can Respond


The people in these comments are literally AR 13 thinking their genshin geniuses like me, gENISU!


You guys are judging the game by raw damage = good character. Bennett is for boosting attack dmg and applying pyro, while their judging him as a healer and damage dealer, and comparing him to keqing, a main dps. Don't talk **** about le bouken boy if you don't understand any of the games mechanics

Boy 3

Bennett ain’t **** you moron. Do you even play the game?

Anonymous 2

IDK why people in the poll wants to pull Bennett when he can be easily pulled from other banners and he ****s because he's a 4 star and heal doesn't put you 100% instead of Keqing a **** HIGH DPS character. To be honest, Ningguang is better than Bennett, heck even Barbara is better than him.

Y 1

Looks like you made a mistake. On the "Current Banners" list, Keqing's banner is stated to end on the 12th, not the 2nd of March. According to the in-game timer (9 days + change at the time of writing this comment), the 2nd of March date is correct.

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