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Anonymous 40

do you think that two piece golden troupe two piece gilded dreams will work

Anonymous 39

Yea, Nahida’s weapon is good with Gilded since you can go att% on goblet sands and Sub DPS builds (Fischl beats it barely at c4). Only situation it’s bad in is Yae hyper with Benny, Sara, flex/battery. Just remember her turrets proc aggravate every three hits.

Anonymous 38

She should be an S DPS after Dendro tbh.

Anonymous 37

Would nahida's weapon be any good for miko if someone were to accidentally pull one without nahida?
Asking for a friend

Anonymous 36

Yep, we need hyperbloom team mentioned. Arguably, it's now the strongest team for Miko. But anyway, I appreciate your hard work on this site and your not downgrading Miko! Thanks!

Anonymous 35

How is there not a hyperbloom team listed here... It's probably her strongest team and simultaneously one of the easiest to build...
Just throw full EM gilded dreams on her, melt **** with dozens of 20k+ hyperbloom procs. Or build standard dps Yae with an EM sands instead.

Anonymous 34

any idea when she will have next rerun? :(

Scaranonymous 33

the SS tier is Correct.
Yae best team is with Tighnari, Nahida, Alhaitham, or Venti, Ayato, Yelan, etc etc.
The Quicken especially is wrecking the enemy so much.

Anonymous 32

Premium team without Nahida ? Weird ... Nahida Burst provides a huge EM boost to Miko, meaning great boost on turrets damage, Nahida is like 10 times better than Lumine in her best comp.

Anonymous 31

is nahida a good alternative to dendro traveller for this team?

Anonymous 30

Someone add that u can use shim and glads 2pc on her I use it and she does alot of dmg cr64 cd234

Anonymous 29

This needs to be updated for the dendro meta. She is a very good aggravate dps but there is no mention of that here.

Anonymous 28

i love her personality, that's why i pulled her. i guess Raiden is the best team for her to use Yae as DPS. I use her as Sub DPS with Kokomi/Fischl/Kazuha and it's a mindblowing combo

Anonymous 27

Thanks you for Qiqi C1.....

Anonymous 26

One day they will fix normal attack description with proper one instead of Yoimiya crtl+c crtl+v

Anonymous 25

Yae with Raiden is a constant storm that charges every burst in all the rotations. The biggest downside is that her E does not have an invencibility window, so she gets killed if a big enemy makes an AOE attack during her setup

Anonymous 24

She is definitely better than my ganyu right now .i still believe ganyu is stronger in general but holy sht yae's damage is really good. im using her as main dps now she is better than my ganyu still need to find good artifact for ganyu .

Decade 23

Talent Info on her charged attack is wrong - the description is for Yoimiya

LoneRider03 22

Yae's Favorite Decorations Set are :
1. Ancient Branch Shrine (Sharing Set with Raiden Shogun)
2. Wakeful Spring (Sharing Set with Yoimiya and Gorou

Anonymous 22


Anonymous 21

Fischl is S and Yae miko is A while Yae's E has a 100% uptime, higher normal stats and a nuke burst.


Anonymous 20

She should be F reroll tier because you need to beat the whole game to level her up properly

Anonymous 19

Fischl is S and Yae miko is A while Yae's E has a 100% uptime, higher normal stats and a nuke burst.


Anonymous 18

If you're looking for a Main DPS, hold off for one of the upcoming characters. But if you already have a OP team then she can be a welcomed new addition to your party.
I'm glad I got her since I can already clear floor 12 of SA and I'm going for all da Waifus (Yoimiya's next!)

Anonymous 17

People always overreact when a new character first comes out because they expect every character to be a DPS monster. She is certainly not game changing, but she is a good unit. At the very least A, but personally I believe she falls in the S category.

Anonymous 16

On rotations you probably wanna start with sara skill, sara burst, jean burst, raiden skill, yae skill (three times) then burst, raiden skill again, raiden burst.

Anonymous 15

For a team of Raiden(dps), Yae(sub-dps), Sara(buff/support) and Jean(healer/support), does anytime have recommendations on rotations? Current plan is catch/jade spear with 4p emblem on raiden, 2p electro dmg, 2p atk%, width on Yae, 4p noblesse on Sara, and virjdescent on Jean

Anonymous 14

Plus you do realize, saying "There are other characters that are A tier better than her" does not mean she isn't A tier, plus every chara is different. Some charas scale differently. Again, why comment if you're gonna complain about some tier that doesn't even matter.

Exodia 13

She is better than S rank characters. easily. gamewith tierlist is **** because zhongli is SS and kokomi is A and Kokomi is better than Zhongli.

Anonymous 13

You're worried about the wrong thing if you just wanna make an opinion about if she is worthy of A, S, B, or any tier. The point is if you want her or not, this guide is for people who do want her. If you don't, why comment?

Anonymous 12

Guys stop saying non-sense?? She deserve the A rank tho, she's good but not super good to deserve a S. Easy skip

SukamaDi 11

Wtf A? really? there is A characters that do 10 times better than her, she is B.

Anonymous 10

Ummm how is she A tier shes very good,at least S

Anonymous 9

Why not Hukushin(?) Ring? Seems made for Emblem of Severed Fate and Yae

Anonymous 8

Hello? Why is the effect of Thundering Fury (x4) different than the current one?

Anonymous 7

confirmed for 2.5 by trusted leakers, also has splash art posted by mhy on official account

Anonymous 6

Yae miko confirmed for 2.5

Anonymous 5

electro healer please

Anonymous 4

She basically is Yae Sakura from honkai, but this time an even more **** Ara ara mage instead of a samurai

ezeR 3

to be honest, i wanted her to be a sword user. but being an electro catalyst user ain't that bad at all so i'll take it

Anonymous 2

she look very like yae sakura in honkai impact

Anonymous 1

she's so pretty and her personality interests me so far too, i'll get her c6 even if she's a 5 star. i love her already:)

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