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angelsreview 183

Never mind.... I completely found what was wrong. Sorry.

angelsreview 182

I'm having a bit of problem with the Windblume Research Report Quest. I talk to Flora but then after, I can't talk to her again and it will not go past that spot in the Quest Tree.

Anonymous 181

Same bug here where even after opening the chest the mission won't progress. The question still says find the treasure but I already have. Restarting the game and talking to the illumiscreen guy both have not worked to fix the issue

Anonymous 180

Never mind you have to dig lmao

Anonymous 179

My game won’t progress with the Minlin treasure chest , I was able to open it but it doesn’t want to move on.
So I’m stuck with « Find the treasure », there is only 1 day left for the event, i really wanted to get Ningguang. TT

tRaVeLeR 178

I completed the fly up bow challenge but the game will not progress for me :( I have restarted :( and I am losing time in the event

Anonymous 177

The Mt. Aoxang chest was bugged for me, but it progressed after I restarted the game.

Anonymous 176

there is a hidden chest, near the house, fireplace/circle of rocks

Anonymous 175

Check the dig place at mt. aozang, its not the chest in the center. I thought i was bugged but its a different chest

Anonymous 174

The Minlin chest is bugged for me, took the chest but it didn't register as complete.

greygun 173

Mt. aozang chest is bugged i took it but can't progress in the quest

Anonymous 172

Still bugged

Bubbles 171

Mt. aozang is bugged i picked up chest but did not register. cant progress to get 4 star ;c

Anonymous 170

Mt Aozang is bugged for me as well

Kaito 169

MT Aozang chest is bugged for me. Won't complete the quest...

Anonymous 168

Mt Aozang chest is bugged for me too after completing the challenge and looting the chest. It didn't register as complete.

Anonymous 167

Bugged still. Now I can't finish the event.

Anonymous 166

Mt. Aozang Chest is bugged, I opened it and it did not count towards the progress so I'm stuck now and can't continue with the event.

Anonymous 165

I have the same Bug, waited for a day and did other missions but it is still bugged and cant get it so...

Anonymous 164

I opened the treasure on mt aozang after completing the challenge successfully, but it didn't count it as part of the 3 treasures. I'm stuck at only having 2 out of 3 of the treasures unlocked when I should have gotten all.

Anonymous 163

Its still bugged for me

Anonymous 162

Still bugged for me

Anonymous 161

still bugged for me :/

Anonymous 160

bugged out with me sadly

Anonymous 160

Stuck at mt aozang bug too

Anonymous 159

Unable to progress cause if this bug pls fix this

Anonymous 158

I hope they fix this bug soon the third part of lantern rite and mechanicus is literally unplayable because of this

Anonymous 157

MT aozang bug here for me too

Anonymous 156

Mt Aozang quest is bugged for me as well.

Anonymous 155

Bugged on PS4 for me.

Anonymous 154

For the challenge the wind wont load in until like 10 seconds are left

Anonymous 153

Mt Aozang is bugged in my game as well

Anonymous 152

Same Mt Aozang bugged

Anonymous 151

Yeah my Mt Aozang quest is experiencing the same thing

Anonymous 150

I also experienced this

Anonymous 149

I also have experienced this!!

Shaco 148

I experienced it also

Anonymous 147

plsss i’m begging y’all to report this. i really wanna advance my lantern rite quests and it won’t let me. i alr reported independently but another would be good

Anonymous 146

The Mt. Aozang glitch is definitely in the game. I tried everything to fix it. Relog in, the seelie, nothing is working

Anonymous 145

I have the same bug in the same place.

Anonymous 144

Same problem same place

Nemui 143

I have the some problem! I opened the chest but the quest is still not updated. Plz Report this!

Anonymous 142

have the same issue with the one near jueyun karst. opened the chest but still the quest didnt update

Anonymous 141

I still have the issue too... I killed the Hilichurls and Abyss mage so I could collect the chest, I've claimed it but it's still telling me to find the chest.

Anonymous 140

have the issue, i opened the chest but the quest is still there

Anonymous 139

Currently experiencing the Mt.Aozong bug, I collected the time challenge reward, but Im unable to find the chest below (not being given an option to dig it up?)
Its been 3 days

615705039 138

Got the bug yesterday and nothing has changed yet. Hope they fix it!

Anonymous 137

cannot progress the event now due to the bug on the mountain i exploded the barrels and opened the chest and did not progress mission, now the next part of the event is available and i cannot do any content until this is

Anonymous 136

Still got the bug.

Anonymous 135

Same issue after opening the chest on the mountain

Anonymous 135

yep the Mt. Aozang quest wont progress and the one in minlin still shows the quest marker even after digging it up.

Alai 135

opened all the the chest but the one in minlin doesn't progress

Anonymous 134

When I opened a chest on Mt.Aozang it didn't progress the quest

Anonymous 133

same here i already opened the chest but it says 2/3 at the mt aozang one

Anonymous 132

the quest is making me redo an area i’ve already finished ,i play on ps4 does anyone know how to fix this :(

Anonymous 131

I have a bug with illumi 2 the barrels don't explode so I can't complete the challenge

Anonymous 130

I can’t talk to brother Qian after finding the chests

Anonymous 129

i am also going thought the mt aozang bug, I am currently stuck at 2/3 despite having completed the challenge:/

Anonymous 128

Still experiencing the treasure bug even after restarting the game and other methods other players used but with no result pls fix the bug, id like to get that 4 star character

Anonymous 127

Hi guys! For people still experiencing the bug try totally exiting the game and “run in administration”. Hope it helps! It fixed mine.

Anonymous 126

Yes the same bug. no fix still

Anonymous 125

I have the same issue at Mt. Aozang. Quest isn't progressing because its still 2/3.

Anonymous 124

its still not fixed, still at 2/3

Anonymous 123

nice have the same bug...

Anonymous 122

I have the issue with the quest not being complete after blowing up the barrels on the mountain

Anonymous 121

I have a glitch with the chest located in the area between Jueyun Karst and Wangshu Inn. I clicked it but the quest didn't progress, nor is the chest reappearing.

Anonymous 120

I have the same bug, i opened all three chest and it was at 3/3. But it still says Find treasure and it at the location where i already opened. It isnt progressing to the next stage.

Pando0s 119

Same bug 4 me. Detonated the barela, opened the chest but still at (2/3).

Jay 118

I also have the my aozang bug where I complete the challenge and open the chest but the quest still stays active

Anonymous 117

my mt oazang chest won’t continue either

Anonymous 116

Mt/ Aozang chest not letting me progerss !! :(

MasterCho 115

I too have the bug
Asia server

Anonymous 114

I am also having an issue with the mount aozang chest, it will nor progress despite having already opening the chest

Anonymous 113

i can't get the Mt. Aozang to register the chest neither even tho i already did the quest and opened the chest://

Anonymous 112

update said that it fixed the bug, but I still have the same problem.

HeyZeus 111

I also can’t finish it after opening the Mt Aozang Chest :(

Rong 110

i got the same problem with the Mt. Aozang chest :v

Anonymous 109

Yes i also got the problem with the Mt. Aozang chest

Anonymous 108

Yeah, the chest is bugged for me

KageKennedy 107

My Mt azong is bugged. I got chest, all chest. But the mountain won't clear

Anonymous 106

yeah the quest is still bugged for me as well with the chest not giving progress

Anonymous 105

Yeah ive got the same problem :( cant progress past the mt aozang chest

Paupaulol 104

I have the issue where i opened the chest but the quest on progress. Mounth Aozhang is bugged!

Anonymous 103

I literally cannot progress and I'm so upset :( FIX THIS MIHOYO!

Anonymous 103

Mount Aozhang is bugged for me too

Anonymous 102

mt aozhang is bugged

hayden 101

it isnt working :(

Anonymous 100

The Mt. Aozang quest is bugged for me too

Anonymous 100

Mt. Aozang is also bugged for me :(

Anonymous 99

Mt. Aozang is bugged for me too

Anonymous 98

The Mt. Aozang is also bugged for me.

Anonymous 97

Bugged for me too

Anonymous 96

Mt. Aozang is still bugged.....I collected all 3 chest but still can't continue the quest

Anonymous 95

still bugged for me

Anonymous 94

someone further down found a solution - exit the game and enter. the circle will be smaller with the text "find the treasure ". exit again. this will complete the mission

it works

Anonymous 93

same. during the archery challenge. i have completed the challenge and opened the chest, but the mission marker is still pointing to the location and is not letting me progress

Anonymous 92

Same here, already opened the treasure but the quest won't continue.

Anonymous 91

Same here, I can't go further because it keeps telling to find the treasure that I have already found

livelee 90

I experienced this as well

Melainna 89

Same here. Thought I’d broken it as my character died falling from a great height but I see others are having the same issue :)

Anonymous 88

The same happened to me. Other chests worked well but after opening this one the game keeps leading me to this spot and i cant progress even tho i've opened all of them already.

Anonymous 87

I've already done the challenge and opened the chest but the quest still isn't finished and it requires me to open one more chest even though i opened it already

Fidel 86

Is it only me that can,t find the seelie/ghost I found 2 of them) to open the chest behind the wind barrier?? It's supposed to be on top of an elevation on one "island" :-(

Anonymous 85

Found all three chests but the quest made me go back to one of the areas where I had already found the chest so I am unable to complete it :(

Anonymous 84

im still stuck on the quest after findining the 3 treasures, also i restarted the game for the launcher but with no results

Anonymous 83

Not able to complete the minlin portion of the quest. I believe I found the chest but the quest is still active

Anonymous 82

Still have the Mt. Aozong bug :/

Anonymous 81

Also have the Auzang bug

Anonymous 80

i have the mt aozong bug too !!

Anonymous 79

I got the Mr. Aozang chest but the quest did not count it.

Anonymous 78

Got the chest but quest isnt considered done.. :(

Anonymous 78

Haha yep. The MT bug do be there still

Anonymous 77

Got the chest on Mt. Aozang, but quest isnt done....

Anonymous 76

For Mt. Aozang’s bug, quit game and login again works for me

Anonymous 75

I can't dig the chest up at all on Mt. Aozang.

Anonymous 74

Was able to open chest, but objective not finished.

Anonymous 73

still can't dig up the chest :((

Anonymous 72

Mt Aozang is bugged. Open chest but quest not completed

Anonymous 72

I think I have figured it out.

If you have done the challenge and it has yet to update.
Exit the game and come back. It should say something about finding it with a small yellow circle.
exit the game one more time and it should update correctly

Anonymous 71

I'm having the same problem, the quest isn't progressing.

Anonymous 70

I was able to open the chest but the quest objective is still there

миша 69

the same... chest is already opened but quest doesn't progress :/

Anonymous 68

I was also able to open the chest, but the objective is still active

Anonymous 67

Was able to open and collect Minlin Treasure but the objective is till active. All other locations worked but Minlin is bugged

Anonymous 67

I’m having the same issue. I opened the chest already but it won’t progress.

Yoon 66

I got the bug aswell, i can't complete it now :(

Anonymous 65

exploded the barrels, died from fall damage, came back to open the chest on mt. aozang and then the quest stayed static. It is also bugged

Luiza 64

I can't progress on the The Illumiscreen II quest, already opened the chest in the Hillchurl camp, but it bugged and says I still didn't.

Anonymous 64

mt Aozang glitch :/

Anonymous 63

I also got the Mt. Aozang glitch

Anonymous 62

I still have the Mt.Aozang glitch, I did the challenge and opened the chest but it didn’t count as complete

Tyrell 61

Got the glitch for day 2

Anonymous 60

I got the Mt. Aozang one, but I opened the chest after beating the challenge just didn't register that I opened it I believe.

Wolfy 59

I got glitched too, it’s sad because I’m trying to farm primogems for Xiao.

Anonymous 58

Same here, waiting for the fix.

Anonymous 57

same here, guess I'll wait for a fix

Anonymous 56

The Aozang chest isn't spawning after completing the challenge.

anonymous cow 55

I think that's a bug everyone will encounter. Same issue here

Anonymous 54

I'm facing the Mt Aozang bug. It seems that the bug with the chest is still in the game :(

Anonymous 53

bug is still in game :( cant proces any further now with the quest sadly

Anonymous 52

You apparently have to dig and claim the chest on another location within the quest area, so try to find it. The glitch was fixed

Anonymous 51

same with me

Anonymous 50

Mt. Aozang chest was opened but didn't count on the quest. Please fix :((

Anonymous 49

I also have a bugged quest on Mt. Aozang where the quest doesn't progress after opening the chest

Anonymous 48

Mt aozang challenge done, chest looted, but no quest progress.

Anonymous 47

mt aozang chest has been opened, but no progression of quest even after multiple restarts :'(

Anonymous 46

mt. aozang is indeed not progressing, opened the chest but the quest doesnt go forward, i even restarted the game

Anonymous 45

mt. aozang chest opened but no credit

Anonymous 44

Mine also has bug in the mt. Aozang, I opened the other two chests, did the challenge in mt aozang and opened the chest there but the quest is still not completed

Anonymous 43

Same here, completed Mt. Aozang chest but did not progress the quest. I can’t find another chest so I ***ume this is bugged.

Anonymous 42

one of the seelies is missing I've been running around for almost 30 minutes, little bugger is missing.

Anonymous 41

Mine also has bug in the mt. Aozang, I opened the other two chests, did the challenge in mt aozang and opened the chest there but the quest is still not completed

Anonymous 40

i got the chest but the marker was still there

Anonymous 39

For the Mt. Aozang chest, I did the challenge, and got the chest, but the quest was never completed. I looked everywhere else around there to see if there was actually anything I missed, but there was nothing.

Anonymous 38

Nothing appeared, I got other chest but the quest didn't cleared off

Anonymous 37

There was an update and the chest appeared. seems like it was a bug.

Anonymous 36

i did several other quests and domains and when i returned around an hour later the chest was there

Anonymous 36

I also experienced the same thing :/

Anonymous 35

I re-launched the game and the chest appeared.

Anonymous 34

mine too... nothing appears... after i dugged it

Anonymous 33

mine is bugged too, spent around 10 minutes to figure it out

dodoliy 32

same, 2nd treasure spot with the dig spot. can't find it. The dig spot just becomes uninteractable

Anonymous 31

Correct .. Nothing appeared! That's sad ..

me_wanty_fun 30

Same, said to dig, nothing appeared

Anonymous 29

1st seelie is also bugged. I cant find him
went here to find some clues but I got the right spot and still couldn't find it

Anonymous 28

I thought I was messing something up. I was so frustrated!

Anonymous 28

Bruh I spent the last 10 mins searching for it while thinking I was blind.

Anonymous 27

A bug indeed

Anonymous 26

Happy I came here before wasting more time....

Anonymous 25

Oh, I thought I done it wrong

Anonymous 24

i thought my game lagged

Anonymous 23

Yep, me too

Anonymous 22

yes I experience it to and it's annoying. It kills my excitement and momentum in playing this game.

Anonymous 22

i thought my game lagged out just when i clicked the chest but happy to know it wasn't my wi-fi failing on me xD

Anonymous 21

Me too, bug!!!!!

Anonymous 21

same here, dig appeared but nothing happened.
dont even waste your time circling through the mountains to find a caveentrance.

Anonymous 20

Same here, we just have to wait for Mihoyo to fix it and give us soem free primo.

Anonymous 20

Me too, i thought i didn't find it... But maybe it a bug

Anonymous 19

oo it also wont show up for me >>

Anonymous 18

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
Depresot berat
Pls kill me too

Ivory 17

saya juga mengalaminya semoga developernya bisa mengatasi bug ini secepatnya

hu tao 16

I'm experiencing it too, I thought it's my internet when I searched it, I stumbled here.

Anonymous 16

Good thing I tried to check if this is a real bug.

Anonymous 15

I thought I was the only one who experienced this. I clicked dig while fighting enemies so I thought it bugged because of that lmao. Hope they fix it immediately

Anonymous 15

I thought I'm the only one who encounter this hahaha

Anonymous 14

Wow. Many people also suffer this. I should patiently wait

Anonymous 13

Same here, i thought i bugged the game by clicking dig before i’ve killed all the enemies lol

Anonymous 12

Same here. No treasure appeared after clicking dig.

Anonymous 11

i also have this bug, when i clicked it, nothing pop out, no treasure

Anonymous 10

this needs hotfix lmao. i thought i broke the game by placing barrel near digging area

Anonymous 9

Same with me I was circling on the quest are cant find anything after the dig

Anonymous 8

same here

Anonymous 7

Same bug ;;; I saw the dig ****on but then it disappeared before I was able to click it

Anonymous 6

Still the same not fixed yet i think it's a map glitch or a coding glitch

Anonymous 5

same for me.i knew it was a bug when i dig but nothing came out

Anonymous 4

I haven’t find the third treasure after hilichurls fight, I knew that this is the treasure spot but I can’t see any “DIG” sign or command on it. :(

Anonymous 4

same filmed a vid planned on complaing ;V

How much primo do u think we'll get

AlEaster 3

I have been circling around to find to find it

Chusei 2

Thought it was only mine, i panicked for 3mins. there.

Miliardo 1

Defintely bugged. Tried for 15 mins still have nothing after click Dig.

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