"imagine rerolling on ps4 omegalul" not our problem.
Registering with username only disappeared it seems. And email salting is also denied now, so rerolling became a pain in the ***.
reroll not recommended. now you only have 20 standar pull (or full noelle banner/beginner wish).
First from AR5 after you talk to jean.
Second when you reach AR10.
and that takes long time.
can you update the guide? ar7 doesnt give any rewards for reroll
i once rerolled and got mona on the first try but i dont like her so i forgot the acc. didn't know getting a 5 star was rare
imagine rerolling on ps4 omegalul
I’ve rerolled about 243 times 170 being on iPhone the other 73 on ps4 cycling through accounts and I have yet to get A SINGLE 5 Star character.
This is very disheartening and it breaks my soul anytime I see someone with multiple 5 star characters
yes best reroll is to level 5 to get ~15 rolls and if you get a 5* continue to level 10 for another 10 roll. Up to you if you want to stop at first or second 5*
outdated. level 7 gives nothing now