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Souvenir Shop Guide - How To Unlock & Prices

Genshin Impact | Souvenir Shop Guide - How To Unlock & Prices

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Genshin Impact | Souvenir Shop Guide - How To Unlock & Prices - GameWith

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Check out this guide for the Souvenir Shops in Genshin Impact. Guide includes all Souvenir Shop locations, items for sale, how to unlock, prices, sigils, and more!

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Souvenir Shop Locations & Prices

Tap To Jump To A Souvenir Shop
▼ Mondstadt▼ Liyue▼ Inazuma
▼ Sumeru--

Mondstadt Souvenir Shop


Mondstadt Souvenir Shop Map Location
Mondstadt Souvenir Shop Map Location

The souvenir shop in Mondstadt is located inside the Mondstadt city proper. The shop is owned by an NPC named Marjorie and she can be found near in front of the alley to the The Cat's Tail.

Items & Prices

Liyue Souvenir Shop


Liyue Souvenir Shop Map Location
Liyue Souvenir Shop Map Location

Liyue Souvenir shop is also called Mingxing Jewelry and it can be easily found in Liyue Harbor. This shop is owned by Xingxi.

Items & Prices

Inazuma Souvenir Shop


Inazuma Souvenir Shop Map Location
Inazuma Souvenir Shop Map Location

You can find the Souvenir Shop in Inazuma City. The shop is just a few steps away from Raiden Shogun's castle and is manned by its owner Mikoshi Genichirou. You can only access the shop once you reach Level 50 in the Sacred Sakura Tree.

Sacred Sakura Guide To Level Up

Items & Prices

Items For Sale
noimageOtogi Wood Granary Cart
Electro Sigil x 5
noimageSimple Otogi Workshop
Electro Sigil x 5
noimageCamp Bonfire: Glorious
Electro Sigil x 5
noimageCamp Barricade: Taking Sides
Electro Sigil x 5
noimageScarlet Torii Gate: Way of Restoration
Electro Sigil x 10
noimageMaple Wood Tanuki
Electro Sigil x 10
noimageMaple Wood White Kitsune
Electro Sigil x 10
noimageShrine Statue: "Seirai Ward"
Electro Sigil x 10
noimageThe Bamboo's Call
Electro Sigil x 10
noimageAncestral Sword Rack: Iron Sharpens
Electro Sigil x 10
Coral Branch of a Distant SeaCoral Branch of a Distant Sea
Electro Sigil x 2
NarukamiNarukami's Wisdom
Electro Sigil x 2
Mask of the Wicked LieutenantMask of the Wicked Lieutenant
Electro Sigil x 2
MoraMora x 10,000
Electro Sigil x 2
MoraMora x 30,000
Electro Sigil x 1

Sumeru Souvenir Shop



The Souvenir Shop in Sumeru is called Menakeri's Treasure Shop and it can be found in the middle of Sumeru City.

How To Unlock

The Sumeru Souvenir Shop is likely locked until players are able to complete the Tree of Dreams, similar to how it worked for the Inazuma Shop. For now, it's current stock and items for sale are still not known.

Items & Prices

Items For Sale
noimageBrightwood Fabric Box Platform
Dendro Sigil x 5
noimageHued Vase: Eventide
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimage"In Drink's Clarity"
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimage"The Dust Differential"
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimageHued Vase: Ajilenakh
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimageHued Vase: Crimson Sands
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimageKarmaphala Wood Bulk Goods Berth
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimageBrightwood Self-Tightening Wine Buckets
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimageAdhigama Wood Open-Air Food Stall
Dendro Sigil x 10
noimage"Light's Constancy"
Dendro Sigil x 10
Copper Talisman of the Forest DewCopper Talisman of the Forest Dew
Dendro Sigil x 2
Oasis Garden’s ReminiscenceOasis Garden’s Reminiscence
Dendro Sigil x 2
Echo of Scorching MightEcho of Scorching Might
Dendro Sigil x 2
Mora10,000 Mora
Dendro Sigil x 2
Mora3,000 Mora
Dendro Sigil x 1
Sumeru Tree Of Dreams Location & Level Cap

What Are Souvenir Shops?

Purchase Items From Souvenir Shops With Sigils

Each nation introduced in Genshin Impact has their own Souvenir Shop wherein they can purchase different items with the use of the nation's sigil. You can find them in the city proper of each nation!

Each Shop Takes A Different Type Of Sigil

Souvenir ShopSigil Required
MondstadtAnemo SigilAnemo Sigil
LiyueGeo SigilGeo Sigil
InazumaElectro SigilElectro Sigil
SumeruDendro SigilDendro Sigil

Each of the shops take a different sigil depending on the nation where they are in. This means that you cannot use the Sigils from Mondstadt to purchase items from another nation.

Souvenir Shops Have Limited Inventories

Items Can Be Sold Out

When browsing through the shop's wares, you will see how many items you can purchase a certain item. After buying the maximum amount of items, that item will be considered sold out. Once sold out, you will not be able to buy more.

Inventory Does Not Reset

It is still unsure whether the Souvenir Shop resets and restocks it items. However, since it doesn't feature a timer, it is highly unlikely that it will reset.

Where To Sell Dragonbone Orb

The Dragonbone Orb

Can Be Sold At Any Souvenir Shop

Dragonbone Orb

The item called Dragonbone Orb can be sold for a hefty price in which players can exchange into various rewards depending on the region.

The Netsuke No Gen Crafts
(Inazuma City)
80,000 Mora & 5 Sashimi Platters
Xigu Antiques
(Liyue Harbor)
80,000 Mora & 5 Bountiful Years
With Winds Comes Glory
(Mondstadt City)
80,000 Mora & 5 Moonpies
How To Use Dragonbone Orb?

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Anonymous 4

Just came across Marjorie's shop in the real world, yay!

Anonymous 3

So here’s the thing… I thought that if I bought out the entire monstad shop on its limited times, that something special happened. She said she was collecting the sigils, right? Do I have to look for every single digit on the map in order to trigger the special event, or is there no special event?

Nickochky 2

I wonder what is gonna be the currency of the Inazuma's souvenir shop since we are offering our electro sigil to the shrine for rewards and to level the electrogranum.

Anonymous 1

I wonder if I go on co-op, can I buy on the person souvenir shop

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