Courtyard Cleansing Pool is a Furnishing item in Genshin Impact 5.5. Guide includes how to craft, how to get, & how to get the blueprint for Courtyard Cleansing Pool.
A bowl of water that cleans one's hands with. It is often set up along the main path of the tea garden. To some Inazumans, carefully washing one's hands and settling one's breathing and state of mind before entering a tea room is a tradition of utmost importance - that way, they can achieve a form of purity of heart, which will allow them to fully experience the profound mysteries of the tea they shall taste.
Adeptal Energy Rank
Build Time
How To Get Courtyard Cleansing Pool & Location Map
Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread
How To Get
To Be Confirmed
This part of the article includes speculations about the Item.
An Item To Be Introduced In-Game
A new item that is rumored to be introduced as a new Furnishing Blueprint in the version 2.0 update.
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