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Anonymous 18

People voting her as an SS character just because she is a female character. Wtf. She is not SS tier.

Anonymous 17

Will Yoimiya and Yelan be a duo?

Anonymous 16

does she play using normal attack?
or charge attack (like ganyu)?

Anonymous 15

Amos will work as any other bow, it will be wasted on her cuz she is hp based. Stringless would be a mile better than amos.

Anonymous 14

I just got Amos bow, is it good on her? I plan on making her a main DPS so I hope it is :,)

Anonymous 13

Will she fit into freeze Ganyu team?

Anonymous 12

its says fishcl for yae lmaooo , im dead

Anonymous 11

shes most likely going to use the ascension materials from the serpent boss in the chasm

Anonymous 10

So she's the Kaeya of Liyue huh?

Anonymous 9

im thinking it's gonna need the new world boss material. why else would they add it if ayato didnt need them?

Anonymous 8

Wait, Liyue Hydro...... plz no oceanid. Please add a new Hydro boss.

Yeonwoo <3 7

woahh she looks pretty! I can't wait to pull for her, I wonder what will be her ascension materials.

Sieghart 6

Liyue Hydro is probably gonna need some oceanid materials

Anonymous 5

"She is most likely to be a DPS character because of her rumored BiS weapon which is the Kirin Bow." as if 5* support characters don't have a BiS weapon. this literally means nothing since we don't even know the bow's main stat, base atk and passive

Anonymous 4

Yelan will have a Sumeru styled hydro vision.
that's false, its clearly a Liyue styled vision
we have no info on how Sumeru visions will look like, but there're plenty of Liyue visions to compare it to, and it look hella same.
orange being Xiangling's

Anonymous 3

that pic at the top
IS NOT, Yelan, who wrote this, Jesus
that's Madam Pang, yes, the old lady who gave us the pot
Jesus Christ, put that thing down, its embarrassing

Anonymous 2

Yelan will have a Sumeru styled hydro vision. There are already leaked pictures of her. She reminds me of Kaeya clothing style.

justasking 1

why is this empty article here??

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