Why can't I see number 1?!
where the HELL is 2?
Error. For obelisk #2:
Valley x2
Bird Head x3 -> only x1 is required
Right to Rule x1
Sheep Head x1
Giant Serpent x1
I don't have much time to play genshin:( , but I'll try complete all this obelisks
It's like using up all the Sigils in Enkanomiya. If you still have some in your inventory you are missing unlocking some areas with chests and goodies + seals for the obelisk. I finished all quests however had to backtrack a lot to finish finding all seals and obelisks. Good luck to all exploring.
I used up all of mine, you can maybe backtrack by checking the seals needed for the obelisk and an achivement will show if you've completed all of them
is it possible to complete them all but still have seals in reserve?
This guide is useless
6 is below the pyramid only available after the Golden Slumber 2nd cour I think
5and6 are the same, 1 is missing
these are not helpful like at awl, doesnt even show you how to get to each one wtf
ya got no 1 and 8 mixed up bruh