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Anonymous 41

Well i want Klee i also want kazuha so I probably will save for him even if I want a full Loli team lmao well I'm sorry Klee but I probably won't even have enough primogems for you so jep kazuha will be mine especially because I got Mona last time on the event banner

Anonymous 40

Im saving up for Kazuha and I also need cons for Razor and I also want Bennett so the second banner is a win for me!

Anonymous 39

All I need is Klee know, because I have all 4 stars on the banner.

Anonymous 38

So I already had Fishel and Barbara. I was explaining the game to my family member and made a wish under the standard wish and got Sucrose so the only one I don’t have is Klee, I’m debating on rolling but I wanna save my wishes for Kahuza

yume 37

I need Barbara and sucrose cons, plus I wouldn't mind Fischl and want Klee. This banner seems like an absolute win for me

Infinite 36

Still: Btard gambling system instead of farming while/through playing.

ibuki s!mp 35

i need sucrose and rosaria but my green staff of homa is waiting for rosaria-

Anonymous 34

I'm gonna be get so mad if these are the characters on klee's banner. I have them all c6 but I really want klee :(

Anonymous 33

i wanted ningguang or sucrose or maybe even fischl i hope all of them are in the klee banner lol

Anonymous 32

bruh I wanted to Rosaria or Ningguang

Anonymous 31

i have all 3 4 star characters. i dont need another babara maybe a constellation for fischl would be good

Yes 30

Im begging Mihoyo, just give me Sucrose, Ningguang and Bennett on a banner, PLEASE.

Anonymous 29

bruh xingqiu been on every single banner

Anonymous 28

xingqiu again??? where’s ningguang? last time she was out was before i even joined

Anonymous 27

words cannot describe how badly i need sucrose im desperately hoping she's on the banner so i can pull in hopes of getting her.

Anonymous 26

Barbara's on klee's banner

Anonymous 25

I am literally ok with everything just please no Noelle and Barbara

Anonymous 24

Want Ning on a banner soon. /fingerscrossed the predictions are inccorect

Anonymous 23

can't be Xingqiu since he was on the banner before.

!! 22

I honestly hoped bennet would be in klees banner since theyre both pyro :// i REALLy need bennet im ar 54 and still no bennet </3

Anonymous 21

I hope Rosaria will be included. I didn't get her during Child banner, instead i got this tortellini *** bish. ALL I WANTED WAS THE NUN

Anonymous 20

Hmm.. i would want to see nigguang here honestly

Anonymous 19

smh xingqiu is on the eula banner right now he won't be on the klee banner

Anonymous 18

I hope we see Ningguang on a banner very soon! I'm a (proud) C0 Ning main and I really want to have a chance to get her constellations. She hasn't shown up for quite a while...

Anonymous 18

I hope we see Ningguang on a banner very soon! I'm a (proud) C0 Ning main and I really want to have a chance to get her constellations. She hasn't shown up for quite a while...

Anonymous 17

i already have Ningguang and i personally dont like her playstyle so im nervous about how people are saying that she might be on the possible klee rerun banner. pls i dont want more Ningguang constellations rip

Anonymous 16

barbara and fischl were already featured in childe's banner 1 month ago

noelle was featured in zhongli's banner 2 weeks ago

sucrose was already featured in venti's rerun banner 3 months ago (although there is a possibility that she might reappear in klee's banner)

Anonymous 16

barbara and fischl were already featured in childe's banner 1 month ago

noelle was featured in zhongli's banner 2 weeks ago

sucrose was already featured in venti's rerun banner 3 months ago (although there is a possibility that she might reappear in klee's banner)

Anonymous 15

its either:

• Chongyun
• Ningguang
• Bennett
• Xiangling

though i think ningguang and bennett are guaranteed since they've been gone for 3/4 months without appearing in any rerun banners

Anonymous 14

someone told me that the "officials" are sucrose, fischl and xiangling, but honestly I don't think this is true :( like... fischl was on childe's banner and sucrose was on klee's first banner. i really hope this is false and at least have bennett or chongyun there

Anonymous 13

pls bennett and razor

Anonymous 12

I honestly think the featured 4 stars will be :


I could say xiangling but there would be 3 pyro on the same banner so that would be impossible

Anonymous 11

ningguang and bennett? i really hope so

Anonymous 10

Why would Xingqiu or Rosaria be featured? Xingqiu is currently featured, and Rosaria was just featured on Childe's banner. I'm really hoping Ningguang is featured. I wouldn't mind Sucrose, either.

Anonymous 9

Praying for Ningguang to be there

Anonymous 8

Sucrose is impossible because she was on the first klee banner, so they wouldn't put her on again. Barbara and Fischl is very likely tho

Anonymous 7

why do I feel like they're going to put barbara


Anonymous 6

My predictions are that benny boy will return, and ningguang too, due to how she hasn’t showed up in say, 5 or 6 banners already. I doubt they’ll put Rosalia on Klee’s banner,although Sucrose s a possibility.

Anonymous 5

Xingqiu is already in Eula banner, I hope it's Ning aaaa

Anonymous 4

My speculation for the klee banner 1.6



-Fischl (because of her supposedly signature weapon in 1.6)

Anonymous 3

Since Xingqui is on Eula banner, who else would be on Klee's banner? Bennet?

Anonymous 2

doubt they'd put rosaria two banners after her last appearance, unless she's the next noelle lol

I Want Klee 1

Ahh I want klee so bad, but I think shes not coming in this patch

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