Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
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12. 37

9-9-4 talents, c1, bennet, faruzan, wanderer, nahida with thrilling tales... hits harder than my mom's slippers...
basically, bennet ult -> faruzan ult -> nahida e hold for enemy burn -> wanderer... and just slap sh1t out everyone...

Anonymous 36

Because of constellations, I was running Yelan(c6),Faruzan, Jean(c4), Wanderer(c0)... until I found a combo never mentioned... Layla(c6), Bennett(c6), Jean(c4), Wanderer. Great damage and great survival.

Anonymous 35

thank you for the tips! i am so excited to pull for him omg

Anonymous 33

Had to skip him the last time. Definitely pulling for him. Hopefully they don't run him along with Kazuha like they do with Ayaka and Shenshe.

Anonymous 32

Scara is fun. Dedicated weapon and desert artifacts with 70+% CR have him spam CA at 20-27k dmg avg.

Anonymous 31

Where Scara CA build? he can spam CA.

Anonymous 30

In the best build of the main post, Kahuza makes an excellent (or better) substitute for Yelan. You need one elemental healer/shielder applicator. Dori and Bennett both work well.

Anonymous 29

They compared f2p Wanderer with other f2p DPS on the same abyss floor, that's legit and can help other f2p players to choose, then you're comparing their c0 f2p Wanderer with your c6r1 just to flex

Anonymous 28

A flex as anonymous ?
The guy said that Scara damages are below most other, but how can you test DPS with no crown, very low crit damages, and low crit rate considering use of crit weapon/ascend char. Its like playing HuTao with those stats and saying that she deals low damages

Anonymous 27

>your stats are pretty low
>expecting anyone to have a fully crowned, C6 + dedicated weapon Scaramouche
Weird flex mate

Anonymous 26


No offense mate, but your stats are pretty low, mine is 90 10/13/13 C6/R1, 2400atk 66%/254%
anemo 46% and i'm far from perfect stats yet.

considering all those diff my Scara is probably dealing twice you damages.

Anonymous 25

C2 Wanderer absolutely destroys everything. With a good team (wanderer national or faruzan/bennet/xingqui for me) and his signature weapon and artifacts he is my current best dps and main.

And he's so much fun!

Goratrix 24

Bad for new player carry, you wont able to up him for a very long time even much longer than Itto.

Anonymous 23

Pulled for exploration use..

Scaranonymous 22

So i have upgraded Wanderer to lv.90 and 8/8/8 with about 2000 ATK, CRT 50/150, Anemo 46% , Echoes 4 set. Solar pearl

I see his damage is incompetence for spiral abyss floor 12.
For comparison, F2P normal attacker like Yoimiya, Eula, Ayato are still above him.

Phase 21 join discord for genshin community.

suomynonA 20

so you want Wanderer who is able to launch Aerial Attack ?
Here, Genshin impact has it.

No need to play tower of fantasy.

ur mom 19

Viridescent Venerer set is proven to be practically useless on him, the best 3 artifact sets are desert pavilion, echoes and shimenawa, also for stats atk is much better than elemental mastery bcs of his playstyle. Dont listen to this build :/

Sacara main 18

Best Scara weapons:
-Solar Pearl
-Widsith XD

Also his best team seems to be Scara / Bennett / Faruzan / Layla (some weirdo called it Pyryo so I'm gonna stick with that)
Jean is literally worse Faruzan and Bennett can provide better buff than Yelan

Scaracoochie 17

Widsith is the most copium of crit / atk% catalysts on him, SP is his best 4* and 3rd best weapon as well. Also Faruzan > Jean

Anonymous 16

this design is superior, i think it suits him wonderfully. if you don't think so then you simply don't get it. you just don't get it

Wanderer 15

Anon 14: I think they just copy-pasted Heizou's build XD
There are some parts of this page where they forgot to change "Heizou" for "Wanderer".

Anonymous 14

Lol 4set vv? Like who just write this builds?

Enotov 13

The old design is way better.
Don't forget, there is just 2 types of opinions, mine and incorrect.

suoh 12

Scara redesign is cooler and awesome.

Far better than the old design, what tf hanging Curtains behind the hat.
Will look so ugly when flying animation, those Curtains spread everywhere

Anonymous 10

I can't wait for him to be in-game! he will most likely make an appearance in 3.0, which could mean boss fight and or playable character!!

Anonymous 9

Scaramouche so pretty uwu

Anonymous 8

first physical catalyst when

Anonymous 7

Hes baal's 1st copy how didnt go well hes a polearm user

Altaphilla 6

Scara Fanclub ♥

Axi 5

In the 2.1 cutscene leaks it's said that he uses a catalyst. Besides that, he mentions himself using magic, hinting towards him being a catalyst user.

Anonymous 4

why does he look like chongyun and xingqiu combined lol, am I the only one who sees that?

Anonymous 3

O símbolo no peito é por conta da cidade de inazuma, acho que ele vai ser catalisador pyro

Anonymous 2

I heard he is a catalyst user

Blop 1

He has a electro symbol on his chest, likely his element

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