Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
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Anonymous 15

If you're someone looking at this because you're looking to build your Chongyun, don't be discouraged by this guide. He is an absolute UNIT
He's the only character in Genshin I've had since the Mondstadt arc and is STILL in my team in 4.0. He's carried me through the entire game

Anonymous 14

He's good for ice bridging lol

egg 13

as a chongyun main, please don't listen to this article... this is bs. go on r/chongyunmains or something

Anonymous 12

Wouldn't Chongyun's best F2P team be the original national team of him xiangling, bennett and xingqiu?

Anonymous 11

Would Chongyun be good in a Superconduct comp as a Cryo applicator? I prefer using characters I like, and Chongyun is one of the few I really like.

Anonymous 10

C4 work with other characters atack or just if Chongy atacks??

Anonymous 9

Chongyun main here, ive found that he is really good with characters like thoma by using thomas elemental then switching to chongyun. Also using characters like mona who can apply hyrdo to cause freeze. But yes, the team has to be built around chongyun so you have to have the right characters

Anonymous 8

is chongyun good with yanfei?

Anonymous 7

hmm- im f2p ar 55 and i dont have diona...

Anonymous 6

u did our boy *****

Anonymous 5

It's sad that this somewhat doesn't uplift and maximize the potential of Chongyun :(

Anonymous 4

Snow-Tomb Silver is a physical claymore which does not help Chongyun at all

Anonymous 3

Wouldn't it make more sense to also include the Blizzard Strayer set in his main DPS build and also the Snow-Tombed Starsilver 2 handed sword? He's Cryo, it makes sense. I use that sword on him as well as the Blizzard Strayer set and he does m***ive amounts of damage.

Memdrake 2

i have had this question for so long and i really need an answer before i start using talent books on him.
Does the cryo damage(when a weapon is infused with cryo) scales with his basic attacks OR with his E?

Anonymous 1

yikes, you guys didnt even mention cryo artifact set

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