I don't know why but I see that fischl is a bit underrated in many tier list. I mean she's literally the core in every aggravate team, her a4 passive is the reason why aggravate team is good.
Compared to yae miko who takes a lot of time on field, I think fischl is more flexible in most team comp.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but shenhe and gaming quick description are broken. Maybe others too
Wanderer and Tighnari are worst than sethos, because "Recent buffers like Xianyun and Xilonen MADE (...)."I think, that the gamewith shold rating characters based on his power, not power of support, especially, that the best dps must be flexible.
Alhaitham is way stronger than Ayaka and others. He is still SS even though he might be weaker than Neuvi and Arlecchino.
Alhaitham damage output is nothing to do with difficulty -_-
Aint no way in hell you put alhaitham in S. I mean difficulty in using him doesnt equal to the fact that his dmg output is still way over the other characters.
i can't even vote for dps heizou this is so rigged. heizou supremacy
dps heizou being in the same tier as eula and klee is making me sick he is SO much better than that.. also fischl is better than yae, faruzan is ss buffer for anemo characters. whoever put dps kokomi higher than dps heizou i'll find you. heizou my goat ong
Don't think about who is more powerfull but Who is more cool and fun. Alhaitam with worst build is worse than Aloy with the best build. It all depends on artifacts, weapons, luck and time spent. You don't need lists and opinions. You need a dps that is fun to fight with.
Why WandererC6 is S? Why Diluc is better than Itto and Gaming? Why Kachina is S? Why Eula and Faruzan is B?(...)more and more. I don't understand this list.
Xiao's definitely not S tier man he should be the same as Cyno and Ayato u can't compare Navia with Xiao ofc Navia's better
Same for Wanderer and Wriothesley although I'm a wanderer main myself
Lmao this comment section is almost as bad as this tier-list
To the person who typed 701 stop being rude
This list might not be accurate but maybe Venti in ss because of amazing cc and exploration and Milo in ss because of great off field dmg and Xiao in s because of consistent HP loss and high investment
for the brainless hater talking about xiao: we can tell you have serious skill issue, you can stop embarrassing yourself and go play your keqing. die mad and fucked
Yikes these mindless xiao fans lmao go fk urself to death
There is bug/error in Charlotte.
You can't click on her and you can't find her with constellations please fit it
I remember the time when Eula was in SS, now she's in B. Yeah, Physical DPS is out of meta now, but is still very strong, so all these moves are pretty stupid.
error 404 Charlotte's constellations can not be found
Diluc constellations doesn't make him worse, he's just being compared to other characters with constellations.
Why does dilucs constellations make him worse??
Some of y’all in here make it real obvious that it’s the same person commenting back to back LOL
WTF happened to this list? Completely bull! Who makes this? Does that person even plays the game?
how on earth is Hu tao only an S tier, she's deserves to be at SSS, even an SS tier wouldn't be enough, and who in their right mind thinks alhaitham is an SS tier, same goes to ayaka.
Honestly, still not as bad as PCGamesn
Why does this horrible tier list still exist? Every time it is updated it only gets worse
Who the fuck makes these ****ty tier lists? How on earth is keqing B tier when she can stomp any abyss floor on a nahida team and ayaka on SS tier when half of the floors are bosses that cannot be frozen??
How is Hu Tao out of SS tier? Are you ok? Being old doesn't mean "out of meta". Same with Ayaka and Ganyu. Admins certainly have skill issues.
how is wriothesley better than ganyu dps wise?
Cannot really understand why Ayato as a DPS has dropped down to A but Xiao, Wanderer, Tignari, Childe and Ganyu are still in S
I mostly agree, but I think some characters have not been built properly or tested thoroughly to similar extents, causing the list to be a bit influenced by personal opinion which is to be expected for every tier list. Either that, or this list is not made by one individual.
at max constellations, I think Yelan deserves a DPS spot
Also, no need to copy from Game8. You had very comprehensive tier list, which used to show that most of the characters even when not being versatile, had their specific field at which they excelled.
Faruzan is great in her niche, but luckluster outside it. This means she's still high-tier strength-wise, but low-tier versatility-wise. Just make separate tiers for strength and versatility and stop abusing English Alphabet.
Dear Gamewith! Previous tier list was pretty good, please return it! Ningguang in the same tier as Aloy doesn't make sense at all. No need to sweat the small staff. There is such thing as niche.
still awful tier list
How is the Traveler worse tier with Constelations than without???? XDD
awful tier list
Ganyu C0 SS tier kist Are you seriusly
wtf. C2 Zhongli is SS sub-dps??
Without C2 Raiden is S at best as main DPS. She is a top tier sub-DPS and support without a doubt, but not so as main DPS.
Raiden SS main dps? lmao sure
The guy from 638 to 659 is pathetic Xiao main crybaby lol
I think this is the most accurate Tier list so far
The guy from 638 to 659 is pathetic Xiao main crybaby lol
I think this is the most accurate Tier list so far
To 669
Most of the comments about tier list are mad. We should be happy there is no crazy Aloy or Amber fans.
I literally cried from laughing there is a guy having a mental breakdown from 659 to 638
pls go see it
I am here to propose deviding characters into "universal" and "niche" groups. Shenhe, Sarah, Gorou and Yun Jin are great supports in their niches, and Nilou, for example, is able to make a mad amount of damage even in F2P party. Not SS-level, but surely above A.
I'm here to say that I couldn't agree more with your tier list as a C0 haver of most 5 stars and every 4 star
I am here to complain about the new tier system. Nilou, Ningguang, Yanfei, Heizou, Mona and Beidou easily deal an S-tier damage so I don't understand why they got downgraded. Being a 4* or standard 5* doesn't make a character weaker.
I didn't test hyperbloom/quickbloom much and I don't have Alhaitham, so as I told, I am not sure about anything. But I am glad he's in SS-tier.
Dehya in A tier is joke right?
>662 You seem to forgotten how insanely broken hyperbloom/quickbloom is. If you are going to rate Ayaka, Hu Tao, and Ganyu as top tier for their reactions, then Alhaitham absolutely deserves to be considered a top tier DPS.
There are three top-level DPS: Ayaka, Hu Tao and Ganyu. It's not bc they're "too cool", it's bc melt and vape reactions are the strongest so far. (2/2)
I also love Xiao, but I agree with his being in S tier just like most of my fav DPS. However, I believe Eula (I main her!) and Itto actually belong to S tier too. Not sure about Alhaitham. (1/2)
Eula the Best
I main a C0 wanderer- I’m new and he does lots of dmg
Last couple of comments are from the same person LOL they literally type the exact same way naur
What the hell happened to this tier list, why is Xiao in S? I don't get it, he is a SS tier dps and the best aoe dps rn, he's much stronger than many of the characters in SS, so I don't get why he was lowered.
xiao is SS
653 lol, I peep that
638-652 is literally same the same person
Move xiao back to SS and correct one of the multiple dumb mistakes in this tier list
No wonder everyone is saying his is becoming the trashiest genshin website. All you do is make stupid baseless changes that literally no one who has ever played the game or watched a showcase would agree with.
Xiao belongs I SS tier, either you know that, or you don't even have the knowledge to make a tier list
Put xiao back in SS where he factually belongs
Trash website
Trash tier list
Trash players
Alhaitham fans really bullied the website owners into putting him in ss lmao
How many d1cks did alhaitham, itto, eula, raiden, venti, and miko had to **** to be able to hold their place in SS? Because they sure haven't the strength or utility to be in that tier
I won't be surprised if I come here next week and see aloy in SS and ganyu and ayaka in B tier tbh
It seems like whoever is running this has a tendency to put the best characters in lower tiers and trash useless characters in SS
Man either lower everyone else into S tier of put xiao back into SS where he belongs more than any other character.
Or just say your tier list has no basis on the actual game and it's just whatever tf you want to make of it
Xiao belongs in SS tier and that's a fact
This tier list used to be accurate before these brainless toddler like changes. Do some actual research or just experimentation before making a completely illogical move like the last change ffs
Whoever was in charge for moving xiao to s never played the game. The guy literally does twice as much damage in a rotation as a raiden rotation and you guys leave itto, eula, miko, raiden, venti, etc who are totally useless and trash characters in ss? Smooth brains smh
Alhough some people thought it was debatable before, now with faruzan everyone knows FOR A FACT that xiao is one of the top 3 dps in the game. Putting him in s tier is the most pea brain move you guys could ever come up with.
Man this used to be a reliable and accurate website.
You guys need to fire whoever decided to troll everyone and lower xiao a tier
Nice joke, now move him back to where he belongs, and do some actual research and lower itto, eula, venti and yae.
So you lower xiao to s and leave eula, itto, yae miko, raiden, alhaitham and other trash dps characters into ss? Does whoever made this list even play the game or know what logic is? At low investment one xiao plunge does more than raidens burst.
Reading this comment section, entertains me a lot. Don't forget to grab a coffee.
Omg, Alhaitham crazy fans came here too...
Alhaitham is the best dps. he is superior to all the characters beyond compare.
kqm and Alhaitham main Everyone has the same opinion. Try calculating with reliable gcsim, you will see that the numbers match
Alhaitham team has 40% more total damage than raidenC2nation+engulf with normal af. It's also more fun to play than other teams.Those who have added money to buy 5-star weapons, just fill it up. However, it can't compete with herperbloom team anyway.You guys are just wasting your money being fools.
ayaka, hutao, yoimiya, xiao, childe, itto, ganyu, raidenC2(trash) < raiden(full em hyperbloom)
All dps, above all, less dmg than Alhaitham using stupid af with lv.70+ and 4 star weapons. With this thing, he does more than 1m dmg in 20s. Will other characters be at the same level as him?
You know how strong dendro-related reactions are, taking em, not any other value. Just using hyperbloom can finish faster than every other team, even with a 4-star weapon.
Alhaitham should be SS tier, elements other than dendro shouldn't be SS tier.
Because other characters, if compared to him, would just be trash. He can finish abyss faster than other characters with 4 star weapon, lv.70 and rotten af just by pressing em regardless of other values.
so now put yaoyao s tier
THERE WE GO! Alhaitham is right where he should be.
Alhaitham where he deserves to be. TOP TIER DPS.
Alhaitham on SS tier, FINALLY.
Put Alhaitham at SS. And Yao Yao at s
To comment 622:
Xiao on SS tier is unarguably accurate, venti should probably be lower, and where are your arguments for putting Alhaitham on SS? Since you seem to know so much about genshin you certainly should have at least one argument, right?
Why is Alhaitham on the S tier?
Alhaitham is SS, but requires investments in other characters and weapons to get the most out of him. YaoYao is S rank in my opinion. She offers adequate healing for any need, while applying Dendro and dealing damage ALL off-field.
Xiao and Venti on SS tier and Alhaitham on S? LMAO, these guys know NOTHING about genshin
Trash tier list.
Nah what's up with this list lmao? Anyways Alhaitham is definitely SS-tier
Bro, Alhaitham really hits hard and more fun than it describes. Definitely SS Tier
alhaitham tier S lmao, i think the people of this site don't play genshin.
Alhaitham is most definitely SS.
Alhaitham only tier S? What a joke.
YaoYao is amazing! Serious damage plus heals using Black Tassel and 4pc Millilith set with ATK% focus on it.
To 608 comment:
It's actually explained why Keqing and Venti go down a tier after getting constellations. Pay attention to what you read.
Zhongli the best
Cuz no one can tank like him
His sheild time is longer than its skill cooldown
Thats why Zhongli is the GOAT
Does anyone moderate this tier list? There are so many errors here it makes my head hurt. Not even paying attention to the obvious mistakes in the way it's written, some characters like Venti and Keqing go down a tier while being used with constellations, which is just simply incorrect.
Honestly any character can be a strong DPS as long as you build them right. I once saw someone with 100 000+ crit with Barbara
To 603rd comment: Faruzan is SS in her own niche after getting constellations, in other teams she is B or A at best. P.S. Overall tier is really stupid.
Sorry guys I don't like her T-T
Faruzan makes several new SS teams possible. In other teams, she is worthless. What rank does this make her? example: Raiden + Faruzan + Kahuza + Jean
Overall tier list is stupid. Some characters are great as sub DD, but not so as main DD (Miko, for example). Ningguang (C2 and higher) is on par with Itto and Eula, yet she is ranked too low, while Itto and Eula a bit too high, as Ganyu and Hu Tao produce more damage due to elemental reactions.
Wanderer Xiao Ayato
Eula, Xiao and Ajax are the best
Eula. Cuz physical dmg
If you're going to add Gorou to the healer list then you may as well do the same for Zhongli, because of his C6.
Heizou is the best obviously <3
xinyan top tier
Dori B tier. Lmao. Combine with Nahida, Bennett and Ganyu and then see. Her hyperblooms and recharge are insane. She’s a unit
Albedo *-*
yae miko
Dori is weak, ugly, musty, short, has no fashion, and smells bad.
no. Just no.
Venti 100% best DPS, best bard, and best boi!
You're weak af
albedo cute
Nilou is weak af
Cyno I think is pobably ss on C2. Still not got him to max level but he’s able to shred anything. Especially when combined with sub dps xiangqiu or xiangling.
Бэй Доу лучшая.
Kokomi! Her heals get insane with her hp boosts and team comps
Xiangling is definitely the strongest character in the game
Diluc. Basic I know, but ftp friendly, badassman, and fun!
Hu tao and Nilou who is currently not released
why kokomi tier ss? kokomi is the worst 5*
Kokomi & Ayaka ❄️
At C6 Fischl becomes SS-tier sub-damager with Oz becoming a machine gun. But sub means sub, you still need a great damager to get great results.
Klee and ayaka
Itto and eula are too high, the rest in SS is accurate.
It's true electro charcaters are better now but it would still be a stretch to put fischl in SS for example.
They need to update the tier list for electro characters like Keqing and Fischl. They're better now in quicken/aggrivate teams.
What do you mean none of Yanfei's constellations are usefull. Her C4 has better scalings than all the other pyro shielders
C2 Yelan is SSS easy. In the overworld she is bumped to a SSSS because of how much faster it is to explore with her E.
xiao, eula, itto too high and xiangling, childe too low
In regards to physical dps, yes eula is too overrated here. Other than her, Itto, yelan and maybe raiden should be in s as well, since as dps characaters they don't compare to the others in the top tier.
To the person saying the mono element dps characters should be in tier s, then what the hell belongs in tier ss? All charcaters are mono element, none of them has more than one lol
Childe and xiangling are correct, their dps is generally lower than the majority of charcaters above them
Childe and Xiangling only in S when they consistently match or top abyss clear ranks is funny. The mono-element/physical DPSes are all S tier max.
Eula and Itto are kinda overrated here
I think that without cons they'd fit better in S tier
Overall accurate and great tier list
In the DPS category Ganyu, Xiao, Ayaka and maybe Hu Tao are undeniably SS, although Itto and Eula are debatable imo
Ayaka of course!
Great work, finally a normal tier list. However, there are numerous typos in Explanations section. Please fix if you can. Love~
HEIZOU the only
I love tortelini
Why does Shinobu became tier B instead of tier A ?
I mean she does really good heal with cheap set and with tenacity she buff constantly, also a very good electro enabler for f2p physical team
shinobu F tier shes horrible rn
google.com gooo
Overall, my opinion is that Kuki starts at B level and climbs upward to S level
Kuki is weaker at low levels and catches up by top level, where her unique characteristics shine in the right team mix.
i like it
Also this tier list putting her above Beidou is pretty bad
People voting Shinobu as SS tier must be idiots
Kokomi! :D
Yun Jin
hu tao
hu tao
hu tao
Hu tao carried my acc for ages so imma give her her flowers
Sayu should be SS she is a beast! She carried me in so many levels of the latest update. She's also the quickest of the Claymore users and her healing is amazing coupled with her damage output.
Yelan is a S main dps i am using here with a 5 star bow and c0 and she kills EVERYTHING. i wouldnt say that she is SS but she is not a A tier (:
ayato is SS, he got good dmg
Eula is my best char with shougun, kokomi and bennett
Ayato is definitely ss
Your tier list pathetic you put eula and yelan on ss and ayato on s ayato is so flexible please put him on ss
Beidou is such a queen.
Can't you see the votes just put ayato on ss
Yelan is s you ever played genshin
Whats wrong with you put ayato on ss
to the person who said that bennett is A tier at best, he has a wide area that gives an unconditional atk boost, healing, and pyro cleanse all packed into one elemental burst, also even though it is better to not get c6, if you do then it will massively increase your hu tao effectiveness.
Bennett in SS tier? He's overrated pffftt he's A tier at best
definitly noelle
Kuki Shinobu
Hu Tao
childe obv.
timmie the goat
Agree nah. Also, Yanfei C5 giving another about + 7,8% Charged Attack DMG Bonus, C6 + 5% Pyro DMG Bonus within 15 sec duration, that's a big maybe huge buff
Please, Yanfei C6 giving + 5% Pyro DMG. So, total would be +20% Pyro DMG by her Proviso
Please move Noelle down, please. Noelle with good artifacts is just a really, really bad Lvl10 Zhongli, with no artifacts.
Keqing’s oae burst is amazing in conjunction with venti’s or sucros’s burst.
Ayaka!!! Definitely best girl for me.
Ruu (Best Boi)
KLEE !!!!!
Hu Tao
Hu Tao
Sayu's burst applies anemo. The description says it applies hydro.
Wait… so this mean whoever made this only see them in action on YouTube!
not y'all putting Xinyan in C...
Childe and Ayato should move up, Itto move down
How can Ayato in a same tier with Tartaglia ?
i have both characters. And Tartaglia goes bad when the E skill goes in a long cooldown, even see it still in 17 seconds after careful use.
The Childe' AoE is far behind Ayato' AoE.
Itto should not in SS tier,
He also has energy recharge Problem, Must bring Raiden or Electro/Geo MC. While sometime need to bring Healer, cause zhongli cant heal, gorou c4 has small heal against floor 12 Rifthounds.
Itto burst duration also not long enough
Itto should not in SS Tier !
Cause what?
His best team is 3 Geos along with Gorou. The option for ripping Lector shield and Mage shield are so Badass, bad time finishing at floor 12.
Venti <3
I prefer Kaeya. He's been on my team as main DPS since day 1, I'm AR 47 now. Safe to say he'll be on my team forever. I'm building him physical right now, and he's VERY fun. I love him!
Kokomi!!! Very Powerfull, hard to kill, heals fast, not just crit damage character, so really special.
Shenhe is under rated, but I think that's because she only exhibits top value on Cryo teams. On a 3 character Cryo team she is SS rank. On other teams she is an A rank.
Amber supremacy
amber best character
Eula definatly. She is very fast and powerful
Albedo can turn any character into a main Dps
how is Xiangling below Xiao/Eula/Hu tao
i feel like bennett is best boi idk bout yall <_<
Beidou is the best character ❤️
@Azazel, u probably dont get her, or have a poor build, she's definitely decent with the right team and right build, got her C0 with widsith, and here E (lvl 8) deals constant solid electro DMG, she don't deserve SS, but she's far to be A as well, S seems very fair to me even with C0.
lol, can't believe you all vote SS for yae, she's just A at best C0R1 or C1-2R0, even C1R1 (could be S with C6R5)
I bought Yae and honestly she's not that good or useful in the abyss, she eats a lot of time.
But I'll use her everywhere else :)
eula is mid. ayaka is better
S Tier probably with C2. Electro doesn't have the best reactions, but her turrets do good dot and consistent application. She's not a boss killer. Actually C2 yae R1 kagura haver here btw. I don't have eula though too bad.
C6 Eula is cracked
Arataki itto bc he’s done like 850.000 with one burst
Miko is A tier at best
Itto my mans
The admins here put it in the S bracket even though most people rate it SS, and they are just plain stupid.
Sayu is my favorite character she’s just so sleepy and adorable and awwwwww
Another inacurrate tier list, Raiden shouldn't be at SS, she is a S at least.
ayaka very mid imo
Venti is my beloved ♥
Eula is SSS+ tier
Yae miko is absolutely NOT SS tier, hell, probably not even an S. Y’all are some simps.
Ganyu is the queen
Fischl is S and Yae miko is A while Yae's E has a 100% uptime, higher normal stats and a nuke burst.
yae miko ss tier
Hu tao
Raiden shogun!
Raiden Shogun supremacy
yae miko
How areXiao, Itto and Eula in SS? This is so wrong on many levels
beidou supremacy
One shot beidou my queen
this is inaccurate there is no way xiao and eula are above xiangling
1 yoiymia 2 ayaka 3kazuha (for inzuma only ofc)
Yae for life
People still think Xiangling and Childe are worse than Eula, Xiao and some others in SS tier? Pretty inaccurate tier list
kaeya pls
best characters (in my personal opinion) are ganyu, eula, and raiden since theyre op asf, does great damage as dps, and amazing for bosses. not to mention, they have really good character designs and look stunning while fighting <3
The tier list is based on constellations, there is a downgrade on Yanfei because there are others character at c6 that become much better than her that makes her lose that tier.
Is it possible to add explanations as to why character constellations may make them downgrade rather than upgrade? I see C0 Yanfei as A but C6 Yanfei as B here. Thanks in advance.
Xingqiu is the best in my opinion, idk why he ain't in the list
barb crit build bether than kokomi, chane my mind
Raiden Shogun because she is a beast and she got big bOObs too
The best character is Ningguang and I won't accept any sort of argument against it
She hasn’t come out yet but my favourite is Shenhe
Razor my baby
Jean is best Mommy
Tartaglia my mans lol
Kokomi sould be at least S Tier, as the Super Barbara. Great as Healer,, And for support Kokomi can be great by applying wet status to enemies for Frozen & Electro charge while healing , and she can deal good enough DMG with her burst
Great for bosses, great for group of enemies, great for healing, survives everything, hard to kill, great character design and movements. And! The ability to walk on water can be useful sometimes if you fight in water.
Easily 6-10 k per hit or more with another Hydro Character in team, and is also able to deal this damage to a group of enemies.
Kokomi is the best! For me she belongs to tier SS and not to tier A. It‘s hard to kill her, she supports the whole team with her healing skills and is also able to deal a lot of damage with her burst.
Best char is the unreleased Tomo :)
Best Character: Bennet - not a debate.
Followed by Xinqui, Venti, Zhongli and Kazuha - not in order; fluctuates depending on comp.
Any tier list based on DPS is wrong lol.
Venti obviously
Teir list mainly based on attack = invalid
Kokomi definitely
400 for the win :D, Mona on the votelist plz and thankyou.
Honestly one of the more reasonable tier lists based on the current state of the game
You are goofy if you think Thoma is anything higher than A tier.
Klee is SS
half these comments are actually so bad
jean my hard carry since day 2 of playing genshin
Razor and Rosaira together is big boi damage
Chongyun <3
Sayu! She’s a very powerful claymore with great healing abilities, and can stack up lots of swirl reactions. Not to mention she’s adorable! Sayu is just as good as some five-stars, in my opinion >:D
Chongyun the ultimate archon
Yanfei the pyro archon
Kokomi <33
Yoimiya <3
Electro Traveler best battery,,,
Razor is best boy
Klee, she's so cute and powerful and she's also useful for finding ascension materials of some characters (talking abt Philaleno Mushroom, if there's anything else tell meh)
Yanfei, she's the best character and the best voice
Diluc. He's a beast. Been my main dps for over a year now.
Dilic, your resident firecracker <3
lmao this website shouldnt change characters's tier just becuase some random simps cries about it
Qiqi, I'm playing favorites, but is Sayu or Qiqi better?
Diluc. Feel free to hate me
Beidou is best, carried me from AR21
Baal belongs to A tier, not SS. She is a very mediocre support and don't get me started with the people who tries to make her a dps/sub-dps. The person who ranks these characters has favorites and it shows.
Archon ≠ Automatically SS Tier
Where is Eula. She's a beast.
Xiao. Hate me if you want.
lmao raiden in ss tier and kokopium above B
Kokomi is the best I think
I gave xiao a 5 star weapon, max talents and best sub stats artifacts. He is definitely not ss. Biggest waste of resources. He is not bad but definitely the most over-rated
Xiao is really overrated, ngl.
Lmao those Xiao simps crying.
Kokomi does more healing and damage than any of my other healers in less time, that's why i chose to vote SS.
But its likely that my Artifacts on other healers just ****ed xD
kaeya S pls
Zhongli is rated SS tier but there’s no entry for him…
Lmao, the site was bullied to put Xiao back to SS. God, Xiao simps are so pathetic I cant stop laughing.
Also, Ayaka's normal attack multipliers are lower because she hits fast, compensating for that. Check out KQM's site for her motion values, they're pretty impressive.
@Soros Bloomberg, it really depends on the situation. The three are well placed at tier SS though in my opinion. They have their caveats.
don't forget for mobile players, clunky ganyu is worse than Yoimiya. So of course, Aloy would be better than ganyu.
It's quite established that Xiao > hu tao > ayaka. Hu tao is too single-target to compete with Xiao or ganyu's aoe. And ayaka's multipliers are pathetic. Her normal attack scaling is lower than Kaeya's. This tierlist reflects more gamewith's biases than any objective measure. Unreliable site.
ganyu and hu tao never belonged to ss tier. Xiao has way better aoe dps than the characters there.
ganyu has fallen behind. you already get a free cryo archer in the game Aloy that outperforms ganyu in every way. the only people defending ganyu now are the cryo amber simps.
Also many characters like Eula simply don't need zhongli. Raiden is a much better support for Eula in this case. The international Childe team does not need zhongli either. So demote zhongli too.
Lastly, demote ganyu as her damage can't compare with Eula's.
I recommend putting Xiao back at SS tier because of his insane damage, mobility, and versatility against mobs and most enemy types. Also, I agree with demoting zhongli since his shield is now irrelevant against floor 11 of the abyss and the new geo specter monsters.
Barbara is a perfectly viable support for Xiao, and she is only a 4 star. No character in the game has a "perfect" support. That's just baloney.
Xiao, Eula, Diluc are SS tier
ganyu, hu tao, ayaka belong to S tier
lol, it's not like women don't get jealous of each other. I remember a couple of ganyu mains smearing eula back when she was released. Also ayaka simps were writing shade on ganyu. So your 'cryo solidarity' is a complete hoax as well.
Yeah, but men are so used to one-upping each other that it's easy for women to take advantage of them.
Gamewith is prejudiced against male dps characters. Just see where they put Diluc and Tartaglia as well. They only view female dps characters highly. The males in SS tier are all supports. Of course, this is complete garbage.
I'm confused. Does gamewith just completely ignore the facts and make tierlists based on their personal prejudices? Xiao definitely does SS tier damage, and the math backs it up.
Lol gamewith you will regret that decision when new spiral abyss comes out that drains the health of normal/charged attack dealers. Xiao will be back at ss tier.
I skipped ganyu and hu tao's banner and mained Xiao since day 1. He is definitely SS tier and better than those other characters.
The issue is that gamewith being a japanese company is influenced by western media, which is biased against Xiao and more pro-anything to do with Li, such as Zhong Li and Ganyu and Hu Tao (whose voice actors have Li in their name). You can't trust gamewith to be neutral here.
I'm not a Xiao simp, but objectively speaking, Xiao is better than ganyu and hu tao for dps. The recent Ikki event only proved this further, so this tierlist is just plain wrong. Xiao should be SS tier seeing those other characters there.
Mihoyo dmca gamewith pls. Their tierlist is incorrect.
Gamewith is biased towards ganyu
horrible tierlist
Xiao deserves SS tier. Put him back.
Jesus Christ, look at all these Xiao simps crying.
Scumbag move by gamewith. A month ago, they moved ayaka from S to SS tier. Now they screw Xiao behind people's backs? Demote whoever made this tierlist, and put Xiao back up.
This tierlist is incorrect. Diluc, Xiao should be SS. ganyu, ayaka, and hu tao should be S.
Then Eula being physical is SSS+ tier because Xiao doesn't work against anemo slimes and the wolf boss but Eula can work anywhere.
Xiao truly deserves SS tier and is very popular among the community. So gamewith you are hurting a huge portion of the player-base with this blunder of the move. Please revert your edit and put Xiao back at SS.
Xiao, being anemo, is actually better than ganyu, ayaka, and hu tao against the new boss signora, who has dual cryo and pyro resistance increase. Hypocritical much? If you put those other characters at SS tier, Xiao is SSS tier.
mihoyo should sue gamewith for spreading misinformation with that tierlist. put xiao back in ss tier.
Anemo trio Venti, Kazuha, Xiao is incomplete without Xiao up there as well.
Eula and Ayaka were already designed to deal higher dps than ganyu. Yet you put all of them up there so that ganyu does not fall behind? This site is run by ganyu simps smh.
Very disappointing move that reflects poor judgement on gamewith. Using your criterion for versatility, as an Anemo DPS, Xiao is more universal than a pyro or cryo dps in that he will deal consistent damage against nearly every enemy.
xiao, eula, diluc > ganyu > xiangling > hu tao > ayaka
xiao totally deserves ss tier. lower ganyu and hu tao instead. xiao is way less dependent on supports. he only needs a healer. hu tao you need xingqiu + shield. ganyu you need shield + xiangling to melt or another cryo for resonance. you can't be so biased against male dps in the game.
demote zhongli as his shield is useless against corrosion in the new abyss, and he is useless against the geo specters. demote hu tao as she loses hp from that as well. what a hypocritical move, put xiao back at the top where he belongs, horrible decision gamewith.
lol Xiao gets what he deserves. He never belonged in SS tier. Xiao top 3 my azz, Eula and Ayaka beat Xiao easily in dps but people wont except cuz "liyue 3".XIao was only considered top 3 because of Ganyu and Hu tao being from liyue. The real top 3 spot belongs to the cryo girls Eula/Ayaka.
Barbara is miles better than Kokomi, makes no sense she is below kokomi
Perfect tier list nothing to say. Good job.
xiao has to be back in ss tier he is too op he is very op
eula should be in s tier
well the mc is ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc tier character that too bad i mean can they not buff him/her or idk cahnge his /her skills in electro
I like how the site has to explain why Xiao got demoted to S, otherwise the fangirls would keep crying. Lmao, its good cuz he's m***ively overrated and actually belongs in S.
kokomi worse than amber lmao
Wait, why was Xaio lowered to S tier??? He was SS before
ugh, you act like if beidou-baal worked she would have been god tier. Tbh beidou is kinda overrated. Speaking of team comps - Eula/Raiden and Raiden national are two very good teams with very good damage. Raiden doesn't need to have more team comps.
I don't think Baal deserves SS tier as an overall character, she is good at support and that's it.
She doesn't work with other good units such as Beidou which is dragging Baal way down from the SS rank. She can't be used in most teams combinations.
But Raiden is a pretty good unit. Her elemental burst not only does good damage but also restores energy for teammates and also buffs their burst. She's like Eula's best friend because of their synergy, I think she deserves SS tier.
Kokomi only A tier and Raiden Shogun SS tier?! What kind of a bad joke is this, it seems so biased.
They're both in S tier, nothing more or nothing less. I'm sure if Kokomi was an archon, she would've been swapped to SS tier because "archon = SS tier"
also kaeya only heal himself, he isnt a good support as well
kaeya not worth to be s tier, he need c2 to be a good sub dps, and his job can be done better by any cryo char and they can do that better
idk why people keep saying xiangling is a ss tier dps, she cant deal much dmg without childe bennet or xingqiu, and she cant beat hutao, i mean how?????
same as me
here is my kaeya build because i am a kaeya main
yea kaeya should be on S he is pretty good at least try my kaeya build
I think kaeya should be in S tier he has a good attack and good sprint he has a better hp and he is a support too, kaeya's skill can heal only 200 - 300 hp which is not bad and his glacial waltz is a good dmg
More like degener.ate Ganyu simps, lmao
Man, I love this comment section in GameWith its wholesome compared to game8.co. Those Guys there are extremely toxic and bunch of degenerate Eula Simps LMAO.
Bennett is the best character by far!
Keqing my beloved
ayaka <3
Raiden at c0 is not SS character.
Noelle of course.
Ayaka is the best
im sorry you got bad artifacts for your xiangling
lmao homeboy youre so pressed for what
personally i like Xingqiu, regardless of the dps and stuff, i just like him ^^
Also national team is a very dumb way to rank a charcter in terms of dps. Only hypercarries like Ganyu, Hu Tao, Eula, Xiao etc should be called "dps
xIaNgLiNg BeAtS hU tAo, ShE's BeSt PyRo DpS.
Best pyro dps my a.ss. She's not even dps lmao (sub-dps), Hu tao and all other SS dps beats the shi.t out of Xiangling if she's not used in national.
Cuz Xiangling is nothing without Xingqui and Bennett. She's a good sub-dps only becuaue of pyronado shena****ns but meta slave need to stop riding her D*ck. Aslo Gouba is f*cking useless.
How is Xiangling not an SS tier yet? LOL
Chongyun is probably best character for me. I love in elemental burst.
lmao Signora in unreleased character
his burst and skill is really op and he doesn't need nectar B)
Zhongli is missing. Can't find the detail on SS tier.
My apologies, it seems Zhongli is missing from the detailed tier list. Could it be possible to add him ?
shouldn't it be about time they buff electro cuz raiden is out what a disappointment she doesn't deserve SS tier for now
@Newbiedienloan nice logic, subhuman subjective logic. be a human and use your brain please.
Baal SS tier support? YES
SS tier sub dps? NO
A support character can into SS tier like zhongli. So raiden can into.
Saying Baal doesn't deserve SS is like saying Zhongli & Venti shouldn't be SS either. She will be the soul in many comp teams, consider ER & electro reaction.
too many raiden simp lmao.
LMAO, Baal SS tier? Noob weebs are at it again.
Baal SS+? Noob votes, Shogun Raiden is S Tier.
Baal is only in S tier, she cant compete with the rest of SS rank characters at all. She only helps in certain nice team comps. She is only a support character and that's it.
Weakest archon so far
yoimiya should be atleast S tier as a main dps because of the amount of damage she can put out per second is one of the best that ive seen in the game, so honestly should be SS tier, other than that its a great list!
The most accurate tier list I have every seen. Just a few tweeks and it would be perfect.
I'll say this one of the best tier list on the web. This is the closest you're going to get to an accurate tier list. very pog.
Your tier list is great but yoimiya should be A at anyrole (same as keqing), yoimiya is weak for real. And one more thing is xiangling at sub-dps should be SS
Honestly one of the best tier lists. Just think that beidou should be S.
And I dont know how many ****s xiao has ****ed to be considered SS in most teir lists.
I have him and he is definitely S.
People getting mad on someone else's tier list because their characters are not in SS tier. Insecurity much?
Bruh 3 of my party members are on C tier (all of them but MC). I can say that they all do great damage and are extremely underrated. I'm not the best at combat but they carried me to AR 45 :D (Especially Lisa, I am NEVER taking her off the team xD)
Typical, Xinyan underrated as always. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but at least try to have an educated opinion.
This tier list looks pretty accurate now. I'm glad Xiangling is S tier now but idk why beidou is still A tier. Anyway, this is good list.
Beware: This tier list ****s
Yoimiya only A??? Are you even damage testing?
I finished 12-3 with full stars of this Abyss 2.0 because of her. Her weapon is not even Thundering Pulse but Amos bow.
ayaka is SS tier and xiangling and beidou are S
Kazuha looks awsome!I want him.
Eula is the best
Yoimiya in S tier is fine cuz keqing is there as well kekw.
I just wanna l i c k baal toes tbh
Sayu should be S and yoimiya A :(, yoi is too weak
I wonder who even makes this kind of tier list lol the person either ranks the char low because he probably got jealous he didnt have some of the chars
worst tier list ever made. he doesn't even play the game perhaps. putting ayaka on s tier is criminal. every player putting her just behind ganyu and hu tao and then xiangling on A? close your website dude. you are not good enough for making these stuff.
I really think you should put beidou and xiangling S tier and ayaka in SS
Same with Beidou, wtf how is she in A tier and not S
Imagine putting Xianling in A tier lol. She's at lest S tier.
Funny how sub dps dosent include ayaka at all
you guys need to put Xiangling and Beidou at S tier.
I dont think they will listen though ahaha
Ayaka deserve SS Tier as Main DPS
Amber is much better than B Tier.
whoever made this didn't get kaeya constellations
HU TAO and AYAKA are so god together
yall better put kaeya in S or at least SS or FREEZE THIS ur way to join the citizens of khaenri'ah
Klee is the best!
what? Yeah its S tier that's why i said she should be one tier up. Same for xiangling and beidou ( xiangling below diluc? in your dreams). Just because this list says so doesn't make it correct. Go pick an argument with someone else.
Sir, I implore you to tell me what the giant fucking symbol next to her name is on the character screen LMAO
Ayaka is good at perma locking the new inazuma enemies with frozen and so they dont move as much when paired with a hydro char
eula is not cryo dumb***, she's physical and by powercreep I mean she can output more damage than xiao. What is so hard to understand?
How in god’s green earth can Eula, an ice claymore, directly powercreep a anemo lance? The only thing they have in common is the fact that they’re both main DPS. I could see someone arguing about Ayaka power creeping Eula since they’re both Ice but I’m just not seeing the Xiao comparison.
lol xiao got powercrept even by Ayaka ( yes it's true, dont "but" me). He was already powercrept by Eula long ago, but people don't wanna accept it. If you think they should not be SS you're overdoing on copium.
I agree about ayaka tho cuz her burst is the only good part. but her NA's are underwhelming.
if you think Eula is S tier then put Xiao in S, no way xiao is better than Eula, in fact they're quite similar in dps.(Eula may be a little better)
Eula and Ayaka deserve to stay S. Most users just see BIG NUMBER!!!! and think that their character needs to be SS. Learn what the tiers mean. Also, Kazuha is definitely SS for his swirl, CC control for his team, and boosting damage for allies. He's the single best sub-dps support in the game rn.
Eula can out dps Xiao yet they put her at S. Just goes to show you how dumb this list is. Same goes for Xiangling and Diluc.
Eula and Xiangling should be one tier up.
Razor ❤️
Her sprint is great if you know how to use it and even without her q she does a lot of damage with her charged attack
* pa ssive
yeah, her burst is the only good part, but her sprint breaks her (for me atleast). It's so clunky and i'm always out of stamina even with her 2nd p***ive.
Not to mention u can bob up and down and herald shield go brrrrr
Ayaka Q is super broken guys I just got full star on spiral abyss with her being lv.80 and talent level 4-4-4 with a weapon Mistsplitter lvl.80 she is very good againt Abyss Harald
1st team comp is Venti, Diluc, Xinqiu and Bennett
2nd team comp is Sucrose, Ayaka, Mona and Diona
I know, a lot people of people are saying she should be SS as well.
Eula should be in ss tier
I mean her burst is pretty nice.
Klee is one of my favourites shame I don't have her :(
Bennett is worthy of an extra star he is the best support if not best character in the game.
I don't like ayaka I think she's overrated.
Do u even know how to play her lol
her E has like a 10 sec cooldown, are u serious?
Ayaka's major source of damage comes from her insane burst but her AA's are honestly not that great which makes her more of a burst dps. She really doesn't compare to Xiao or Eula in main dps. I think she's S tier at best.
Id think Ayaka should be in SS cause xiao is in SS too if u put Eula in SS, she has 100% cryo uptime and u can transverse on water continuously unlike mona, has Crazy dmg on ult and has gd CC in her E and Q skills
Id think Ayaka should be in SS cause xiao is in SS too if u put Eula in SS, she has 100% cryo uptime and u can transverse on water continuously unlike mona, has Crazy dmg on ult and has gd CC in her E and Q skills
perfect changes =
Eula -SS
Kazuha - S
Xiangling and Beidou -S (the fact that they are lower than diluc is stupid)
Kazuha is a very nice sub dps and support but he's not god tier like venti or zhongli to be SS.
I wonder who even made this tier list lol
this tier list still proves xiangling and beidou is underrated
never seen such carp tier list in my life. how to unsee this mess?
If Eula is S tier , then put xiao at S tier as well. they're literally same dps wise. No better than other.
The fact y’all are fighting over where they should be
By that logic Xiao is in SS tier both are dps so the argument is flawed
Ayaka does not belong in ss. if anything, Eula should be in SS. But the site, wont listen so what can we do?
Ayaka deserve to be s tier and ss tier should only be reserved for utility/support characters because theyre literally irreplacable dont go putting dps characters on s+ tier just because they're waifu or husbandos
Ayaka deserve to be s tier and ss tier should only be reserved for utility/support characters because theyre literally irreplacable dont go putting dps characters on s+ tier just because they're waifu or husbandos
Tonys vid on her burst and stuff On primo giveoshap was pretty Sick
Ayaka not outdps hutao or xiao bc her dmg can't compare with them, not even close , she deserves S tier at best
Not to mention 100% cryo uptime and tranversing utility i. Inazuma is so good
ayaka outdps xiao and hu tao how is she only S tier
Ayaka can Probably outdps xiao so if xiao is in SS Ayaka probably would be in SS too.
Ayaka is overhyped and seems to be catered towards New/Returning Players being that she has a simplistic play-style and Is quite easy and Versatile to build - S-Tier at best.
Electro MC is quite a nice Battery Support if that’s something you’re interested in - Mid to High A Tier.
since when did electro traveler used claymore?
Jean isn't SS tier, shes S tier at best also Mona is S tier as her burst is broken.
I vote for Beidou supremacy, put her in S tier at least she just needs timing . She deals very good damage.
I just want to **** ganyu toes tbh
xinyan isn't meant to be a shield guys .. she's better off as a physical or burst dps. how many times do we have to tell you all this
This tier list got rigged, it was semi true several months back, now the list is heavily biased and purely based on simp factors..
Kazuha E skill deals a lot of damage tbh
And it’s really fun to play with it
Why so many Kazuha simps? He's good but he's not SS tier lol
Finally kazuha getting what he deserves
Who said that Eula is S rank? Build her properly and she can nuke area around her with that burst not to mention having bennett support.
[insert character] is really amazing at [insert character's main role] when you [insert example of character's feature being used correctly]
Remember guys, this tier list was made on the Global launch release. I would also like to point out that when everyone was below AR30, Bennet's kit was indeed mediocre. That is just my take on the Bennet issue. https://www.xfire.com/ says Lisa is automatically an ss tier for calling me cutie
Beidou is absolute monster, all she needs is a little bit of timing.
xiangling and beidou at c0 is at least SS tier. do you guys actually play the game??
xiangling c4 and beidou c2 is SS tier
xiangling underrated
Eula looks like a horse pipe down saddos
Sucrose is the best
Ayaka is so tier
i see why everyone is saying eula is SS tier,but in crucial moments like the spiral abyss you may not have that long to wait for her burst. She does hit bigger numbers, but slower which can be fatal.
Maybe switch Xiao and Eula's places
Keqing/Xiao over Eula?!? LOL
Diluc should be in the SS tier and Xiao and Hu Tao should be in the S tier. Not that I don’t like Hu Tao’s and Xiao’s damage, I think it is just wrong to lose HP while using powers
bring barbara and beidou up??? hello????
u guys saying eula doesn’t deserve SS tier shes easily on par with xiao. either put him in S or put her in SS tier. and eula does damage as easily as hutao. hutao needs reactions while eula can do damage by herself lol so not “easily” than her
put eula in the SS tier
Eula should be on the SS tier ....her damage is insane
Eula should be SS tier since she can deal alot of damage and is onpar with hu tao, if you disagree then put hu tao on S tier
As they should. Why would you equip Eula with something that she barely benefits from? A simple ATK% would be a better choice. That's like putting a Phys% goblet on Keqing while the rest of the build is geared for Electro, just don't make no sense.
Tangina mo valberry gago ka
Let's be real, Eula is a good unit with absolute trash attitude players. If you equip cryo damage goblet, they will ridicule you. No mercy.
tangina niyo mga bobo eula lng sakalam
Razor. His attacks is very high and he take make a one shot kill
Childe is just an attacker? Not a support? lol
No, Xiao is only slightly weaker than Ela, but wayyyy easier to play cause he doesn't have as many caveats and his ult can't accidently miss. Eula imo needs c2 to be working properly.
Eula is stronger than Xiao.
Either put Xiao to S or put Eula to SS.
Why is Keqing a he, and both Xiangling and Lisa are "it"?
highest damage record
Klee is best SSS
Eula is S tier, still lacks compare other SS tier and fals behind on childe dps.
Eula is SSS tier with esthetics
how is Eula SS tier? I get she does insane damage but Hu Tao literally can do just the same (if not more) easily. Being hyped doesn't mean she's SS tier lmao
What's that, a new selfish DPS 5* with very little reaction potential? Instant SS! Why are you guys like this?
let's be extremely honest. xinqui and bennett are the strongest/most useful characters in-game.
razor best boi
hes my main dps and he's the best boi
Xiangling is the strongest warrior! There will be changes
tierlist maker cant still cope that diluc is trash now and yanfei is better than him
bro comoa beidou ta B no sub??? ela é muito boa sendo sub
No tenéis ni putísima idea de hacer una tier list. ¿Quién cojones ha hecho esta tier list? ¿Un disminuido mental?
wtf is this list lol
S Tier, she makes more damage with Same artefacts and weapon than my Klee and she gains a shield.
yanfei is s tier. melt reaction can reach 40k-50k 1x charge atk
That just means all the characters are good, well balanced
Tier list is a head scratcher, Noelle S, Diluc SS. Too many characters in the best tier, might as well just put everyone there.
Amber supremacy
Xinyan top to me! (in "not-5*")
Wow, new character added and not instant S or SS? I'm surprised.
the guides on this website are normally good, but wtf happened to this tier list
Read on Xingqiu's last description: "Reduces damage and heals enemies with Elemental Skill"
Why would you heal the enemies to begin with?
diona is not in any Tier List Based On Roles
Rosaria is an easy S. This entire list is a joke.
travelers underrated
Rosaria should at least be tier S overall.
Keqing electro Queen !!!
bro rosaria obviously the best its impossible to resist
noelle is the best character, she call be a dps, healer and a great support
Have Ganyu in your team you'll have an absolute unit
Pretty **** tier list when SS has the most characters out of all the tiers. So many selfish DPS up there it's ridiculous.
Add Ningguang! She is S tier and super important to the story. Her shield is so OP.
Dude below don't know how to build xiao lol u ****
Xiao weak xiao weak
i know nobody gives a fuck but keqing's description says 'his'
best character SSS Tier is Traveler
don't trust a tier list that calls hu tao a support and venti a dps
Noelle is SSS tier
Amber is S tier
haha xiao goes up and down
Albedo & Keqing -> SS Tier
Mona -> S Tier
imo, there should be a sperate tier list for each characters Const, some of the 4 Stars get a lot better as their const goes up but placing them at SS tier with the condition of having C2 or C4 etc. should be sperate
keqing is a SSSSSSS tier dps you know eh?
Hutao has the same single taget dps as ganyu and shes self sufficient and only needs shields. Can work as a support bc of her DoT and p***ive. Shes a solid carry
amber should be C tier
in my opinion Hu Tao is SS because she is a Pyro dps and the Pyro element is the strongest in the game, I don’t recommend taking it if you already have a Diluc or Klee but if you don’t have either, roll over to get it
Your mom is rank b Kenya is SSS
Hu Tao looks to be SS rank. Better than xiao maybe, not as OP as Ganyu though. Probably the best pyro dps imo, and very flexible team making. Doesn’t need shields or a healer,and can work as a sub dps. Yeah she’s a good character
Hu Tao is amazing, at just level 80 she out-DPS'd my level 90 Xiao. Works especially great with Xingqiu and Zhongli.
If you don't have a good DPS - pull her! Just do the trail a couple times to get familiar with her mechanics
As for rating, Hu Tao definitely is upper part of SS
Hu Tao S rank? Who in their right mind would put her at the same level of Keqing?
Hu Tao isn't even in the game yet, and they already ranked her, LOL
Noelle should be s if not ss cl*** support for her shield alone. Her healing is also very useful on c1
personally believe that xiao only deserves S tier due to how selfish he is as a main dps, meaning that he won't be getting much support from the other characters. He deals enough to warrant it, but other teams based around less selfish characters could deal much more damage with elemental reactions
lol I don't trust a tier list that misspells xingqiu and puts inaccurate information about him (his c1 does not heal/reduce damage, that's his p***ive talent). also, zhongli isn't a dps, he's a support/subcarry
Geo Traveler is probably better now
Xiao should be on the list
i think chongyun should def be higher in almost all instances. he makes reactions laughably easy for his team in almost every circumstance.
Yep definitely Xiao
I think Xiao is a great solo, high, DPS Dealer. A lil bit selfish, but still very fun to play.
Qiqi is a terrible support for Hu Tao
SS tier Qiqi? yep. sure. she's risen in strength with the release of xiao and upcoming Hu tao, yeah but still wayyy overvaluing her though.
ZL is still not one I main, but he is markedly improved. His buff to attack via hp has seen him do 15% more than he was. but the main improvement is that he doesn't get his stance broken now. I was trying to use him as a tanky hitter but he constantly had his slower moves cancelled by random ****.
Y'all forgetting Swirl/omen/resist-debuff is a thing.
ZL is still not an SS tier sub dps. Seriously, the ZL fans take his kit out of proportions like crazy. He's a good support now with res shredding, but nothing huge changed with his damage and his ER is still bad.
Ya’ll forgetting Klee
For straight standalone damage I haven't seen anyone beat Keqing I terms of raw reliable output. A single physical charge attack for me deals around 20,000 total and she can do about 7-8 before running out of stamina, then you can just burst and standard attack for a second before looping again.
Ganyu is easily the best standalone dmg dealer in game right now. while others need to set up reactions.
my C6 physical dps fischl is stronger than all my c1 five stars...
Abyss SS ,Main and Sub
Single Targets (Cubes as example )) Main SS
Domains A
Overall SS for sure I like her much ;)
First we have Machine gun Fiscal and now grenade launcher Ganyu. Seriously when are they gona buff Amber? Her skills are actuly useful, she just needs a damage buff somewhere.
Amber number one!
People who voted Ganyu as S tier or below probably did not manage to pull her.
Ganyu is SS tier since she's such a good DPS and sup dps. Comparable to Diluc
razor 100 percent s tier. In fact, prefer using him even over diluc.
Why would you put Ganyu in S tier? She's SS for sure!
Her bonus stats is crit dmge and gain 20% crit rate from charge attack is insane + you can get more crit rate on cyro artifact make her really interesting
Well tier list are subjective... just someone else's opinion that's all, which usually deserve to be ignored lol.
i swear, beidou and chongyun are too low
sucrose is extremely adorable and underrated. very solid anemo character if youre like me and cant pull any 5 stars
amber such underrated,,,
The one making the tier list here is stupid.
Xinyan doesn’t use a bow but a claymore
Zhongli looks a bit too high up there.
Whoever makes this list loves putting the newest characters in SS tier before their strategies are even tried out.
lol. i only came here to get an idea for the loadouts of my characters (no 5*) as of now ^-^
Childe better DPS than diluc change my.mind.
Bruh you know this tier list is **** when they put keqing in A+ tier. Keqing is probably one of the best DPS cuz she doesn't need that much of a set up in the party to do a lot of damage. She is the most consistent DPS imo.
Do the people who make these tier lists even play the characters they are ranking? Like why is Keqing's teleport B tier. Why is Zhong Li SS tier when Keqing out damages him? I use them both on my main team and Keqing is SS tier and Zhong Li is A tier at best because his shield is good
Zhong Li is not a bad unit, but making him SS tier before his buff is very odd. I'd put him S tier after his buff since the only nice thing is the debuff on enemies from his shield. He still needs C2+ to be useful which is really annoying, but even then still S tier
-Keqing and Childe should be SS tier dps
-Ning should be S tier dps
-zhongli pre buff is A tier at best
-post buff zhongli = albedo which is S tier
-Bennet c1 is SS tier easily
-Jean is a better healer than Qiq, S tier at least
Xingling is my main as a physical dps, pyro not so much. Though all characters can be great depending on their equipment and level, does this take those kind of things into consideration?
Zhongli is in no way an SS tier And Childe is being disrespected.
Also keqing has the second highest base atk and the fastest attacker in the game . I can't accept her as a mere A tier.
Keqing- can teleport reaching hard places and consuming lesser stamina, very helpful in exploration,
Exploration- B tier. Ok
Keqing B tier exploration? Lmao
Haha Zhongli ss tier. What a joke!
Xiangling at B tier for domains? You really need to learn at least the basics about every character's build before posting a tier list...
crying about zhongli at s tiers, learn to build him lol and make your own tier list
Zhongli SS? Really? SS. Zhongli. He maximum A, with buff maybe S
The more often this tier list gets updated the worse it gets... whoever writed this tier list has no knowledge of the most characters... zhongli ss tier or venti ss tier for exploration while keqing is on b :D Tier list from a bloody noob :)
Barbara > Jean and Qiqi in domain? bruh
Zhongli SS? dude...
Any tier list that puts Zhongli at S or SS tier is worthless. He's A tier at best and he's definitely not an attacker.
My zhongli is not bad...ill put him on s tier but not ss
This is plain misinformation.
Lol you guys are overrating Zhongli
this is such a horrible tier list, who in their right mind puts Zhongli at SS tier and labels him as an attacker
Sucrose is literally at least an A- support
Bruh, this tier list is hilariously bad.
Why is Keqing only A tier here? Are the people made these tiers havent used or played her properly? Diluc is so freaking overrated
Lisa B- ??
She is a free character and works great with other free characters: Barbara and Xianling.
You can build a strong party with her, based on characters that everyone has access to, regardless of luck or lack of it when using Lootboxes.
Razor and Diluc with Barbara is in my opinion the best combination
Zhongli - best at supp A+ AT BEST
Xingqiu- best at elemental combos , deal less damage than my suport , A at best
If u want a reason why i spoke like this 300 word limit , byp*** it 2 times and got bored/angry , xingqiu is like traveler tbh.
Beidou!!! Can tank damage with her skill and the electro damage from her ult lasts for a long time. With leveled up talents and at least constellation 1 she can out-survive and with the right counter timing out dps most SS tier main dps heroes.
Damn, these gradings all seem so random. There are debatable ones, like combat, but it is not to debate that Mona is an S in exploration, and at minimum, not the same rating you give to characters with literally 0 boons for exploration such as Xinyan.
Klee only A?
Normal hits can wither shield mobs faster than "some" charas on your S rank
Fire element most versatile for both exploration(Trigger mechanisms/Farm ores) and main party(MAIN DPS)
This list is lol!!! Xingxiu B- and zhongli S. Enough said.
Usually I don't post comments but please stop automatically putting literally every new five star banner character in S tier just because they're being hyped up right now. Zhongli is a m***ive disappointment, even compared to some 4 star characters.
Zhongli has 44% more normal attack damage than Diluc with Summer Night 4-set effect. Anyone saying he's B tier is why Mihoyo nerfed Childe.
imagine not putting zhongli in b tier. xiangling at talent lvl 2 does more dmg than him at lvl 6, his shield is worse than Noelle's, he generates no energy.
Zhongli s tier? Did I miss something. I put him in b
Xingqui in B-?!?! You have to be kidding me... Literally just use him with Chongyun and he's busted.
Beidou is only B- Tier? HAHAHAHA THIS TIER LIST IS A JOKE. You just don't know how to use her correctly. She can take down mobs at one sweep of her counter and can take down ruin guards and ruin hunters.
why is beidou on B-.............????????
Imagine putting Xingqiu at B-
Mona A- in exploration? why? can sprint on water, is the fastest character in the game...
Putting Fischl a 4 star above Keqing a 5 star SMH
Mona is the fastest character in the game. She is S tier for exploration.
LMAO guys, don't get mad over someone else's tier list. Because you build your own character. If you have one and you're satisfied then good for you. That's it. That's also how this person made their own tier lists, it's based on their preference so don't base your character knowledge on tier lists.
Xingqui is S. The one who wrote this tier list definitely haven’t played Xingqui the way he should be played.
my main is xingqiu uhh idk why but he's atk is higher than my xiangling atk :(
Childe is overrated. Keqing and Klee deserved to be rank S DPS. Your tier list is so biased and illogical. You should choose for ranking them based on each of their role like dps, support, reactive element, healer....
Keqing is ADDICTIVE for exploration, she can teleport onto the sky at the SAME height as Ventis wind to glide AND the cooldown to do that is only 6 seconds unlike venti!
She is great for abyss too! Easy S tier!
If you think she is not worthy, go take keqingMains subreddit.
Klee and Keqing not S tier while Jean is S tier?
You yourself gave A+, S and A- for jean and she is S overall.
Meanwhile Klee and Keqing got an S, A+, A+ and they are just an A+ overall?
This tier list is super biased and uninformed. Just here to gather in ad revenue!
Wow. You can tell this is one of those “we’ll update with more information” and then it goes dead after the hype dies down because of that sweet ad revenue. This tier list is horrible.
You know this tierlist is bad when the highest burst damage in the game is B-
Klee and Keqing are freaking good for abyss and exploration. Keqing can teleport by using her E, she also had bugs before, she also clear abyss in a godlike way. Next patch 1.1 will be released in November, you guys should change the tier list now.
You guys should change the tier list, there is no way Klee and Keqing only A+ while Jean is on S rank, seriously there is something so wrong here
Imagine saying klee is a support
Lol this tier list is funny . Among many other reasons why it’s bad , how do you rank someone (Ningguang) A+ in each slot but then place her in the A- tier . Such **** logic
If timed correctly Beidou's counter can insta kill enemies and you will take no damage. It's a shame that she isn't higher on the list, i feel like she should be at least A rank.
Who placed Xingqiu at B- lmao
Imagine actually following this guide lol...
Keqing should be S rank, this tier list is so freaking inacurrate, please update https://genshin.gg/tier-list
Why is Klee's exploration set as A tier, but Qiqi's it B? They literally have the same exact p***ive buff, other than whichever region it applies to. (Additionally, Qiqi's is debatably more useful, since Liyue is m***ive compared to Mondstatd.)
I don't think Gladiator's Finale is viable for Ningguang since the 4 stacks p***ive just trigger with someone using melee weapons the site might be wrong in this.
Great guide, but Keqing should honestly be S in explore. She can teleport (within distance) to places you‘d normally have trouble reaching and also give head start when flying and climbing. So so helpful.