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Childe 31

Childe is strong and he is fun2play

Bao Aiguo 30

childe C6 also lose to C1 neuvilete power.
I hardly know because I with my pals already test that. We are p2w.

so Childe fans must wake from their sleep :v

Bao Aiguo 29

Childe is really trash on abyssf12 version fontaine.
Whatever support given to him, kazu xling beny furina nahida etc , we have to wait his cooldown to finish.
When Childe wanna start combo rotation, Hu Tao-main or Neuvilette-main are nearly finish the battle.

Nemo 28

update this bro, in my all life i never see such an unfinished article its make me embarassing lmao

Anonymous 27

Tartaglia deleted by Consecrated beast in abyss 3.7 floor 12. Cooldown is not reliable.
Even his burst cannot one hit vape that Tanky crocodile and dendro tiger.

Anonymous 26

im ready to pull for childe and make him scary (as in build him different like the time i made kazuha dps)

meo 25

Ppl hating him for being a bit harder to play, oof. Ridiculously fun character, with c1 cd is a lot less of an issue.
"people regret pulling him" there are those people for any character bffr

Anonymous 24

There's a new artifact set for him in 3.6. It's better than HOD, so when it comes out, make sure to update this!

Anonymous 23

people mad because he has a complex kit :( he's fun to play and also... cute.. he's super cute

Rio el Poderoso 22

i think i rather avoid old character rerun, to ensure long usability for the incoming future version


me also hater. 1st many people regret pulling childe, several times seen on twitch, yt, twiter.
2nd, rarely seen childe player in Co-op.
3rd, the e cooldown is bothering, n getting longer under slowing water debuff.
4th, not great with 4* bows

e 20


Anonymous 19

One haters vs 1700 votes for SS, he will keep making up the cons until he dried out.

Anonymous 18

Haters spotted

suomynonA 17

Childe cooldown is worst against Pyramid Matrix boss in floor 12. The enemy invisibility phase cause it.
You must be saying " Childe burst can deal 300k damage bla bla". Ofc. But in hard stage, that kind of damage often not proc, you face blink enemy, burst recharge, shielded enemy

Anon 16

When was the last time this site was updated. The f2p team is eh and the best team is.. good but not the best. Childe's best team is him, Xiangling, Bennet and Kazuha or Sucrose. And Skyward Harp isn't even listed as one of his best weapons, which it is, and so is Aqua Simulacra.

Anonymous 15

sorry ignore my last post, em is not good on childe because he's not the one dealing reactions, my brain broke for a moment

Anonymous 14

I would choose Stringless, anon, it gives Elemental Mastery (which isn't that bad for Childe, especially if you have him on a vap team) and its pasive is pretty nice since it boosts his Elemental Skill.

zenith 13

@ anon probably hamayumi, seems like the best substat/pas/sive combo of the bunch for him. i actually saw a childe with a hamayumi the other day, seemed to be pretty effective!
sacrifical has no effect on his skill (i was curious so i tested it).

Anonymous 12

I need help.
I currently have prototype on Chiide and i know that this bow kinda ****s but i don't have neither Rust neither money. Wich one of these bows are better for him: Stringless, Hamayumi, Favonius or Sacrifical?

Anonymous 11

Polar Star is so much bettter than Thundering Pulse, why is fireworks comp recommended instead of vaporize

Anonymous 10

Lmao his recommended bow is actually Polar Star but ok

Anonymous 9

The premium team should really be changed to International Childe (Kazuha, Xiangling instead of Fischl, Beidou)

Anonymous 8


Anonymous 7

Does his E count as normal attack?

Anonymous 6

Bro, i got him from rerolling. took less then 10 reroll

Anonymous 5

No Team build?

Anonymous 4

The drop rate of 'Shard of a foul legacy' is a joke.

Anonymous 3

No team comp?

Anonymous 2

Looks like they made a mistake when posting his Non F2P Hydro DPS build. They stated that they recommend only 2 of the Hydro Artifact set instead of 4.

Anonymous 1

Time to C6 this boy!

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