Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
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Anonymous 16

Struggling with this , it getting different. Keep using different characters on two team it stressing me out and making me angry.

Anonymous 15

Despite quite fresh edit, this instruction is out of date and incorrect from nearly a month now.
Current Spiral Abyss doesn't favor Geo, but Anemo and blessing boosts plunging attacks.

Anonymous 14

who decided to put 4 of those flying machines in chamber 3??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!

Kimbus 13

Btw a good team u can use is
1st team:
raiden shogun
2nd team:
I used these teams for floor 11(3.3 scara banner time) and was able to beat it very easily

Anonymous 12

cool, i like to use bennett in both chambers in the same time

Anonymous 11

Not up to date and never seems to really be

Anonymous 10

This instruction seem a bit inconsistent. Doesn't it have some leftovers from previous version?

Anonymous 9

Why does it say to use cryo and not hydro for the pyro hypostasis???

Anonymous 8

if your using chongyun use one of those hydro hats you get form Oceanid. itll make his skill CD lower, you can also use 4 piece thundering fury. Also having bennett to get rid of hydro status is good too. hope this helps

Anonymous 7

Ah yes, double electro so you absolutely must have an ice user in each party. Would sure **** if you're unfortunate enough to rely on the likes of Chongyun for any form of ice (garbage character who literally screws your party over with his E).

Anonymous 6


Anonymous 5

Yeah, this is wrong...
Floor 11 chamber 3, second half is not like this.

LordSparks 4

This guide is ****. You've got a bunch of errors and half thought out suggestions. If people are coming here looking for strats to get through it, they're going to leave disappointed

Anonymous 3

11-1 first half features a hydro mage not a cryo mage

hmm 2

Because you need both 6 stars total AND to actually finish the final chamber on floor 10 to unlock floor 11.

umm? 1

"This includes how to unlock Floor 11" does not include how to unlock Floor 11...okay so here's my question, why does it not unlock when i have 6/9 on my 10th floor?

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