Sorry, meant L->T->W
It also works in reverse, L>W>T.
Am I the only one that doesn't understand this quest? I don't really get the puzzle
The puzzle layouts are definitely not always the same. This guide will not work for everybody as far as the first and second puzzles are concerned.
Potential other route? I don't think it's randomly generated every time.
since everyone has different puzzles, just imagine the charchters as letters(T,W,L) and just step in order(t to W to L)that are next to each other.
Yeah I think some people have a different layout because mines different as well
so 3 are the samurais and 4 are treasure hoarder
saying 3 enemies but its 4 instead
I think everyone has another puzzle because mine doesn’t look like this order
Mechanism 3 (Puzzle 3) is wrong. This is the correct one