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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Wiki Guide
Special Evolution - List of Special Evolution Method

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Special Evolution - List of Special Evolution Method | Pokemon SV

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Special Evolution Guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Pokemon SV). Check all the Special Evolution methods, evolve conditions, timing of day, conditions, and more!

Table of Contents

Special Evolution Pokemon List

BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
PichuPichuPikachuPikachuRaise Friendship Pichu and increase level
PikachuPikachuRaichuRaichuUse Thunder Stone for Pikachu
IgglybuffIgglybuffJigglypuffJigglypuffRaise Friendship Igglybuff and increase level
JigglypuffJigglypuffWigglytuffWigglytuffUse Moon Stone for Jigglypuff
GrowlitheGrowlitheArcanineArcanineUsing Fire Stone for Growlithe
ShellderShellderCloysterCloysterUse Water Stone for Shellder
HaunterHaunterGengarGengarTrade Haunter and evolve
HappinyHappinyChanseyChanseyGive Oval Stone to Happiny and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeVaporeonVaporeonUse Water Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeJolteonJolteonUse Thunder Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeFlareonFlareonUse Fire Stone for Eevee
AzurillAzurillMarillMarillRaise Friendship Azurill and level up
BonslyBonslySudowoodoSudowoodoLevel up with Bonsly learning Mimic
SunkernSunkernSunfloraSunfloraUse Sun Stone for Sunkern
EeveeEeveeEspeonEspeonRaise Friendship Eevee and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeUmbreonUmbreonRaise Friendship Eevee and level it up during the night
SlowpokeSlowpokeSlowkingSlowkingTrade with Slowpoke holding King's Rock
ScytherScytherScizorScizorGive Scyther a Metal Coat and Trade
ChanseyChanseyBlisseyBlisseyRaise Friendship Chansey to level it up
CombeeCombeeVespiquenVespiquenCombee♀ Evolves at Lv 21
MisdreavusMisdreavusMismagiusMismagiusUse Dusk Stone on Misdreavus
MurkrowMurkrowHonchkrowHonchkrowUse Dusk Stone for Murkrow
RioluRioluLucarioLucarioRaise Friendship Riolu then level it up in the morning, noon, and evening
SneaselSneaselWeavileWeavileLevel up at night while giving Sneasel a Razor Claw
MagnetonMagnetonMagnezoneMagnezoneUse Thunder Stone for Magneton
EeveeEeveeLeafeonLeafeonUse Leaf Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeGlaceonGlaceonUse Ice Stone for Eevee
KirliaKirliaGalladeGalladeEvolve ♂ Kirlia using Dawn Stone
SnoruntSnoruntFroslassFroslassEvolve into ♀ Snorunt by using Dawn Stone
PetililPetililLilligantLilligantUse Sun Stone for Petilil
EelektrikEelektrikEelektrossEelektrossUse Thunder Stone for Eelektrik
FloetteFloetteFlorgesFlorgesUse Shiny Stone for Floette
EeveeEeveeSylveonSylveonRaise Friendship Eevee and level it up with Fairy moves.
SliggooSliggooGoodraGoodraEvolves to Sliggoo at Lv 50 when the weather is Raining
YungoosYungoosGumshoosGumshoosEvolves Yungoos at Lv 20 in the morning, dusk, and evening
CrabrawlerCrabrawlerCrabominableCrabominableUse Ice Stone on Crabrawler
(Midday Form)
Evolves Lv 25 Rockruff in the morning, noon, or evening
(Midnight Form)
Evolve Lv 25 Rockruff at night
(Dusk Form)
Evolve Rockruff (Ability Own Tempo) at Lv 25 in the evening
FomantisFomantisLurantisLurantisEvolve at Lv 34 Fomantis in the morning and afternoon
SalanditSalanditSalazzleSalazzle♀ Salandit evolved at Lv 33
SteeneeSteeneeTsareenaTsareenaSteenee levels up with Stomp learned.
ApplinApplinFlappleFlappleUse Tart Apple for Applin
ApplinApplinAppletunAppletunUse Sweet Apple for Applin
SinisteaSinisteaPolteageistPolteageistUsing Cracked Pot/Chipped Pot for Sinistea
SnomSnomFrosmothFrosmothRaise Friendship Snom and level it up at night.
PawmoPawmoFrosmothFrosmothWalk 1000 steps and level it up by using other ways than the automatic method in Let's Go! state
(conditions are reset if it is not at the top of the Pokemon Team)
PrimeapePrimeapeAnnihilapeAnnihilapePrimeape uses Rage Fist 20 times to level up
CharcadetCharcadetArmarougeArmarougeUse Auspicious Armor on Charcadet (exchange for 10 pieces of Bronzor Fragments at Zapapico for Scarlet version)
CharcadetCharcadetCeruledgeCeruledgeUse Malicious Armor on Charcadet (exchange for 10 pieces of Sinistea Chips at Zapapico for Violet version)
TadbulbTadbulbBelliboltBelliboltUse Thunder Stone for Tadbulb
DunsparceDunsparceDudunsparceDudunsparceLevel up with Dunsparce learning Hyper Drill
Girafarig iconGirafarigFarigirafFarigirafLevel up with Girafarig learning Twin Beam
BramblinBramblinBrambleghastBrambleghast Walk 1000 steps and level it up by using other ways than the automatic method in Let's Go! state
(conditions are reset if it is not at the top of the Pokemon Team)
CapsakidCapsakidScovillainScovillainUse Fire Stone for Capsakid
RellorRellorRabscaRabscaWalk 1000 steps and level it up by using other ways than the automatic method in Let's Go! state
(conditions are reset if it is not at the top of the Pokemon Team)
FinizenFinizenPalafinPalafinRaise Finizen to Lv 38 or higher while in the Union Circle
PalafinPalafinPalafinPalafinWith Ability changes forms during battle.
GreavardGreavardHoundstoneHoundstoneEvolve Lv 30 Greavard at night
CetoddleCetoddleCetitanCetitanUse Ice Stone for Cetoddle
BisharpBisharpKingambitKingambitEvolve by leveling up after killing Bisharp in the Pawniard herd 3 times (while holding Leader's Crest).
GimmighoulGimmighoulKingambitKingambitLevel up with 999 coins collected
▶Gimmighoul Coins Farm Guide

Special Pokemon List By Conditions

Pokemon Evolves Specifically With Friendship

Table of Contents(Tap To Jump)
▶Friendship▼Time▼Evolution Stones
▼Evolution Item▼Move▼Other
BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
PichuPichuPikachuPikachuRaise Pichu's Friendship and level up
IgglybuffIgglybuffJigglypuffJigglypuffRaise Igglybuff's Friendship and level up
AzurillAzurillMarillMarillRaise Azurill's Friendship and level up
EeveeEeveeEspeonEspeonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeUmbreonUmbreonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up during the night.
ChanseyChanseyBlisseyBlisseyRaise Chansey's Friendship and level up
EeveeEeveeSylveonSylveonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up with Fairy moves.
SnomSnomFrosmothFrosmothRaise Snom's Friendship and level it up at night.
Friendship Level Guide

Pokemon Evolving Specifically By Time

BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
HappinyHappinyChanseyChanseyGive Oval Stone to Happiny and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeEspeonEspeonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeUmbreonUmbreonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up during the night.
RioluRioluLucarioLucarioRaise Riolu's Friendship then level it up in the morning, noon, and evening
SneaselSneaselWeavileWeavileLevel up at night while giving Sneasel a Razor Claw
YungoosYungoosGumshoosGumshoosEvolves Yungoos at Lv 20 in the morning, dusk, and evening
(Midday Form)
Evolves Lv 25 Rockruff in the morning, noon, or evening
(Midnight Form)
Evolve Lv 25 Rockruff at night
(Dusk Form)
Evolve Rockruff (Ability Own Tempo) at Lv 25 in the evening
GreavardGreavardHoundstoneHoundstoneEvovle level 30 Greavard at night

Pokemon Evolving Specifically With Evolution Stones

Table of Contents(Tap To Jump)
▲Friendship▲Time▶Evolution Stones
▼Evolution Item▼Move▼Other
BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
PikachuPikachuRaichuRaichuUse Thunder Stone for Pikachu
JigglypuffJigglypuffWigglytuffWigglytuffUse Moon Stone for Jigglypuff
GrowlitheGrowlitheArcanineArcanineUsing Fire Stone for Growlithe
ShellderShellderCloysterCloysterUse Water Stone for Shellder
HappinyHappinyChanseyChanseyGive Oval Stone to Happiny and level it up between the morning and afternoon.
EeveeEeveeVaporeonVaporeonUse Water Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeFlareonFlareonUse Fire Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeJolteonJolteonUse Thunder Stone for Eevee
SunkernSunkernSunfloraSunfloraUse Sun Stone for Sunkern
MisdreavusMisdreavusMismagiusMismagiusUse Dusk Stone on Misdreavus
MurkrowMurkrowHonchkrowHonchkrowUse Dusk Stone for Murkrow
MagnetonMagnetonMagnezoneMagnezoneUse Thunder Stone for Magneton
EeveeEeveeLeafeonLeafeonUse Leaf Stone for Eevee
EeveeEeveeGlaceonGlaceonUse Ice Stone for Eevee
KirliaKirliaGalladeGalladeEvolve ♂ Kirlia using Dawn Stone
SnoruntSnoruntFroslassFroslassEvolve into ♀ Snorunt by using Dawn Stone
PetililPetililLilligantLilligantUse Sun Stone for Petilil
EelektrikEelektrikEelektrossEelektrossUse Thunder Stone for Eelektrik
FloetteFloetteFlorgesFlorgesUse Shiny Stone for Floette
CrabrawlerCrabrawlerCrabominableCrabominableUse Ice Stone for Crabrawler
TadbulbTadbulbBelliboltBelliboltUse Thunder Stone for Tadbulb
CapsakidCapsakidScovillainScovillainUse Fire Stone for Capsakid
CetoddleCetoddleCetitanCetitanUse Ice Stone for Cetoddle
List of Evolution Stones

Pokemon Evolving Specifically With Evolution Items

Table of Contents(Tap To Jump)
▲Friendship▲Time▲Evolution Stones
▶Evolution Item▼Move▼Other
BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
SlowpokeSlowpokeSlowkingSlowkingTrade with Slowpoke holding King's Rock
ScytherScytherScizorScizorGive Scyther a Metal Coat and Trade
SneaselSneaselWeavileWeavileLevel up at night while giving Sneasel a Razor Claw
ApplinApplinFlappleFlappleUse Tart Apple for Applin
ApplinApplinAppletunAppletunUse Sweet Apple for Applin
SinisteaSinisteaPolteageistPolteageistUsing Cracked Pot/Chipped Pot for Sinistea
PrimeapePrimeapeAnnihilapeAnnihilapePrimeape uses Rage Fist 20 times to level up
CharcadetCharcadetArmarougeArmarougeUse Auspicious Armor on Charcadet (exchange for 10 pieces of Bronzor Fragments at Zapapico for Scarlet version)
CharcadetCharcadetCeruledgeCeruledgeUse Malicious Armor on Charcadet (exchange for 10 pieces of Sinistea Chips at Zapapico for Violet version)
List of Evolution Items

Pokemon Evolves Specifically With Move

BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
BonslyBonslySudowoodoSudowoodoLevel up with Bonsly learning Mimic
EeveeEeveeSylveonSylveonRaise Eevee's Friendship and level it up with Fairy moves.
SteeneeSteeneeTsareenaTsareenaSteenee levels up with Stomp learned.
DunsparceDunsparceDudunsparceDudunsparceLevel up with Dunsparce learning Hyper Drill
Girafarig iconGirafarigFarigirafFarigirafLevel up with Girafarig learning Twin Beam

Pokemon To Evolve Specifically In Other Ways

BeforeAfterEvolution Conditions
HaunterHaunterGengarGengarTrade Haunter and evolve
SlowpokeSlowpokeSlowkingSlowkingTrade with Slowpoke holding King's Rock
ScytherScytherScizorScizorGive Scyther a Metal Coat and Trade
CombeeCombeeVespiquenVespiquenCombee♀ Evolves at Lv 21
KirliaKirliaGalladeGalladeEvolve ♂ Kirlia using Dawn Stone
SnoruntSnoruntFroslassFroslassEvolve into ♀ Snorunt by using Dawn Stone
SliggooSliggooGoodraGoodraEvolves to Sliggoo at Lv 50 when the weather is Raining
SalanditSalanditSalazzleSalazzle♀ Salandit evolved at Lv 33
FinizenFinizenPalafinPalafinRaise Finizen to Lv 38 or higher while in the Union Circle
Weather Guide - How To Change

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Pokemon List Per Type

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