The list of how to build the best teams for Single Battles. Includes Best Moves, Tera Types, Held Items, how to distribute EVs, and the list sorted by Role and Build.
Table of Contents
Guide to Build Your Pokemon
Build For Single Battles
Here listed the guides on how to train and build Pokemon for Sigle Battles. This list can be filtered by the Role or Build, which allows you to find suitable Pokemon when building a team.
The Meanings of Roles and BuildsRole
Role | Explanation |
(Physical Attacker) | The Pokemon with a High Attack Stat that uses Physical Moves to inflict damage. |
(Special Attacker) | The Pokemon with a High Sp. Attack Stat that uses Special Moves to inflict damage. |
(Mixed Attacker) | The Pokemon with High Attack and Sp. Attack Stats that uses both Physical and Special Moves to deal damage. |
(Physical Tank) | The Pokemon with a High Defense Stat that takes less damage from Physical Moves. |
(Special Tank) | The Pokemon with a High Sp. Defense Stat that takes less damage from Special Moves. |
(Mixed Tank) | The Pokemon with High Defense and Sp. Defense Stats that takes less damage from both Physical and Special Moves. |
The role that resists high offensive Moves to assist the allies to survive. | |
(Setup Attacker) | The Pokemon that uses Stealth Rock or Light Screen to set up the field. It can also cripple the opponent. |
The Pokemon that has Fast Moves. |
Build Name | Explanation |
The build that uses powerful Pokemon in Solo Queue to defeat the opponent. | |
The build wherein Pokemon take turns to continue to win the damage race against the opponent. | |
The build that sets up the field with a Status Move first and stacks up for the following Pokemon to get the final hit. | |
The build that uses specific Moves to connect a special combo. For example, Baton Pass build. |
List of How to Train
PalafinPalafin palafin f_物理アタッカー f_サイクル構築 f_対面構築 | |
GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl grimmsnarl f_起点作成 f_積み構築 f_ギミック構築 | |
DragoniteDragonite dragonite f_物理アタッカー f_先制技持ち f_対面構築 | |
HippowdonHippowdon hippowdon f_物理受け f_起点作成 f_サイクル構築 | |
BreloomBreloom breloom f_物理アタッカー f_先制技持ち f_対面構築 | |
GarganaclGarganacl garganacl f_物理受け f_サイクル構築 f_積み構築 | |
GlimmoraGlimmora glimmora f_起点作成 f_対面構築 f_サイクル構築 | |
GyaradosGyarados gyarados f_物理受け f_物理アタッカー f_サイクル構築 f_対面構築 | |
HydreigonHydreigon hydreigon f_特殊アタッカー f_サイクル構築 f_ | |
GholdengoGholdengo gholdengo f_特殊アタッカー f_サイクル構築 f_対面構築 | |
BaxcaliburBaxcalibur baxcalibur f_物理アタッカー f_特殊受け f_サイクル構築 | |
ClodsireClodsire clodsire f_特殊受け f_サイクル構築 | |
DragapultDragapult dragapult f_物理アタッカー f_先制技持ち f_サイクル構築 f_対面構築 | |
SylveonSylveon sylveon f_クッション f_起点作成 f_サイクル構築 | |
ScizorScizor scizor f_物理アタッカー f_サイクル構築 | |
CloysterCloyster cloyster f_物理アタッカー f_積み構築 | |
Heat RotomHeat Rotom heat rotom f_特殊アタッカー f_サイクル構築 | |
DondozoDondozo dondozo f_両受け f_クッション f_サイクル構築 | |
MeowscaradaMeowscarada meowscarada f_物理アタッカー f_サイクル構築 | |
MimikyuMimikyu mimikyu f_物理アタッカー f_対面構築 | |
AmoongussAmoonguss amoonguss f_両受け f_クッション f_サイクル構築 | |
SkeledirgeSkeledirge skeledirge f_物理受け f_サイクル構築 |