Pokemon SV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Wiki Guide
Paldea Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Paldea Pokedex | Pokemon SV

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet | Paldea Pokedex | Pokemon SV - GameWith

This is Paldea Pokedex (all Pokemon list) in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Pokemon SV). Find the exclusives, Evolution (levels to evolve), type, locations, how to get, and rewards!

Table of Contents

Paldea Pokedex (List of All Pokemon)

When searching for Pokemon, please use Capital Letters on the first Letter!

  1. OR検索
Show Final Evolution Only
Show Abilities
Show Marked Pokemon only
Hide Marked Pokemon
  1. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippowdon
    Sand StreamSand Force
    Hippopotas Lvl. 34
  2. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff
    Keen EyeVital SpiritSteadfast
    Catch it on the map
  3. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc(Midday)
    Keen EyeSand RushSteadfast
    Level up Rockruff during Morning, Afternoon or Night to Lvl. 25.
  4. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc(Midnight)
    Keen EyeVital SpiritNo Guard
    Level up Rockruff Night to Lvl. 25.
  5. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc(Dusk)
    Tough Claws
    Level Up Rockruff (Ability: Own Tempo) during the Evening to Lvl. 25.
  6. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Indeedee(Male)
    Psychic Normal
    Inner FocusSynchronizePsychic Surge
    Catch it on the map
  7. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Indeedee(Female)
    Psychic Normal
    Own TempoSynchronizePsychic Surge
    Catch it on the map
  8. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros
    IntimidateCud Chew
    Catch it on the map
  9. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros(Water)
    Fighting Water
    IntimidateCud Chew
  10. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros(Fire)
    Fighting Fire
    IntimidateCud Chew
  11. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Palafin(Normal)
    Zero to Hero
    While connected to Union Circle, level up Finizen to 38 or more.
  12. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Palafin(Mighty)
    Zero to Hero
    Transform during the battle using the Ability.
  13. No.001 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sprigatito
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  14. No.002 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floragato
    Sprigatito Lvl. 16
  15. No.003 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meowscarada
    Grass Dark
    Floragato Lvl. 36
  16. No.004 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fuecoco
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  17. No.005 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crocalor
    Fuecoco Lvl. 16
  18. No.006 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skeledirge
    Fire Ghost
    Crocalor Lvl. 36
  19. No.007 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaxly
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  20. No.008 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaxwell
    Quaxly Lvl. 16
  21. No.009 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaquaval
    Water Fighting
    Quaxwell Lvl. 36
  22. No.010 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lechonk
    Aroma VeilGluttonyThick Fat
    Catch it on the map
  23. No.011 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oinkologne(Male)
    Lingering AromaGluttonyThick Fat
    Lechonk (♂) Lvl. 18
  24. No.011 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oinkologne(Female)
    Aroma VeilGluttonyThick Fat
    Lechonk (♀) Lvl. 18
  25. No.012 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tarountula
    Catch it on the map
  26. No.013 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spidops
    Tarountula Lvl. 15
  27. No.014 No.???? No.???? No.???? Nymble
    SwarmTinted Lens
    Catch it on the map
  28. No.015 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lokix
    Bug Dark
    SwarmTinted Lens
    Nymble Lvl. 24
  29. No.016 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hoppip
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  30. No.017 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skiploom
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Hoppip Lvl. 18
  31. No.018 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jumpluff
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Skiploom Lvl. 27
  32. No.019 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchling
    Normal Flying
    Big Pecks
    Catch it on the map
  33. No.020 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchinder
    Fire Flying
    Flame Body
    Fletchling Lvl. 17
  34. No.021 No.???? No.???? No.???? Talonflame
    Fire Flying
    Flame Body
    Fletchinder Lvl. 35
  35. No.022 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmi
    StaticNatural CureIron Fist
    Catch it on the map
  36. No.023 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmo
    Electric Fighting
    Volt AbsorbNatural CureIron Fist
    Pawmi Lvl. 18
  37. No.024 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmot
    Electric Fighting
    Volt AbsorbNatural CureIron Fist
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  38. No.025 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndour
    Dark Fire
    Early BirdFlash FireUnnerve
    Catch it on the map
  39. No.026 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndoom
    Dark Fire
    Early BirdFlash FireUnnerve
    Houndour Lvl. 24
  40. No.027 No.???? No.???? No.???? Yungoos
    StakeoutStrong JawAdaptability
    Catch it on the map
  41. No.028 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gumshoos
    StakeoutStrong JawAdaptability
    Level up Yungoos during Morning, Afternoon or Night to Lvl. 20.
  42. No.029 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skwovet
    Cheek PouchGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  43. No.030 No.???? No.???? No.???? Greedent
    Cheek PouchGluttony
    Skwovet Lvl. 24
  44. No.031 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunkern
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerEarly Bird
    Catch it on the map
  45. No.032 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunflora
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerEarly Bird
    Use Sunkern to Sun Stone
  46. No.033 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kricketot
    Shed SkinRun Away
    Catch it on the map
  47. No.034 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kricketune
    Kricketot Lvl. 10
  48. No.035 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scatterbug
    Shield DustCompound EyesFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  49. No.036 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spewpa
    Shed SkinFriend Guard
    Scatterbug Lvl. 9
  50. No.037 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vivillon
    Bug Flying
    Shield DustCompound EyesFriend Guard
    Spewpa Lvl. 12
  51. No.038 No.???? No.???? No.???? Combee
    Bug Flying
    Honey GatherHustle
    Catch it on the map
  52. No.039 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vespiquen
    Bug Flying
    Combee♀ Lvl. 21
  53. No.040 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rookidee
    Keen EyeUnnerveBig Pecks
    Catch it on the map
  54. No.041 No.???? No.???? No.???? Corvisquire
    Keen EyeUnnerveBig Pecks
    Rookidee Lvl. 18
  55. No.042 No.???? No.???? No.???? Corviknight
    Flying Steel
    PressureUnnerveMirror Armor
    Corvisquire Lvl. 38
  56. No.043 No.???? No.???? No.???? Happiny
    Natural CureSerene GraceFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  57. No.044 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chansey
    Natural CureSerene GraceHealer
    Make Happini hold an Oval Stone and increase its level during Morning or Afternoon.
    Catch it on the map
  58. No.045 No.???? No.???? No.???? Blissey
    Natural CureSerene GraceHealer
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
  59. No.046 No.???? No.???? No.???? Azurill
    Normal Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  60. No.047 No.???? No.???? No.???? Marill
    Water Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
  61. No.048 No.???? No.???? No.???? Azumarill
    Water Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Marill Lvl. 18
  62. No.049 No.???? No.???? No.???? Surskit
    Bug Water
    Swift SwimRain Dish
    Catch it on the map
  63. No.050 No.???? No.???? No.???? Masquerain
    Bug Flying
    Surskit Lvl. 22
  64. No.051 No.???? No.???? No.???? Buizel
    Swift SwimWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  65. No.052 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floatzel
    Swift SwimWater Veil
    Buizel Lvl. 26
  66. No.053 No.???? No.???? No.???? Paldean Wooper
    Poison Ground
    Poison PointWater AbsorbUnaware
    Catch it on the map
  67. No.054 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clodsire
    Poison Ground
    Poison PointWater AbsorbUnaware
    Paldean Wooper Lvl. 20
  68. No.055 No.???? No.???? No.???? Psyduck
    DampCloud NineSwift Swim
    Catch it on the map
  69. No.056 No.???? No.???? No.???? Golduck
    DampCloud NineSwift Swim
    Psyduck Lvl. 33
  70. No.057 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chewtle
    Strong JawShell ArmorSwift Swim
    Catch it on the map
  71. No.058 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drednaw
    Water Rock
    Strong JawShell ArmorSwift Swim
    Chewtle Lvl. 22
  72. No.059 No.???? No.???? No.???? Igglybuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  73. No.060 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jigglypuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFriend Guard
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
    Catch it on the map
  74. No.061 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wigglytuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFrisk
    Use Jigglypuff to Moon Stone
  75. No.062 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ralts
    Psychic Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  76. No.063 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kirlia
    Psychic Fairy
    Ralts Lvl. 20
  77. No.064 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gardevoir
    Psychic Fairy
    Kirlia Lvl. 30
  78. No.065 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gallade
    Psychic Fighting
    Use the Dawn Stone on Kirlia♂
  79. No.066 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drowzee
    InsomniaForewarnInner Focus
    Catch it on the map
  80. No.067 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hypno
    InsomniaForewarnInner Focus
    Drowzee Lvl. 26
  81. No.068 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastly
    Ghost Poison
    Catch it on the map
  82. No.069 No.???? No.???? No.???? Haunter
    Ghost Poison
    Gastly Lvl. 25
  83. No.070 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gengar
    Ghost Poison
    Cursed Body
    Trade Haunter to evolve.
  84. No.071 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tandemaus
    Run AwayPickupOwn Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  85. No.072 No.???? No.???? No.???? Maushold
    Friend GuardCheek PouchTechnician
    Tandemaus Lvl. 25
  86. No.073 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pichu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Catch it on the map
  87. No.074 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pikachu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
    Catch it on the map
  88. No.075 No.???? No.???? No.???? Raichu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Use Pikachu to Thunder Stone
  89. No.076 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fidough
    Own TempoKlutz
    Catch it on the map
  90. No.077 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dachsbun
    Well-Baked BodyAroma Veil
    Fidough Lvl. 26
  91. No.078 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slakoth
    Catch it on the map
  92. No.079 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vigoroth
    Vital Spirit
    Slakoth Lvl. 18
  93. No.080 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slaking
    Vigoroth Lvl. 36
  94. No.081 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bounsweet
    Leaf GuardObliviousSweet Veil
    Catch it on the map
  95. No.082 No.???? No.???? No.???? Steenee
    Leaf GuardObliviousSweet Veil
    Bounsweet Lvl. 18
  96. No.083 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tsareena
    Leaf GuardQueenly MajestySweet Veil
    Level up Bounsweet while it learned the stomp.
  97. No.084 No.???? No.???? No.???? Smoliv
    Grass Normal
    Early BirdHarvest
    Catch it on the map
  98. No.085 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dolliv
    Grass Normal
    Early BirdHarvest
    Smoliv Lvl. 25
  99. No.086 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arboliva
    Grass Normal
    Dolliv Lvl. 35
  100. No.087 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bonsly
    SturdyRock HeadRattled
    Catch it on the map
  101. No.088 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sudowoodo
    SturdyRock HeadRattled
    Level up Bonsly while it learned the move Mimic.
  102. No.089 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff(Own Tempo)
    Own Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  103. No.091 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rolycoly
    Steam EngineHeatproofFlash Fire
    Catch it on the map
  104. No.092 No.???? No.???? No.???? Carkol
    Rock Fire
    Steam EngineFlame BodyFlash Fire
    Rolycoly Lvl. 18
  105. No.093 No.???? No.???? No.???? Coalossal
    Rock Fire
    Steam EngineFlame BodyFlash Fire
    Carkol Lvl. 34
  106. No.094 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shinx
    Catch it on the map
  107. No.095 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luxio
    Shinx Lvl. 15
  108. No.096 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luxray
    Luxio Lvl. 30
  109. No.097 No.???? No.???? No.???? Starly
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeReckless
    Catch it on the map
  110. No.098 No.???? No.???? No.???? Staravia
    Normal Flying
    Starly Lvl. 14
  111. No.099 No.???? No.???? No.???? Staraptor
    Normal Flying
    Staravia Lvl. 34
  112. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio(Baile)
    Fire Flying
    Use Red Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  113. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio(Pom-Pom)
    Electric Flying
    Use Yellow Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  114. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio(Pa'u)
    Psychic Flying
    Use Pink Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  115. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio(Sensu)
    Ghost Flying
    Use Purple Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  116. No.101 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mareep
    Catch it on the map
  117. No.102 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flaaffy
    Mareep Lvl. 15
  118. No.103 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ampharos
    Flaaffy Lvl. 30
  119. No.104 No.???? No.???? No.???? Petilil
    ChlorophyllOwn TempoLeaf Guard
    Catch it on the map
  120. No.105 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lilligant
    ChlorophyllOwn TempoLeaf Guard
    Use Petilil to Sun Stone
  121. No.106 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shroomish
    Effect SporePoison HealQuick Feet
    Catch it on the map
  122. No.107 No.???? No.???? No.???? Breloom
    Grass Fighting
    Effect SporePoison HealTechnician
    Shroomish Lvl. 23
  123. No.108 No.???? No.???? No.???? Applin
    Grass Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  124. No.109 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flapple
    Grass Dragon
    Use TartApple to Applin
  125. No.110 No.???? No.???? No.???? Appletun
    Grass Dragon
    RipenGluttonyThick Fat
    Use SweetApple to Applin
  126. No.111 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spoink
    Thick FatOwn TempoGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  127. No.112 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grumpig
    Thick FatOwn TempoGluttony
    Spoink Lvl. 32
  128. No.113 No.???? No.???? No.???? Squawkabilly
    Normal Flying
    Catch it on the map
  129. No.114 No.???? No.???? No.???? Misdreavus
    Catch it on the map
  130. No.115 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mismagius
    Use Misdreavus to Dusk Stone
  131. No.116 No.???? No.???? No.???? Makuhita
    Thick FatGutsSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  132. No.117 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hariyama
    Thick FatGutsSheer Force
    Makuhita Lvl. 24
  133. No.118 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crabrawler
    Hyper CutterIron Fist
    Catch it on the map
  134. No.119 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crabominable
    Fighting Ice
    Hyper CutterIron Fist
    Use Crabrawler to Ice Stone
  135. No.120 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salandit
    Poison Fire
    Catch it on the map
  136. No.121 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salazzle
    Poison Fire
    Salandit♀ Lvl. 33
  137. No.122 No.???? No.???? No.???? Phanpy
    PickupSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  138. No.123 No.???? No.???? No.???? Donphan
    SturdySand Veil
    Phanpy Lvl. 25
  139. No.124 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cufant
    Sheer ForceHeavy Metal
    Catch it on the map
  140. No.125 No.???? No.???? No.???? Copperajah
    Sheer ForceHeavy Metal
    Cufant Lvl. 34
  141. No.126 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gible
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  142. No.127 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gabite
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Gible Lvl. 24
  143. No.128 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garchomp
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Gabite Lvl. 48
  144. No.129 No.???? No.???? No.???? Nacli
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Catch it on the map
  145. No.130 No.???? No.???? No.???? Naclstack
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Nacli Lvl. 24
  146. No.131 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garganacl
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Naclstack Lvl. 38
  147. No.132 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wingull
    Water Flying
    Keen EyeHydrationRain Dish
    Catch it on the map
  148. No.133 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pelipper
    Water Flying
    Keen EyeDrizzleRain Dish
    Wingull Lvl. 25
  149. No.134 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magikarp
    Swift SwimRattled
    Catch it on the map
  150. No.135 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gyarados
    Water Flying
    Magikarp Lvl. 20
  151. No.136 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arrokuda
    Swift SwimPropeller Tail
    Catch it on the map
  152. No.137 No.???? No.???? No.???? Barraskewda
    Swift SwimPropeller Tail
    Arrokuda Lvl. 26
  153. No.138 No.???? No.???? No.???? Basculin(Red)
    RecklessAdaptabilityMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  154. No.138 No.???? No.???? No.???? Basculin(Blue)
    Rock HeadAdaptabilityMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  155. No.139 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gulpin
    Sticky HoldGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  156. No.140 No.???? No.???? No.???? Swalot
    Sticky HoldGluttony
    Gulpin Lvl. 26
  157. No.141 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meowth
    Catch it on the map
  158. No.142 No.???? No.???? No.???? Persian
    Meowth Lvl. 28
  159. No.143 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drifloon
    Ghost Flying
    AftermathUnburdenFlare Boost
    Catch it on the map
  160. No.144 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drifblim
    Ghost Flying
    AftermathUnburdenFlare Boost
    Drifloon Lvl. 28
  161. No.145 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flabebe
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Catch it on the map
  162. No.146 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floette
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Flabebe Lvl. 19
  163. No.147 No.???? No.???? No.???? Florges
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Use Shiny Stone to Floette
  164. No.148 No.???? No.???? No.???? Diglett
    Sand VeilArena TrapSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  165. No.149 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dugtrio
    Sand VeilArena TrapSand Force
    Diglett Lvl. 26
  166. No.150 No.???? No.???? No.???? Torkoal
    White SmokeDroughtShell Armor
    Catch it on the map
  167. No.151 No.???? No.???? No.???? Numel
    Fire Ground
    ObliviousSimpleOwn Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  168. No.152 No.???? No.???? No.???? Camerupt
    Fire Ground
    Magma ArmorSolid Rock
    Numel Lvl. 33
  169. No.153 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bronzor
    Steel Psychic
    LevitateHeatproofHeavy Metal
    Catch it on the map
  170. No.154 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bronzong
    Steel Psychic
    LevitateHeatproofHeavy Metal
    Bronzor Lvl. 33
  171. No.155 No.???? No.???? No.???? Axew
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Catch it on the map
  172. No.156 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fraxure
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Axew Lvl. 38
  173. No.157 No.???? No.???? No.???? Haxorus
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Fraxure Lvl. 48
  174. No.158 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mankey
    Vital SpiritDefiant
    Catch it on the map
  175. No.159 No.???? No.???? No.???? Primeape
    Vital SpiritDefiant
    Mankey Lvl. 28
  176. No.160 No.???? No.???? No.???? Annihilape
    Fighting Ghost
    Vital SpiritInner FocusDefiant
    Let Primeape use Rage Fist 20 Times and then increase its level.
  177. No.161 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meditite
    Fighting Psychic
    Pure PowerTelepathy
    Catch it on the map
  178. No.162 No.???? No.???? No.???? Medicham
    Fighting Psychic
    Pure PowerTelepathy
    Meditite Lvl. 37
  179. No.163 No.???? No.???? No.???? Riolu
    SteadfastInner FocusPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  180. No.164 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lucario
    Fighting Steel
    SteadfastInner FocusJustified
    Gain friendship with Riolu and level up during Morning/Noon/Evening
  181. No.165 No.???? No.???? No.???? Charcadet
    Flash FireFlame Body
    Catch it on the map
  182. No.166 No.???? No.???? No.???? Armarouge
    Fire Psychic
    Flash FireWeak Armor
    Use Auspicious Armor on Charcadet. (At Zapapico exchange 10 Bronzor Fragments: Scarlet)
  183. No.167 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ceruledge
    Fire Ghost
    Flash FireWeak Armor
    Use Malicious Armor on Charcadet. (At Zapapico Exchange Sinistea Chips: Violet)
  184. No.168 No.???? No.???? No.???? Barboach
    Water Ground
    Catch it on the map
  185. No.169 No.???? No.???? No.???? Whiscash
    Water Ground
    Barboach Lvl. 30
  186. No.170 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tadbulb
    Own TempoStaticDamp
    Catch it on the map
  187. No.171 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bellibolt
    Use Tadbulb to Thunder Stone
  188. No.172 No.???? No.???? No.???? Goomy
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Catch it on the map
  189. No.173 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sliggoo
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Goomy Lvl. 40
  190. No.174 No.???? No.???? No.???? Goodra
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Level up Sliggoo to Level 50 during the Rain.
  191. No.175 No.???? No.???? No.???? Croagunk
    Poison Fighting
    AnticipationDry SkinPoison Touch
    Catch it on the map
  192. No.176 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxicroak
    Poison Fighting
    AnticipationDry SkinPoison Touch
    Croagunk Lvl. 37
  193. No.177 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wattrel
    Electric Flying
    Wind PowerVolt AbsorbCompetitive
    Catch it on the map
  194. No.178 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kilowattrel
    Electric Flying
    Wind PowerVolt AbsorbCompetitive
    Wattrel Lvl. 25
  195. No.179 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eevee
    Run AwayAdaptabilityAnticipation
    Catch it on the map
  196. No.180 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vaporeon
    Water AbsorbHydration
    Use Eevee to Water Stone
  197. No.181 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jolteon
    Volt AbsorbQuick Feet
    Use Eevee to Thunder Stone
  198. No.182 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flareon
    Flash FireGuts
    Use Eevee to Fire Stone
  199. No.183 No.???? No.???? No.???? Espeon
    SynchronizeMagic Bounce
    Gain friendship with Eevee and level up during Morning/Noon
  200. No.184 No.???? No.???? No.???? Umbreon
    SynchronizeInner Focus
    Gain friendship with Eevee and level up during Night
  201. No.185 No.???? No.???? No.???? Leafeon
    Leaf GuardChlorophyll
    Use Eevee to Leaf Stone
  202. No.186 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glaceon
    Snow CloakIce Body
    Use Eevee to Ice Stone
  203. No.187 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sylveon
    Cute CharmPixilate
    Reach Max Friendship with Eevee and increase its level while it has a Fairy Type move.
  204. No.188 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dunsparce
    Serene GraceRun AwayRattled
    Catch it on the map
  205. No.189 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dudunsparce
    Serene GraceRun AwayRattled
    Level up Dunsparce while it learned the move HyperDrill
  206. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling(Spring)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  207. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling(Summer)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  208. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling(Autumn)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  209. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling(Winter)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  210. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck(Spring)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  211. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck(Summer)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  212. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck(Autumn)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  213. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck(Winter)
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  214. No.192 No.???? No.???? No.???? Girafarig
    Normal Psychic
    Inner FocusEarly BirdSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  215. No.193 No.???? No.???? No.???? Farigiraf
    Normal Psychic
    Cud ChewArmor TailSap Sipper
    Level up Girafarig while it learned the move TwinBeam
  216. No.194 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grimer
    StenchSticky HoldPoison Touch
    Catch it on the map
  217. No.195 No.???? No.???? No.???? Muk
    StenchSticky HoldPoison Touch
    Grimer Lvl. 38
  218. No.196 No.???? No.???? No.???? Maschiff
    IntimidateRun AwayStakeout
    Catch it on the map
  219. No.197 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mabosstiff
    Maschiff Lvl. 30
  220. No.198 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxel
    Electric Poison
    Catch it on the map
  221. No.199 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxtricity(Amped)
    Electric Poison
    Punk RockPlusTechnician
    Toxel Lvl. 30
  222. No.199 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxtricity(Low Key)
    Electric Poison
    Punk RockMinusTechnician
    Toxel Lvl. 30
  223. No.200 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dedenne
    Electric Fairy
    Cheek PouchPickupPlus
    Catch it on the map
  224. No.201 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pachirisu
    Run AwayPickupVolt Absorb
    Catch it on the map
  225. No.202 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shroodle
    Poison Normal
    Catch it on the map
  226. No.203 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grafaiai
    Poison Normal
    UnburdenPoison TouchPrankster
    Shroodle Lvl. 28
  227. No.204 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stantler
    IntimidateFriskSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  228. No.205 No.???? No.???? No.???? Foongus
    Grass Poison
    Effect SporeRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  229. No.206 No.???? No.???? No.???? Amoonguss
    Grass Poison
    Effect SporeRegenerator
    Foongus Lvl. 39
  230. No.207 No.???? No.???? No.???? Voltorb
    Catch it on the map
  231. No.208 No.???? No.???? No.???? Electrode
    Voltorb Lvl. 30
  232. No.209 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magnemite
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Catch it on the map
  233. No.210 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magneton
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Magnemite Lvl. 30
  234. No.211 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magnezone
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Use Magneton to Thunder Stone
  235. No.212 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ditto
    Catch it on the map
  236. No.213 No.???? No.???? No.???? Growlithe
    IntimidateFlash FireJustified
    Catch it on the map
  237. No.214 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arcanine
    IntimidateFlash FireJustified
    Use Growlithe to Fire Stone
  238. No.215 No.???? No.???? No.???? Teddiursa
    PickupQuick FeetHoney Gather
    Catch it on the map
  239. No.216 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ursaring
    GutsQuick FeetUnnerve
    Teddiursa Lvl. 30
  240. No.217 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zangoose
    ImmunityToxic Boost
    Catch it on the map
  241. No.218 No.???? No.???? No.???? Seviper
    Shed SkinInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  242. No.219 No.???? No.???? No.???? Swablu
    Normal Flying
    Natural CureCloud Nine
    Catch it on the map
  243. No.220 No.???? No.???? No.???? Altaria
    Dragon Flying
    Natural CureCloud Nine
    Swablu Lvl. 35
  244. No.221 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skiddo
    Sap SipperGrass Pelt
    Catch it on the map
  245. No.222 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gogoat
    Sap SipperGrass Pelt
    Skiddo Lvl. 32
  246. No.224 No.???? No.???? No.???? Litleo
    Fire Normal
    Catch it on the map
  247. No.225 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pyroar(Male)
    Fire Normal
    Litleo Lvl. 35
  248. No.225 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pyroar(Female)
    Fire Normal
    Litleo Lvl. 35
  249. No.226 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stunky
    Poison Dark
    StenchAftermathKeen Eye
    Catch it on the map
  250. No.227 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skuntank
    Poison Dark
    StenchAftermathKeen Eye
    Stunky Lvl. 34
  251. No.228 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zorua
    Catch it on the map
  252. No.229 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zoroark
    Zorua Lvl. 30
  253. No.230 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sneasel
    Dark Ice
    Inner FocusKeen EyePickpocket
    Catch it on the map
  254. No.231 No.???? No.???? No.???? Weavile
    Dark Ice
    Level up Sneasel during Night while holding Razor Claw
  255. No.232 No.???? No.???? No.???? Murkrow
    Dark Flying
    InsomniaSuper LuckPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  256. No.233 No.???? No.???? No.???? Honchkrow
    Dark Flying
    InsomniaSuper LuckMoxie
    Use Murkrow to Dusk Stone
  257. No.234 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothita
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Catch it on the map
  258. No.235 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothorita
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Gothita Lvl. 32
  259. No.236 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothitelle
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Gothorita Lvl. 41
  260. No.237 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sinistea(Phony)
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  261. No.237 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sinistea(Antique)
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  262. No.238 No.???? No.???? No.???? Polteageist(Phony)
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Use CrackedPot/ChippedPot to Sinistea
  263. No.238 No.???? No.???? No.???? Polteageist(Antique)
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Use CrackedPot/ChippedPot to Sinistea
  264. No.239 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mimikyu
    Ghost Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  265. No.240 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klefki
    Steel Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  266. No.242 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bramblin
    Grass Ghost
    Wind RiderInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  267. No.243 No.???? No.???? No.???? Brambleghast
    Grass Ghost
    Wind RiderInfiltrator
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  268. No.244 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscool
    Ground Grass
    Mycelium Might
    Catch it on the map
  269. No.245 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscruel
    Ground Grass
    Mycelium Might
    Toedscool Lvl. 30
  270. No.246 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tropius
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerHarvest
    Catch it on the map
  271. No.247 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fomantis
    Leaf GuardContrary
    Catch it on the map
  272. No.248 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lurantis
    Leaf GuardContrary
    Level up Fomantis during Morning, Afternoon to Lvl. 34.
  273. No.249 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klawf
    Anger ShellShell ArmorRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  274. No.250 No.???? No.???? No.???? Capsakid
    Catch it on the map
  275. No.251 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scovillain
    Grass Fire
    Use Capsakid to Fire Stone
  276. No.252 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacnea
    Sand VeilWater Absorb
    Catch it on the map
  277. No.253 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacturne
    Grass Dark
    Sand VeilWater Absorb
    Cacnea Lvl. 32
  278. No.254 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rellor
    Compound EyesShed Skin
    Catch it on the map
  279. No.255 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rabsca
    Bug Psychic
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  280. No.256 No.???? No.???? No.???? Venonat
    Bug Poison
    Compound EyesTinted LensRun Away
    Catch it on the map
  281. No.257 No.???? No.???? No.???? Venomoth
    Bug Poison
    Shield DustTinted LensWonder Skin
    Venonat Lvl. 31
  282. No.258 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pineco
    Catch it on the map
  283. No.259 No.???? No.???? No.???? Forretress
    Bug Steel
    Pineco Lvl. 31
  284. No.260 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scyther
    Bug Flying
    Catch it on the map
  285. No.261 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scizor
    Bug Steel
    SwarmTechnicianLight Metal
    Trade Scyther while holding Metal Coat
  286. No.262 No.???? No.???? No.???? Heracross
    Bug Fighting
    Catch it on the map
  287. No.263 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flittle
    AnticipationFriskSpeed Boost
    Catch it on the map
  288. No.264 No.???? No.???? No.???? Espathra
    OpportunistFriskSpeed Boost
    Flittle Lvl. 35
  289. No.265 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippopotas
    Sand StreamSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  290. No.267 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandile
    Ground Dark
    Catch it on the map
  291. No.268 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krokorok
    Ground Dark
    Sandile Lvl. 29
  292. No.269 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krookodile
    Ground Dark
    Krokorok Lvl. 40
  293. No.270 No.???? No.???? No.???? Silicobra
    Sand SpitShed SkinSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  294. No.271 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandaconda
    Sand SpitShed SkinSand Veil
    Silicobra Lvl. 36
  295. No.272 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudbray
    Own TempoStaminaInner Focus
    Catch it on the map
  296. No.273 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudsdale
    Own TempoStaminaInner Focus
    Mudbray Lvl. 30
  297. No.274 No.???? No.???? No.???? Larvesta
    Bug Fire
    Flame BodySwarm
    Catch it on the map
  298. No.275 No.???? No.???? No.???? Volcarona
    Bug Fire
    Flame BodySwarm
    Larvesta Lvl. 59
  299. No.276 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bagon
    Rock HeadSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  300. No.277 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shelgon
    Rock HeadOvercoat
    Bagon Lvl. 30
  301. No.278 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salamence
    Dragon Flying
    Shelgon Lvl. 50
  302. No.279 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatink
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Catch it on the map
  303. No.280 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatuff
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Tinkatink Lvl. 24
  304. No.281 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkaton
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Tinkatuff Lvl. 38
  305. No.282 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hatenna
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Catch it on the map
  306. No.283 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hattrem
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Hatenna Lvl. 32
  307. No.284 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hatterene
    Psychic Fairy
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Hattrem Lvl. 42
  308. No.285 No.???? No.???? No.???? Impidimp
    Dark Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  309. No.286 No.???? No.???? No.???? Morgrem
    Dark Fairy
    Impidimp Lvl. 32
  310. No.287 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grimmsnarl
    Dark Fairy
    Morgrem Lvl. 42
  311. No.288 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wiglett
    GooeyRattledSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  312. No.289 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wugtrio
    GooeyRattledSand Veil
    Wiglett Lvl. 26
  313. No.290 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bombirdier
    Flying Dark
    Big PecksKeen EyeRocky Payload
    Catch it on the map
  314. No.291 No.???? No.???? No.???? Finizen
    Water Veil
    Catch it on the map
  315. No.293 No.???? No.???? No.???? Varoom
    Steel Poison
    OvercoatSlow Start
    Catch it on the map
  316. No.294 No.???? No.???? No.???? Revavroom
    Steel Poison
    Varoom Lvl. 40
  317. No.295 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cyclizar
    Dragon Normal
    Shed SkinRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  318. No.296 No.???? No.???? No.???? Orthworm
    Earth EaterSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  319. No.297 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sableye
    Dark Ghost
    Keen EyeStallPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  320. No.298 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shuppet
    InsomniaFriskCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  321. No.299 No.???? No.???? No.???? Banette
    InsomniaFriskCursed Body
    Shuppet Lvl. 37
  322. No.300 No.???? No.???? No.???? Falinks
    Battle ArmorDefiant
    Catch it on the map
  323. No.301 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hawlucha
    Fighting Flying
    LimberUnburdenMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  324. No.302 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spiritomb
    Ghost Dark
  325. No.303 No.???? No.???? No.???? Noibat
    Flying Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  326. No.304 No.???? No.???? No.???? Noivern
    Flying Dragon
    Noibat Lvl. 48
  327. No.305 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dreepy
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  328. No.306 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drakloak
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Dreepy Lvl. 50
  329. No.307 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragapult
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Drakloak Lvl. 60
  330. No.308 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glimmet
    Rock Poison
    Toxic DebrisCorrosion
    Catch it on the map
  331. No.309 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glimmora
    Rock Poison
    Toxic DebrisCorrosion
    Glimmet Lvl. 35
  332. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rotom
    Electric Ghost
    Catch it on the map
  333. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Heat Rotom
    Electric Fire
  334. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wash Rotom
    Electric Water
  335. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frost Rotom
    Electric Ice
  336. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fan Rotom
    Electric Flying
  337. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mow Rotom
    Electric Grass
  338. No.311 No.???? No.???? No.???? Greavard
    Catch it on the map
  339. No.312 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndstone
    Sand RushFluffy
    Greavard Lvl. 30 in the Night
  340. No.313 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oranguru
    Normal Psychic
    Inner FocusTelepathySymbiosis
    Catch it on the map
  341. No.314 No.???? No.???? No.???? Passimian
    Catch it on the map
  342. No.315 No.???? No.???? No.???? Komala
    Catch it on the map
  343. No.316 No.???? No.???? No.???? Larvitar
    Rock Ground
    GutsSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  344. No.317 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pupitar
    Rock Ground
    Shed Skin
    Larvitar Lvl. 30
  345. No.318 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tyranitar
    Rock Dark
    Sand StreamUnnerve
    Pupitar Lvl. 55
  346. No.319 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stonjourner
    Power Spot
    Catch it on the map
  347. No.320 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eiscue(Ice)
    Ice Face
    Catch it on the map
  348. No.320 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eiscue(Noice)
    Ice Face
    Catch it on the map
  349. No.321 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pincurchin
    Lightning RodElectric Surge
    Catch it on the map
  350. No.322 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandygast
    Ghost Ground
    Water CompactionSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  351. No.323 No.???? No.???? No.???? Palossand
    Ghost Ground
    Water CompactionSand Veil
    Sandygast Lvl. 42
  352. No.324 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowpoke
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  353. No.325 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowbro
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Slowpoke Lvl. 37
  354. No.326 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowking
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Trade Slowpoke while holding King's Rock
  355. No.327 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellos(West)
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  356. No.327 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellos(East)
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  357. No.328 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastrodon(West)
    Water Ground
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Shellos Lvl. 30
  358. No.328 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastrodon(East)
    Water Ground
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Shellos Lvl. 30
  359. No.329 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellder
    Shell ArmorSkill LinkOvercoat
    Catch it on the map
  360. No.330 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cloyster
    Water Ice
    Shell ArmorSkill LinkOvercoat
    Use Shellder to Water Stone
  361. No.331 No.???? No.???? No.???? Qwilfish
    Water Poison
    Poison PointSwift SwimIntimidate
    Catch it on the map
  362. No.332 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luvdisc
    Swift SwimHydration
    Catch it on the map
  363. No.333 No.???? No.???? No.???? Finneon
    Swift SwimStorm DrainWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  364. No.334 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lumineon
    Swift SwimStorm DrainWater Veil
    Finneon Lvl. 31
  365. No.335 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bruxish
    Water Psychic
    DazzlingStrong JawWonder Skin
    Catch it on the map
  366. No.336 No.???? No.???? No.???? Alomomola
    Catch it on the map
  367. No.337 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skrelp
    Poison Water
    Poison PointPoison TouchAdaptability
    Catch it on the map
  368. No.338 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragalge
    Poison Dragon
    Poison PointPoison TouchAdaptability
    Skrelp Lvl. 48
  369. No.339 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clauncher
    Mega Launcher
    Catch it on the map
  370. No.340 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clawitzer
    Mega Launcher
    Clauncher Lvl. 37
  371. No.341 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tynamo
    Catch it on the map
  372. No.342 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eelektrik
    Tynamo Lvl. 39
  373. No.343 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eelektross
    Use Eelektrik to Thunder Stone
  374. No.344 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mareanie
    Poison Water
    Catch it on the map
  375. No.345 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxapex
    Poison Water
    Mareanie Lvl. 38
  376. No.346 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flamigo
    Flying Fighting
    ScrappyTangled Feet
    Catch it on the map
  377. No.347 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dratini
    Shed SkinMarvel Scale
    Catch it on the map
  378. No.348 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragonair
    Shed SkinMarvel Scale
    Dratini Lvl. 30
  379. No.349 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragonite
    Dragon Flying
    Inner Focus
    Dragonair Lvl. 55
  380. No.350 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snom
    Ice Bug
    Shield DustIce Scales
    Catch it on the map
  381. No.351 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frosmoth
    Ice Bug
    Shield DustIce Scales
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up in the night
  382. No.352 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snover
    Grass Ice
    Snow WarningSoundproof
    Catch it on the map
  383. No.353 No.???? No.???? No.???? Abomasnow
    Grass Ice
    Snow WarningSoundproof
    Snover Lvl. 40
  384. No.354 No.???? No.???? No.???? Delibird
    Ice Flying
    Vital SpiritHustleInsomnia
    Catch it on the map
  385. No.355 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cubchoo
    Snow CloakSlush RushRattled
    Catch it on the map
  386. No.356 No.???? No.???? No.???? Beartic
    Snow CloakSlush RushSwift Swim
    Cubchoo Lvl. 37
  387. No.357 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snorunt
    Inner FocusIce BodyMoody
    Catch it on the map
  388. No.358 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glalie
    Inner FocusIce BodyMoody
    Snorunt Lvl. 42
  389. No.359 No.???? No.???? No.???? Froslass
    Ice Ghost
    Snow CloakCursed Body
    Use the Dawn Stone on Snorunt♀
  390. No.360 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cryogonal
    Catch it on the map
  391. No.361 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cetoddle
    Thick FatSnow CloakSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  392. No.362 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cetitan
    Thick FatSlush RushSheer Force
    Use Cetoddle to Ice Stone
  393. No.363 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bergmite
    Own TempoIce BodySturdy
    Catch it on the map
  394. No.364 No.???? No.???? No.???? Avalugg
    Own TempoIce BodySturdy
    Bergmite Lvl. 37
  395. No.365 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rufflet
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeSheer ForceHustle
    Catch it on the map
  396. No.366 No.???? No.???? No.???? Braviary
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeSheer ForceDefiant
    Rufflet Lvl. 54
  397. No.367 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawniard
    Dark Steel
    DefiantInner FocusPressure
    Catch it on the map
  398. No.368 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bisharp
    Dark Steel
    DefiantInner FocusPressure
    Pawniard Lvl. 52
  399. No.369 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kingambit
    Dark Steel
    Make Bisharp hold a Leader's Crest then defeat the Bisharp that is surrounded by Pawniards.
  400. No.370 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deino
    Dark Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  401. No.371 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zweilous
    Dark Dragon
    Deino Lvl. 50
  402. No.372 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hydreigon
    Dark Dragon
    Zweilous Lvl. 64
  403. No.373 No.???? No.???? No.???? Veluza
    Water Psychic
    Mold BreakerSharpness
    Catch it on the map
  404. No.374 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dondozo
    UnawareObliviousWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  405. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri(Stretchy)
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
    Catch it on the map
  406. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri(Droopy)
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
  407. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri(Curly)
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
  408. No.376 No.???? No.???? No.???? Great Tusk
    Ground Fighting
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  409. No.377 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scream Tail
    Fairy Psychic
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  410. No.378 No.???? No.???? No.???? Brute Bonnet
    Grass Dark
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  411. No.379 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flutter Mane
    Ghost Fairy
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  412. No.380 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slither Wing
    Bug Fighting
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  413. No.381 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandy Shocks
    Electric Ground
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  414. No.382 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Treads
    Ground Steel
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  415. No.383 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Bundle
    Ice Water
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  416. No.384 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Hands
    Fighting Electric
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  417. No.385 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Jugulis
    Dark Flying
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  418. No.386 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Moth
    Fire Poison
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  419. No.387 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Thorns
    Rock Electric
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  420. No.388 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frigibax
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Catch it on the map
  421. No.389 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arctibax
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Frigibax Lvl. 35
  422. No.390 No.???? No.???? No.???? Baxcalibur
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Arctibax Lvl. 54
  423. No.391 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gimmieghoul(Chest)
    Catch it on the map
  424. No.392 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gholdengo
    Steel Ghost
    Good as Gold
    Collect 999 coins and then level up.
  425. No.393 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wo-Chien
    Dark Grass
    Vessel Of Ruin
  426. No.394 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chien-Pao
    Dark Ice
    Sword Of Ruin
  427. No.395 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ting-Lu
    Dark Ground
    Tablets Of Ruin
  428. No.396 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chi-Yu
    Dark Fire
    Beads of Ruin
  429. No.397 No.???? No.???? No.???? Roaring Moon
    Dragon Dark
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  430. No.398 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Valiant
    Fairy Fighting
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  431. No.399 No.???? No.???? No.???? Koraidon
    Fighting Dragon
    Orichalcum Pulse
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  432. No.400 No.???? No.???? No.???? Miraidon
    Electric Dragon
    Hadron Engine
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  433. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charmander
    BlazeSolar Power
  434. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charmeleon
    BlazeSolar Power
    Charmander Lvl. 16
  435. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Charizard
    Fire Flying
    BlazeSolar Power
    Charmeleon Lvl. 36
    Catch them in raid battles (limited)
  436. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Galarian Meowth
  437. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Wooper
    Water Ground
    DampWater AbsorbUnaware
  438. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Quagsire
    Water Ground
    DampWater AbsorbUnaware
    Wooper Lvl. 20
  439. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Hisuian Zorua
    Normal Ghost
    Hatching Hisuian Zoroark eggs
  440. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Hisuian Zoroark
    Normal Ghost
    Early-purchase bonus for DLC "The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero"
  441. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Froakie
  442. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Frogadier
    Froakie Lvl. 16
  443. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Greninja
    Water Dark
    Frogadier Lvl. 36
  444. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Scorbunny
  445. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Raboot
    Scorbunny Lvl. 16
  446. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Cinderace
    Raboot Lvl. 35
  447. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Perrserker
    Battle ArmorTough Claws
    Meowth-2 Lvl. 28
  448. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Walking Wake
    Water Dragon
    Tera Raid Bettle Event
  449. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Leaves
    Grass Psychic
    Quark Drive
    Tera Raid Bettle Event
  450. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Froakie
  451. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Frogadier
    Froakie Lvl. 16
  452. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Greninja
    Water Dark
    Frogadier Lvl. 36
  453. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Scorbunny
  454. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Raboot
    Scorbunny Lvl. 16
  455. No.???? No.???? No.???? No.???? Cinderace
    Raboot Lvl. 35
  456. No.001 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sprigatito
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  457. No.002 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floragato
    Sprigatito Lvl. 16
  458. No.003 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meowscarada
    Grass Dark
    Floragato Lvl. 36
  459. No.004 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fuecoco
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  460. No.005 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crocalor
    Fuecoco Lvl. 16
  461. No.006 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skeledirge
    Fire Ghost
    Crocalor Lvl. 36
  462. No.007 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaxly
    Choose from Starter Pokemon
  463. No.008 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaxwell
    Quaxly Lvl. 16
  464. No.009 No.???? No.???? No.???? Quaquaval
    Water Fighting
    Quaxwell Lvl. 36
  465. No.010 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lechonk
    Aroma VeilGluttonyThick Fat
    Catch it on the map
  466. No.011 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oinkologne
    Lingering AromaGluttonyThick Fat
    Lechonk (♂) Lvl. 18
  467. No.011 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oinkologne
    Aroma VeilGluttonyThick Fat
    Lechonk (♀) Lvl. 18
  468. No.012 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tarountula
    Catch it on the map
  469. No.013 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spidops
    Tarountula Lvl. 15
  470. No.014 No.???? No.???? No.???? Nymble
    SwarmTinted Lens
    Catch it on the map
  471. No.015 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lokix
    Bug Dark
    SwarmTinted Lens
    Nymble Lvl. 24
  472. No.016 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hoppip
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  473. No.017 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skiploom
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Hoppip Lvl. 18
  474. No.018 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jumpluff
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllLeaf GuardInfiltrator
    Skiploom Lvl. 27
  475. No.019 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchling
    Normal Flying
    Big Pecks
    Catch it on the map
  476. No.020 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fletchinder
    Fire Flying
    Flame Body
    Fletchling Lvl. 17
  477. No.021 No.???? No.???? No.???? Talonflame
    Fire Flying
    Flame Body
    Fletchinder Lvl. 35
  478. No.022 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmi
    StaticNatural CureIron Fist
    Catch it on the map
  479. No.023 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmo
    Electric Fighting
    Volt AbsorbNatural CureIron Fist
    Pawmi Lvl. 18
  480. No.024 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawmot
    Electric Fighting
    Volt AbsorbNatural CureIron Fist
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  481. No.025 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndour
    Dark Fire
    Early BirdFlash FireUnnerve
    Catch it on the map
  482. No.026 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndoom
    Dark Fire
    Early BirdFlash FireUnnerve
    Houndour Lvl. 24
  483. No.027 No.???? No.???? No.???? Yungoos
    StakeoutStrong JawAdaptability
    Catch it on the map
  484. No.028 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gumshoos
    StakeoutStrong JawAdaptability
    Level up Yungoos during Morning, Afternoon or Night to Lvl. 20.
  485. No.029 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skwovet
    Cheek PouchGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  486. No.030 No.???? No.???? No.???? Greedent
    Cheek PouchGluttony
    Skwovet Lvl. 24
  487. No.031 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunkern
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerEarly Bird
    Catch it on the map
  488. No.032 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sunflora
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerEarly Bird
    Use Sunkern to Sun Stone
  489. No.033 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kricketot
    Shed SkinRun Away
    Catch it on the map
  490. No.034 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kricketune
    Kricketot Lvl. 10
  491. No.035 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scatterbug
    Shield DustCompound EyesFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  492. No.036 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spewpa
    Shed SkinFriend Guard
    Scatterbug Lvl. 9
  493. No.037 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vivillon
    Bug Flying
    Shield DustCompound EyesFriend Guard
    Spewpa Lvl. 12
  494. No.038 No.???? No.???? No.???? Combee
    Bug Flying
    Honey GatherHustle
    Catch it on the map
  495. No.039 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vespiquen
    Bug Flying
    Combee♀ Lvl. 21
  496. No.040 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rookidee
    Keen EyeUnnerveBig Pecks
    Catch it on the map
  497. No.041 No.???? No.???? No.???? Corvisquire
    Keen EyeUnnerveBig Pecks
    Rookidee Lvl. 18
  498. No.042 No.???? No.???? No.???? Corviknight
    Flying Steel
    PressureUnnerveMirror Armor
    Corvisquire Lvl. 38
  499. No.043 No.???? No.???? No.???? Happiny
    Natural CureSerene GraceFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  500. No.044 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chansey
    Natural CureSerene GraceHealer
    Make Happini hold an Oval Stone and increase its level during Morning or Afternoon.
    Catch it on the map
  501. No.045 No.???? No.???? No.???? Blissey
    Natural CureSerene GraceHealer
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
  502. No.046 No.???? No.???? No.???? Azurill
    Normal Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  503. No.047 No.???? No.???? No.???? Marill
    Water Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
  504. No.048 No.???? No.???? No.???? Azumarill
    Water Fairy
    Thick FatHuge PowerSap Sipper
    Marill Lvl. 18
  505. No.049 No.???? No.???? No.???? Surskit
    Bug Water
    Swift SwimRain Dish
    Catch it on the map
  506. No.050 No.???? No.???? No.???? Masquerain
    Bug Flying
    Surskit Lvl. 22
  507. No.051 No.???? No.???? No.???? Buizel
    Swift SwimWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  508. No.052 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floatzel
    Swift SwimWater Veil
    Buizel Lvl. 26
  509. No.053 No.???? No.???? No.???? Paldean Wooper
    Poison Ground
    Poison PointWater AbsorbUnaware
    Catch it on the map
  510. No.054 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clodsire
    Poison Ground
    Poison PointWater AbsorbUnaware
    Paldean Wooper Lvl. 20
  511. No.055 No.???? No.???? No.???? Psyduck
    DampCloud NineSwift Swim
    Catch it on the map
  512. No.056 No.???? No.???? No.???? Golduck
    DampCloud NineSwift Swim
    Psyduck Lvl. 33
  513. No.057 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chewtle
    Strong JawShell ArmorSwift Swim
    Catch it on the map
  514. No.058 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drednaw
    Water Rock
    Strong JawShell ArmorSwift Swim
    Chewtle Lvl. 22
  515. No.059 No.???? No.???? No.???? Igglybuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFriend Guard
    Catch it on the map
  516. No.060 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jigglypuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFriend Guard
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
    Catch it on the map
  517. No.061 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wigglytuff
    Normal Fairy
    Cute CharmCompetitiveFrisk
    Use Jigglypuff to Moon Stone
  518. No.062 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ralts
    Psychic Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  519. No.063 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kirlia
    Psychic Fairy
    Ralts Lvl. 20
  520. No.064 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gardevoir
    Psychic Fairy
    Kirlia Lvl. 30
  521. No.065 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gallade
    Psychic Fighting
    Use the Dawn Stone on Kirlia♂
  522. No.066 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drowzee
    InsomniaForewarnInner Focus
    Catch it on the map
  523. No.067 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hypno
    InsomniaForewarnInner Focus
    Drowzee Lvl. 26
  524. No.068 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastly
    Ghost Poison
    Catch it on the map
  525. No.069 No.???? No.???? No.???? Haunter
    Ghost Poison
    Gastly Lvl. 25
  526. No.070 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gengar
    Ghost Poison
    Cursed Body
    Trade Haunter to evolve.
  527. No.071 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tandemaus
    Run AwayPickupOwn Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  528. No.072 No.???? No.???? No.???? Maushold
    Friend GuardCheek PouchTechnician
    Tandemaus Lvl. 25
  529. No.073 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pichu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Catch it on the map
  530. No.074 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pikachu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up
    Catch it on the map
  531. No.075 No.???? No.???? No.???? Raichu
    StaticLightning Rod
    Use Pikachu to Thunder Stone
  532. No.076 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fidough
    Own TempoKlutz
    Catch it on the map
  533. No.077 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dachsbun
    Well-Baked BodyAroma Veil
    Fidough Lvl. 26
  534. No.078 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slakoth
    Catch it on the map
  535. No.079 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vigoroth
    Vital Spirit
    Slakoth Lvl. 18
  536. No.080 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slaking
    Vigoroth Lvl. 36
  537. No.081 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bounsweet
    Leaf GuardObliviousSweet Veil
    Catch it on the map
  538. No.082 No.???? No.???? No.???? Steenee
    Leaf GuardObliviousSweet Veil
    Bounsweet Lvl. 18
  539. No.083 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tsareena
    Leaf GuardQueenly MajestySweet Veil
    Level up Bounsweet while it learned the stomp.
  540. No.084 No.???? No.???? No.???? Smoliv
    Grass Normal
    Early BirdHarvest
    Catch it on the map
  541. No.085 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dolliv
    Grass Normal
    Early BirdHarvest
    Smoliv Lvl. 25
  542. No.086 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arboliva
    Grass Normal
    Dolliv Lvl. 35
  543. No.087 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bonsly
    SturdyRock HeadRattled
    Catch it on the map
  544. No.088 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sudowoodo
    SturdyRock HeadRattled
    Level up Bonsly while it learned the move Mimic.
  545. No.089 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff
    Keen EyeVital SpiritSteadfast
    Catch it on the map
  546. No.089 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rockruff
    Own Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  547. No.090 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc
    Keen EyeSand RushSteadfast
    Level up Rockruff during Morning, Afternoon or Night to Lvl. 25.
  548. No.090 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc
    Keen EyeVital SpiritNo Guard
    Level up Rockruff Night to Lvl. 25.
  549. No.090 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lycanroc
    Tough Claws
    Level Up Rockruff (Ability: Own Tempo) during the Evening to Lvl. 25.
  550. No.091 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rolycoly
    Steam EngineHeatproofFlash Fire
    Catch it on the map
  551. No.092 No.???? No.???? No.???? Carkol
    Rock Fire
    Steam EngineFlame BodyFlash Fire
    Rolycoly Lvl. 18
  552. No.093 No.???? No.???? No.???? Coalossal
    Rock Fire
    Steam EngineFlame BodyFlash Fire
    Carkol Lvl. 34
  553. No.094 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shinx
    Catch it on the map
  554. No.095 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luxio
    Shinx Lvl. 15
  555. No.096 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luxray
    Luxio Lvl. 30
  556. No.097 No.???? No.???? No.???? Starly
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeReckless
    Catch it on the map
  557. No.098 No.???? No.???? No.???? Staravia
    Normal Flying
    Starly Lvl. 14
  558. No.099 No.???? No.???? No.???? Staraptor
    Normal Flying
    Staravia Lvl. 34
  559. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio
    Fire Flying
    Use Red Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  560. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio
    Electric Flying
    Use Yellow Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  561. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio
    Psychic Flying
    Use Pink Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  562. No.100 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oricorio
    Ghost Flying
    Use Purple Nectar to Oricorio
    Catch it on the map
  563. No.101 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mareep
    Catch it on the map
  564. No.102 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flaaffy
    Mareep Lvl. 15
  565. No.103 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ampharos
    Flaaffy Lvl. 30
  566. No.104 No.???? No.???? No.???? Petilil
    ChlorophyllOwn TempoLeaf Guard
    Catch it on the map
  567. No.105 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lilligant
    ChlorophyllOwn TempoLeaf Guard
    Use Petilil to Sun Stone
  568. No.106 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shroomish
    Effect SporePoison HealQuick Feet
    Catch it on the map
  569. No.107 No.???? No.???? No.???? Breloom
    Grass Fighting
    Effect SporePoison HealTechnician
    Shroomish Lvl. 23
  570. No.108 No.???? No.???? No.???? Applin
    Grass Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  571. No.109 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flapple
    Grass Dragon
    Use TartApple to Applin
  572. No.110 No.???? No.???? No.???? Appletun
    Grass Dragon
    RipenGluttonyThick Fat
    Use SweetApple to Applin
  573. No.111 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spoink
    Thick FatOwn TempoGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  574. No.112 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grumpig
    Thick FatOwn TempoGluttony
    Spoink Lvl. 32
  575. No.113 No.???? No.???? No.???? Squawkabilly
    Normal Flying
    Catch it on the map
  576. No.114 No.???? No.???? No.???? Misdreavus
    Catch it on the map
  577. No.115 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mismagius
    Use Misdreavus to Dusk Stone
  578. No.116 No.???? No.???? No.???? Makuhita
    Thick FatGutsSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  579. No.117 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hariyama
    Thick FatGutsSheer Force
    Makuhita Lvl. 24
  580. No.118 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crabrawler
    Hyper CutterIron Fist
    Catch it on the map
  581. No.119 No.???? No.???? No.???? Crabominable
    Fighting Ice
    Hyper CutterIron Fist
    Use Crabrawler to Ice Stone
  582. No.120 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salandit
    Poison Fire
    Catch it on the map
  583. No.121 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salazzle
    Poison Fire
    Salandit♀ Lvl. 33
  584. No.122 No.???? No.???? No.???? Phanpy
    PickupSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  585. No.123 No.???? No.???? No.???? Donphan
    SturdySand Veil
    Phanpy Lvl. 25
  586. No.124 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cufant
    Sheer ForceHeavy Metal
    Catch it on the map
  587. No.125 No.???? No.???? No.???? Copperajah
    Sheer ForceHeavy Metal
    Cufant Lvl. 34
  588. No.126 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gible
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  589. No.127 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gabite
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Gible Lvl. 24
  590. No.128 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garchomp
    Dragon Ground
    Sand Veil
    Gabite Lvl. 48
  591. No.129 No.???? No.???? No.???? Nacli
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Catch it on the map
  592. No.130 No.???? No.???? No.???? Naclstack
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Nacli Lvl. 24
  593. No.131 No.???? No.???? No.???? Garganacl
    Purifying SaltSturdyClear Body
    Naclstack Lvl. 38
  594. No.132 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wingull
    Water Flying
    Keen EyeHydrationRain Dish
    Catch it on the map
  595. No.133 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pelipper
    Water Flying
    Keen EyeDrizzleRain Dish
    Wingull Lvl. 25
  596. No.134 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magikarp
    Swift SwimRattled
    Catch it on the map
  597. No.135 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gyarados
    Water Flying
    Magikarp Lvl. 20
  598. No.136 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arrokuda
    Swift SwimPropeller Tail
    Catch it on the map
  599. No.137 No.???? No.???? No.???? Barraskewda
    Swift SwimPropeller Tail
    Arrokuda Lvl. 26
  600. No.138 No.???? No.???? No.???? Basculin
    RecklessAdaptabilityMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  601. No.138 No.???? No.???? No.???? Basculin
    Rock HeadAdaptabilityMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  602. No.139 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gulpin
    Sticky HoldGluttony
    Catch it on the map
  603. No.140 No.???? No.???? No.???? Swalot
    Sticky HoldGluttony
    Gulpin Lvl. 26
  604. No.141 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meowth
    Catch it on the map
  605. No.142 No.???? No.???? No.???? Persian
    Meowth Lvl. 28
  606. No.143 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drifloon
    Ghost Flying
    AftermathUnburdenFlare Boost
    Catch it on the map
  607. No.144 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drifblim
    Ghost Flying
    AftermathUnburdenFlare Boost
    Drifloon Lvl. 28
  608. No.145 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flabebe
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Catch it on the map
  609. No.146 No.???? No.???? No.???? Floette
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Flabebe Lvl. 19
  610. No.147 No.???? No.???? No.???? Florges
    Flower VeilSymbiosis
    Use Shiny Stone to Floette
  611. No.148 No.???? No.???? No.???? Diglett
    Sand VeilArena TrapSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  612. No.149 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dugtrio
    Sand VeilArena TrapSand Force
    Diglett Lvl. 26
  613. No.150 No.???? No.???? No.???? Torkoal
    White SmokeDroughtShell Armor
    Catch it on the map
  614. No.151 No.???? No.???? No.???? Numel
    Fire Ground
    ObliviousSimpleOwn Tempo
    Catch it on the map
  615. No.152 No.???? No.???? No.???? Camerupt
    Fire Ground
    Magma ArmorSolid Rock
    Numel Lvl. 33
  616. No.153 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bronzor
    Steel Psychic
    LevitateHeatproofHeavy Metal
    Catch it on the map
  617. No.154 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bronzong
    Steel Psychic
    LevitateHeatproofHeavy Metal
    Bronzor Lvl. 33
  618. No.155 No.???? No.???? No.???? Axew
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Catch it on the map
  619. No.156 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fraxure
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Axew Lvl. 38
  620. No.157 No.???? No.???? No.???? Haxorus
    RivalryMold BreakerUnnerve
    Fraxure Lvl. 48
  621. No.158 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mankey
    Vital SpiritDefiant
    Catch it on the map
  622. No.159 No.???? No.???? No.???? Primeape
    Vital SpiritDefiant
    Mankey Lvl. 28
  623. No.160 No.???? No.???? No.???? Annihilape
    Fighting Ghost
    Vital SpiritInner FocusDefiant
    Let Primeape use Rage Fist 20 Times and then increase its level.
  624. No.161 No.???? No.???? No.???? Meditite
    Fighting Psychic
    Pure PowerTelepathy
    Catch it on the map
  625. No.162 No.???? No.???? No.???? Medicham
    Fighting Psychic
    Pure PowerTelepathy
    Meditite Lvl. 37
  626. No.163 No.???? No.???? No.???? Riolu
    SteadfastInner FocusPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  627. No.164 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lucario
    Fighting Steel
    SteadfastInner FocusJustified
    Gain friendship with Riolu and level up during Morning/Noon/Evening
  628. No.165 No.???? No.???? No.???? Charcadet
    Flash FireFlame Body
    Catch it on the map
  629. No.166 No.???? No.???? No.???? Armarouge
    Fire Psychic
    Flash FireWeak Armor
    Use Auspicious Armor on Charcadet. (At Zapapico exchange 10 Bronzor Fragments: Scarlet)
  630. No.167 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ceruledge
    Fire Ghost
    Flash FireWeak Armor
    Use Malicious Armor on Charcadet. (At Zapapico Exchange Sinistea Chips: Violet)
  631. No.168 No.???? No.???? No.???? Barboach
    Water Ground
    Catch it on the map
  632. No.169 No.???? No.???? No.???? Whiscash
    Water Ground
    Barboach Lvl. 30
  633. No.170 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tadbulb
    Own TempoStaticDamp
    Catch it on the map
  634. No.171 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bellibolt
    Use Tadbulb to Thunder Stone
  635. No.172 No.???? No.???? No.???? Goomy
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Catch it on the map
  636. No.173 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sliggoo
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Goomy Lvl. 40
  637. No.174 No.???? No.???? No.???? Goodra
    Sap SipperHydrationGooey
    Level up Sliggoo to Level 50 during the Rain.
  638. No.175 No.???? No.???? No.???? Croagunk
    Poison Fighting
    AnticipationDry SkinPoison Touch
    Catch it on the map
  639. No.176 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxicroak
    Poison Fighting
    AnticipationDry SkinPoison Touch
    Croagunk Lvl. 37
  640. No.177 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wattrel
    Electric Flying
    Wind PowerVolt AbsorbCompetitive
    Catch it on the map
  641. No.178 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kilowattrel
    Electric Flying
    Wind PowerVolt AbsorbCompetitive
    Wattrel Lvl. 25
  642. No.179 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eevee
    Run AwayAdaptabilityAnticipation
    Catch it on the map
  643. No.180 No.???? No.???? No.???? Vaporeon
    Water AbsorbHydration
    Use Eevee to Water Stone
  644. No.181 No.???? No.???? No.???? Jolteon
    Volt AbsorbQuick Feet
    Use Eevee to Thunder Stone
  645. No.182 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flareon
    Flash FireGuts
    Use Eevee to Fire Stone
  646. No.183 No.???? No.???? No.???? Espeon
    SynchronizeMagic Bounce
    Gain friendship with Eevee and level up during Morning/Noon
  647. No.184 No.???? No.???? No.???? Umbreon
    SynchronizeInner Focus
    Gain friendship with Eevee and level up during Night
  648. No.185 No.???? No.???? No.???? Leafeon
    Leaf GuardChlorophyll
    Use Eevee to Leaf Stone
  649. No.186 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glaceon
    Snow CloakIce Body
    Use Eevee to Ice Stone
  650. No.187 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sylveon
    Cute CharmPixilate
    Reach Max Friendship with Eevee and increase its level while it has a Fairy Type move.
  651. No.188 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dunsparce
    Serene GraceRun AwayRattled
    Catch it on the map
  652. No.189 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dudunsparce
    Serene GraceRun AwayRattled
    Level up Dunsparce while it learned the move HyperDrill
  653. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  654. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  655. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  656. No.190 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deerling
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Catch it on the map
  657. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  658. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  659. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  660. No.191 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sawsbuck
    Normal Grass
    ChlorophyllSap SipperSerene Grace
    Deerling Lvl. 34
  661. No.192 No.???? No.???? No.???? Girafarig
    Normal Psychic
    Inner FocusEarly BirdSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  662. No.193 No.???? No.???? No.???? Farigiraf
    Normal Psychic
    Cud ChewArmor TailSap Sipper
    Level up Girafarig while it learned the move TwinBeam
  663. No.194 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grimer
    StenchSticky HoldPoison Touch
    Catch it on the map
  664. No.195 No.???? No.???? No.???? Muk
    StenchSticky HoldPoison Touch
    Grimer Lvl. 38
  665. No.196 No.???? No.???? No.???? Maschiff
    IntimidateRun AwayStakeout
    Catch it on the map
  666. No.197 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mabosstiff
    Maschiff Lvl. 30
  667. No.198 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxel
    Electric Poison
    Catch it on the map
  668. No.199 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxtricity
    Electric Poison
    Punk RockPlusTechnician
    Toxel Lvl. 30
  669. No.199 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxtricity
    Electric Poison
    Punk RockMinusTechnician
    Toxel Lvl. 30
  670. No.200 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dedenne
    Electric Fairy
    Cheek PouchPickupPlus
    Catch it on the map
  671. No.201 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pachirisu
    Run AwayPickupVolt Absorb
    Catch it on the map
  672. No.202 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shroodle
    Poison Normal
    Catch it on the map
  673. No.203 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grafaiai
    Poison Normal
    UnburdenPoison TouchPrankster
    Shroodle Lvl. 28
  674. No.204 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stantler
    IntimidateFriskSap Sipper
    Catch it on the map
  675. No.205 No.???? No.???? No.???? Foongus
    Grass Poison
    Effect SporeRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  676. No.206 No.???? No.???? No.???? Amoonguss
    Grass Poison
    Effect SporeRegenerator
    Foongus Lvl. 39
  677. No.207 No.???? No.???? No.???? Voltorb
    Catch it on the map
  678. No.208 No.???? No.???? No.???? Electrode
    Voltorb Lvl. 30
  679. No.209 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magnemite
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Catch it on the map
  680. No.210 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magneton
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Magnemite Lvl. 30
  681. No.211 No.???? No.???? No.???? Magnezone
    Electric Steel
    Magnet PullSturdyAnalytic
    Use Magneton to Thunder Stone
  682. No.212 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ditto
    Catch it on the map
  683. No.213 No.???? No.???? No.???? Growlithe
    IntimidateFlash FireJustified
    Catch it on the map
  684. No.214 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arcanine
    IntimidateFlash FireJustified
    Use Growlithe to Fire Stone
  685. No.215 No.???? No.???? No.???? Teddiursa
    PickupQuick FeetHoney Gather
    Catch it on the map
  686. No.216 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ursaring
    GutsQuick FeetUnnerve
    Teddiursa Lvl. 30
  687. No.217 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zangoose
    ImmunityToxic Boost
    Catch it on the map
  688. No.218 No.???? No.???? No.???? Seviper
    Shed SkinInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  689. No.219 No.???? No.???? No.???? Swablu
    Normal Flying
    Natural CureCloud Nine
    Catch it on the map
  690. No.220 No.???? No.???? No.???? Altaria
    Dragon Flying
    Natural CureCloud Nine
    Swablu Lvl. 35
  691. No.221 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skiddo
    Sap SipperGrass Pelt
    Catch it on the map
  692. No.222 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gogoat
    Sap SipperGrass Pelt
    Skiddo Lvl. 32
  693. No.223 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros
    IntimidateCud Chew
    Catch it on the map
  694. No.223 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros
    Fighting Water
    IntimidateCud Chew
  695. No.223 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tauros
    Fighting Fire
    IntimidateCud Chew
  696. No.224 No.???? No.???? No.???? Litleo
    Fire Normal
    Catch it on the map
  697. No.225 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pyroar
    Fire Normal
    Litleo Lvl. 35
  698. No.225 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pyroar
    Fire Normal
    Litleo Lvl. 35
  699. No.226 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stunky
    Poison Dark
    StenchAftermathKeen Eye
    Catch it on the map
  700. No.227 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skuntank
    Poison Dark
    StenchAftermathKeen Eye
    Stunky Lvl. 34
  701. No.228 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zorua
    Catch it on the map
  702. No.229 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zoroark
    Zorua Lvl. 30
  703. No.230 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sneasel
    Dark Ice
    Inner FocusKeen EyePickpocket
    Catch it on the map
  704. No.231 No.???? No.???? No.???? Weavile
    Dark Ice
    Level up Sneasel during Night while holding Razor Claw
  705. No.232 No.???? No.???? No.???? Murkrow
    Dark Flying
    InsomniaSuper LuckPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  706. No.233 No.???? No.???? No.???? Honchkrow
    Dark Flying
    InsomniaSuper LuckMoxie
    Use Murkrow to Dusk Stone
  707. No.234 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothita
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Catch it on the map
  708. No.235 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothorita
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Gothita Lvl. 32
  709. No.236 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gothitelle
    FriskCompetitiveShadow Tag
    Gothorita Lvl. 41
  710. No.237 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sinistea
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  711. No.237 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sinistea
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  712. No.238 No.???? No.???? No.???? Polteageist
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Use CrackedPot/ChippedPot to Sinistea
  713. No.238 No.???? No.???? No.???? Polteageist
    Weak ArmorCursed Body
    Use CrackedPot/ChippedPot to Sinistea
  714. No.239 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mimikyu
    Ghost Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  715. No.240 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klefki
    Steel Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  716. No.241 No.???? No.???? No.???? Indeedee
    Psychic Normal
    Inner FocusSynchronizePsychic Surge
    Catch it on the map
  717. No.241 No.???? No.???? No.???? Indeedee
    Psychic Normal
    Own TempoSynchronizePsychic Surge
    Catch it on the map
  718. No.242 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bramblin
    Grass Ghost
    Wind RiderInfiltrator
    Catch it on the map
  719. No.243 No.???? No.???? No.???? Brambleghast
    Grass Ghost
    Wind RiderInfiltrator
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  720. No.244 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscool
    Ground Grass
    Mycelium Might
    Catch it on the map
  721. No.245 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toedscruel
    Ground Grass
    Mycelium Might
    Toedscool Lvl. 30
  722. No.246 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tropius
    Grass Flying
    ChlorophyllSolar PowerHarvest
    Catch it on the map
  723. No.247 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fomantis
    Leaf GuardContrary
    Catch it on the map
  724. No.248 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lurantis
    Leaf GuardContrary
    Level up Fomantis during Morning, Afternoon to Lvl. 34.
  725. No.249 No.???? No.???? No.???? Klawf
    Anger ShellShell ArmorRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  726. No.250 No.???? No.???? No.???? Capsakid
    Catch it on the map
  727. No.251 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scovillain
    Grass Fire
    Use Capsakid to Fire Stone
  728. No.252 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacnea
    Sand VeilWater Absorb
    Catch it on the map
  729. No.253 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cacturne
    Grass Dark
    Sand VeilWater Absorb
    Cacnea Lvl. 32
  730. No.254 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rellor
    Compound EyesShed Skin
    Catch it on the map
  731. No.255 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rabsca
    Bug Psychic
    Use Let's Go to walk your Pokemon up to 1000 steps then increase its level.
  732. No.256 No.???? No.???? No.???? Venonat
    Bug Poison
    Compound EyesTinted LensRun Away
    Catch it on the map
  733. No.257 No.???? No.???? No.???? Venomoth
    Bug Poison
    Shield DustTinted LensWonder Skin
    Venonat Lvl. 31
  734. No.258 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pineco
    Catch it on the map
  735. No.259 No.???? No.???? No.???? Forretress
    Bug Steel
    Pineco Lvl. 31
  736. No.260 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scyther
    Bug Flying
    Catch it on the map
  737. No.261 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scizor
    Bug Steel
    SwarmTechnicianLight Metal
    Trade Scyther while holding Metal Coat
  738. No.262 No.???? No.???? No.???? Heracross
    Bug Fighting
    Catch it on the map
  739. No.263 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flittle
    AnticipationFriskSpeed Boost
    Catch it on the map
  740. No.264 No.???? No.???? No.???? Espathra
    OpportunistFriskSpeed Boost
    Flittle Lvl. 35
  741. No.265 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippopotas
    Sand StreamSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  742. No.266 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hippowdon
    Sand StreamSand Force
    Hippopotas Lvl. 34
  743. No.267 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandile
    Ground Dark
    Catch it on the map
  744. No.268 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krokorok
    Ground Dark
    Sandile Lvl. 29
  745. No.269 No.???? No.???? No.???? Krookodile
    Ground Dark
    Krokorok Lvl. 40
  746. No.270 No.???? No.???? No.???? Silicobra
    Sand SpitShed SkinSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  747. No.271 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandaconda
    Sand SpitShed SkinSand Veil
    Silicobra Lvl. 36
  748. No.272 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudbray
    Own TempoStaminaInner Focus
    Catch it on the map
  749. No.273 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mudsdale
    Own TempoStaminaInner Focus
    Mudbray Lvl. 30
  750. No.274 No.???? No.???? No.???? Larvesta
    Bug Fire
    Flame BodySwarm
    Catch it on the map
  751. No.275 No.???? No.???? No.???? Volcarona
    Bug Fire
    Flame BodySwarm
    Larvesta Lvl. 59
  752. No.276 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bagon
    Rock HeadSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  753. No.277 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shelgon
    Rock HeadOvercoat
    Bagon Lvl. 30
  754. No.278 No.???? No.???? No.???? Salamence
    Dragon Flying
    Shelgon Lvl. 50
  755. No.279 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatink
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Catch it on the map
  756. No.280 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkatuff
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Tinkatink Lvl. 24
  757. No.281 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tinkaton
    Fairy Steel
    Mold BreakerOwn TempoPickpocket
    Tinkatuff Lvl. 38
  758. No.282 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hatenna
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Catch it on the map
  759. No.283 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hattrem
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Hatenna Lvl. 32
  760. No.284 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hatterene
    Psychic Fairy
    HealerAnticipationMagic Bounce
    Hattrem Lvl. 42
  761. No.285 No.???? No.???? No.???? Impidimp
    Dark Fairy
    Catch it on the map
  762. No.286 No.???? No.???? No.???? Morgrem
    Dark Fairy
    Impidimp Lvl. 32
  763. No.287 No.???? No.???? No.???? Grimmsnarl
    Dark Fairy
    Morgrem Lvl. 42
  764. No.288 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wiglett
    GooeyRattledSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  765. No.289 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wugtrio
    GooeyRattledSand Veil
    Wiglett Lvl. 26
  766. No.290 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bombirdier
    Flying Dark
    Big PecksKeen EyeRocky Payload
    Catch it on the map
  767. No.291 No.???? No.???? No.???? Finizen
    Water Veil
    Catch it on the map
  768. No.292 No.???? No.???? No.???? Palafin
    Zero to Hero
    While connected to Union Circle, level up Finizen to 38 or more.
  769. No.292 No.???? No.???? No.???? Palafin
    Zero to Hero
    Transform during the battle using the Ability.
  770. No.293 No.???? No.???? No.???? Varoom
    Steel Poison
    OvercoatSlow Start
    Catch it on the map
  771. No.294 No.???? No.???? No.???? Revavroom
    Steel Poison
    Varoom Lvl. 40
  772. No.295 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cyclizar
    Dragon Normal
    Shed SkinRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  773. No.296 No.???? No.???? No.???? Orthworm
    Earth EaterSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  774. No.297 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sableye
    Dark Ghost
    Keen EyeStallPrankster
    Catch it on the map
  775. No.298 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shuppet
    InsomniaFriskCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  776. No.299 No.???? No.???? No.???? Banette
    InsomniaFriskCursed Body
    Shuppet Lvl. 37
  777. No.300 No.???? No.???? No.???? Falinks
    Battle ArmorDefiant
    Catch it on the map
  778. No.301 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hawlucha
    Fighting Flying
    LimberUnburdenMold Breaker
    Catch it on the map
  779. No.302 No.???? No.???? No.???? Spiritomb
    Ghost Dark
  780. No.303 No.???? No.???? No.???? Noibat
    Flying Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  781. No.304 No.???? No.???? No.???? Noivern
    Flying Dragon
    Noibat Lvl. 48
  782. No.305 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dreepy
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Catch it on the map
  783. No.306 No.???? No.???? No.???? Drakloak
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Dreepy Lvl. 50
  784. No.307 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragapult
    Dragon Ghost
    Clear BodyInfiltratorCursed Body
    Drakloak Lvl. 60
  785. No.308 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glimmet
    Rock Poison
    Toxic DebrisCorrosion
    Catch it on the map
  786. No.309 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glimmora
    Rock Poison
    Toxic DebrisCorrosion
    Glimmet Lvl. 35
  787. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rotom
    Electric Ghost
    Catch it on the map
  788. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Heat Rotom
    Electric Fire
  789. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wash Rotom
    Electric Water
  790. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frost Rotom
    Electric Ice
  791. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Fan Rotom
    Electric Flying
  792. No.310 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mow Rotom
    Electric Grass
  793. No.311 No.???? No.???? No.???? Greavard
    Catch it on the map
  794. No.312 No.???? No.???? No.???? Houndstone
    Sand RushFluffy
    Greavard Lvl. 30 in the Night
  795. No.313 No.???? No.???? No.???? Oranguru
    Normal Psychic
    Inner FocusTelepathySymbiosis
    Catch it on the map
  796. No.314 No.???? No.???? No.???? Passimian
    Catch it on the map
  797. No.315 No.???? No.???? No.???? Komala
    Catch it on the map
  798. No.316 No.???? No.???? No.???? Larvitar
    Rock Ground
    GutsSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  799. No.317 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pupitar
    Rock Ground
    Shed Skin
    Larvitar Lvl. 30
  800. No.318 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tyranitar
    Rock Dark
    Sand StreamUnnerve
    Pupitar Lvl. 55
  801. No.319 No.???? No.???? No.???? Stonjourner
    Power Spot
    Catch it on the map
  802. No.320 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eiscue
    Ice Face
    Catch it on the map
  803. No.320 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eiscue
    Ice Face
    Catch it on the map
  804. No.321 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pincurchin
    Lightning RodElectric Surge
    Catch it on the map
  805. No.322 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandygast
    Ghost Ground
    Water CompactionSand Veil
    Catch it on the map
  806. No.323 No.???? No.???? No.???? Palossand
    Ghost Ground
    Water CompactionSand Veil
    Sandygast Lvl. 42
  807. No.324 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowpoke
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Catch it on the map
  808. No.325 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowbro
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Slowpoke Lvl. 37
  809. No.326 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slowking
    Water Psychic
    ObliviousOwn TempoRegenerator
    Trade Slowpoke while holding King's Rock
  810. No.327 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellos
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  811. No.327 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellos
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Catch it on the map
  812. No.328 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastrodon
    Water Ground
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Shellos Lvl. 30
  813. No.328 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gastrodon
    Water Ground
    Sticky HoldStorm DrainSand Force
    Shellos Lvl. 30
  814. No.329 No.???? No.???? No.???? Shellder
    Shell ArmorSkill LinkOvercoat
    Catch it on the map
  815. No.330 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cloyster
    Water Ice
    Shell ArmorSkill LinkOvercoat
    Use Shellder to Water Stone
  816. No.331 No.???? No.???? No.???? Qwilfish
    Water Poison
    Poison PointSwift SwimIntimidate
    Catch it on the map
  817. No.332 No.???? No.???? No.???? Luvdisc
    Swift SwimHydration
    Catch it on the map
  818. No.333 No.???? No.???? No.???? Finneon
    Swift SwimStorm DrainWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  819. No.334 No.???? No.???? No.???? Lumineon
    Swift SwimStorm DrainWater Veil
    Finneon Lvl. 31
  820. No.335 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bruxish
    Water Psychic
    DazzlingStrong JawWonder Skin
    Catch it on the map
  821. No.336 No.???? No.???? No.???? Alomomola
    Catch it on the map
  822. No.337 No.???? No.???? No.???? Skrelp
    Poison Water
    Poison PointPoison TouchAdaptability
    Catch it on the map
  823. No.338 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragalge
    Poison Dragon
    Poison PointPoison TouchAdaptability
    Skrelp Lvl. 48
  824. No.339 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clauncher
    Mega Launcher
    Catch it on the map
  825. No.340 No.???? No.???? No.???? Clawitzer
    Mega Launcher
    Clauncher Lvl. 37
  826. No.341 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tynamo
    Catch it on the map
  827. No.342 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eelektrik
    Tynamo Lvl. 39
  828. No.343 No.???? No.???? No.???? Eelektross
    Use Eelektrik to Thunder Stone
  829. No.344 No.???? No.???? No.???? Mareanie
    Poison Water
    Catch it on the map
  830. No.345 No.???? No.???? No.???? Toxapex
    Poison Water
    Mareanie Lvl. 38
  831. No.346 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flamigo
    Flying Fighting
    ScrappyTangled Feet
    Catch it on the map
  832. No.347 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dratini
    Shed SkinMarvel Scale
    Catch it on the map
  833. No.348 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragonair
    Shed SkinMarvel Scale
    Dratini Lvl. 30
  834. No.349 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dragonite
    Dragon Flying
    Inner Focus
    Dragonair Lvl. 55
  835. No.350 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snom
    Ice Bug
    Shield DustIce Scales
    Catch it on the map
  836. No.351 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frosmoth
    Ice Bug
    Shield DustIce Scales
    Reach Max Friendship and Lvl. Up in the night
  837. No.352 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snover
    Grass Ice
    Snow WarningSoundproof
    Catch it on the map
  838. No.353 No.???? No.???? No.???? Abomasnow
    Grass Ice
    Snow WarningSoundproof
    Snover Lvl. 40
  839. No.354 No.???? No.???? No.???? Delibird
    Ice Flying
    Vital SpiritHustleInsomnia
    Catch it on the map
  840. No.355 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cubchoo
    Snow CloakSlush RushRattled
    Catch it on the map
  841. No.356 No.???? No.???? No.???? Beartic
    Snow CloakSlush RushSwift Swim
    Cubchoo Lvl. 37
  842. No.357 No.???? No.???? No.???? Snorunt
    Inner FocusIce BodyMoody
    Catch it on the map
  843. No.358 No.???? No.???? No.???? Glalie
    Inner FocusIce BodyMoody
    Snorunt Lvl. 42
  844. No.359 No.???? No.???? No.???? Froslass
    Ice Ghost
    Snow CloakCursed Body
    Use the Dawn Stone on Snorunt♀
  845. No.360 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cryogonal
    Catch it on the map
  846. No.361 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cetoddle
    Thick FatSnow CloakSheer Force
    Catch it on the map
  847. No.362 No.???? No.???? No.???? Cetitan
    Thick FatSlush RushSheer Force
    Use Cetoddle to Ice Stone
  848. No.363 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bergmite
    Own TempoIce BodySturdy
    Catch it on the map
  849. No.364 No.???? No.???? No.???? Avalugg
    Own TempoIce BodySturdy
    Bergmite Lvl. 37
  850. No.365 No.???? No.???? No.???? Rufflet
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeSheer ForceHustle
    Catch it on the map
  851. No.366 No.???? No.???? No.???? Braviary
    Normal Flying
    Keen EyeSheer ForceDefiant
    Rufflet Lvl. 54
  852. No.367 No.???? No.???? No.???? Pawniard
    Dark Steel
    DefiantInner FocusPressure
    Catch it on the map
  853. No.368 No.???? No.???? No.???? Bisharp
    Dark Steel
    DefiantInner FocusPressure
    Pawniard Lvl. 52
  854. No.369 No.???? No.???? No.???? Kingambit
    Dark Steel
    Make Bisharp hold a Leader's Crest then defeat the Bisharp that is surrounded by Pawniards.
  855. No.370 No.???? No.???? No.???? Deino
    Dark Dragon
    Catch it on the map
  856. No.371 No.???? No.???? No.???? Zweilous
    Dark Dragon
    Deino Lvl. 50
  857. No.372 No.???? No.???? No.???? Hydreigon
    Dark Dragon
    Zweilous Lvl. 64
  858. No.373 No.???? No.???? No.???? Veluza
    Water Psychic
    Mold BreakerSharpness
    Catch it on the map
  859. No.374 No.???? No.???? No.???? Dondozo
    UnawareObliviousWater Veil
    Catch it on the map
  860. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
    Catch it on the map
  861. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
  862. No.375 No.???? No.???? No.???? Tatsugiri
    Dragon Water
    CommanderStorm Drain
  863. No.376 No.???? No.???? No.???? Great Tusk
    Ground Fighting
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  864. No.377 No.???? No.???? No.???? Scream Tail
    Fairy Psychic
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  865. No.378 No.???? No.???? No.???? Brute Bonnet
    Grass Dark
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  866. No.379 No.???? No.???? No.???? Flutter Mane
    Ghost Fairy
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  867. No.380 No.???? No.???? No.???? Slither Wing
    Bug Fighting
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  868. No.381 No.???? No.???? No.???? Sandy Shocks
    Electric Ground
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  869. No.382 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Treads
    Ground Steel
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  870. No.383 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Bundle
    Ice Water
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  871. No.384 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Hands
    Fighting Electric
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  872. No.385 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Jugulis
    Dark Flying
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  873. No.386 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Moth
    Fire Poison
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  874. No.387 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Thorns
    Rock Electric
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  875. No.388 No.???? No.???? No.???? Frigibax
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Catch it on the map
  876. No.389 No.???? No.???? No.???? Arctibax
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Frigibax Lvl. 35
  877. No.390 No.???? No.???? No.???? Baxcalibur
    Dragon Ice
    Thermal ExchangeIce Body
    Arctibax Lvl. 54
  878. No.391 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gimmieghoul
    Catch it on the map
  879. No.392 No.???? No.???? No.???? Gholdengo
    Steel Ghost
    Good as Gold
    Collect 999 coins and then level up.
  880. No.393 No.???? No.???? No.???? Wo-Chien
    Dark Grass
    Vessel Of Ruin
  881. No.394 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chien-Pao
    Dark Ice
    Sword Of Ruin
  882. No.395 No.???? No.???? No.???? Ting-Lu
    Dark Ground
    Tablets Of Ruin
  883. No.396 No.???? No.???? No.???? Chi-Yu
    Dark Fire
    Beads of Ruin
  884. No.397 No.???? No.???? No.???? Roaring Moon
    Dragon Dark
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  885. No.398 No.???? No.???? No.???? Iron Valiant
    Fairy Fighting
    Quark Drive
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  886. No.399 No.???? No.???? No.???? Koraidon
    Fighting Dragon
    Orichalcum Pulse
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )
  887. No.400 No.???? No.???? No.???? Miraidon
    Electric Dragon
    Hadron Engine
    The Great Crater Of Paldea (After completing the story )

Paldea Pokedex Completion Rewards

Click To Jump
▼List of Rewards From Jacq▼List of Rewards From Pokedex

List of Rewards From Jacq

No. of CapturedRewards
30TM "False Swipe" ×1
100Ultra Ball IconUltra Ball ×20
200Quick Ball IconQuick Ball ×20
400Shiny Charm IconShiny Charm ×1

When You Report To Jacq, You Receive Rewards


When you speak to your Biology Teacher, Jacq you can receive Rewards according to the amount of Pokemon caught. You can get useful moves like "False Swipe" which is useful in catching Pokemon, and the Shiny Charm which is useful in catching Shiny Pokemon.

List of Rewards From Pokedex

*Will be added as soon as it is known.

Number of capturesReward
10Stardust iconStardust x 3
20Great Ball iconGreat Ball x 10
30Minaminari no ishi iconThunder Stone x1
40Ultra Ball iconUltra Ball x 10
50Exp. Candy S IconExp. Candy S ×5
60Fire Stone iconFire Stone x 1
70Net BallNet Ball x 10
80Water Stone iconWater Stone x1
90Nest BallNest Ball x 10
100Stardust iconStardust x 5
110Exp. Candy M IconExp. Candy M ×3
120Quick Ball iconQuick Ball x 10
130Dusk Stone iconDusk Stone x 1
140Dusk BallDusk Ball x 10
150Shiny Stone iconShiny Stone x 1
160Exp. Candy M IconExp. Candy M ×3
170Dive Ball iconDive Ball x 10
180Stardust iconStardust x 10
190Luxury Ball iconLuxury Ball x 10
200Exp. Candy M IconExp. Candy M ×5
210Moon Stone iconMoon Stone x 1
220Timer Ball IconTimer Ball ×10
230Star Piece IconStar Piece ×3
240Fast Ball IconFast Ball ×1
250Star Piece IconStar Piece ×3
260Friend Ball IconFriend Ball ×1
270Dawn StoneDawn Stone ×1
280Level Ball IconLevel Ball ×1
290Exp Candy L IconExp. Candy L ×3
300Lure Ball IconLure Ball ×1
310Comet Shard IconComet Shard ×3
320Heavy Ball IconHeavy Ball ×1
330Exp. Candy L IconExp. Candy L ×3
340Moon Ball IconMoon Ball×1
350Exp. Candy L IconExp. Candy L ×5
360Dream Ball IconDream Ball ×1
370Nugget IconNugget ×1
380Nugget IconNugget ×2
390Big Nugget IconBig Nugget ×1
400Beast Ball IconBeast Ball ×1

Open The Pokedex And Click The X Button To Get Your Reward!

(1) Open The Pokedex(2) X Button From The List
Open the Pokedex
X Button From The List

In "Pokemon SV", you can earn rewards little by little depending on the number of Pokemon you have caught in the Pokedex. You can get various rewards by opening the Pokedex by pressing the X Button in the Pokedex.

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Pokemon SV Strategy Team

Pokemon SV Strategy Team

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Anonymous 7


Anonymous 6


Anonymous 5

Anyone I could join union circle I could evolve my finizen?

Anonymous 4

It needs to say which Pokémon are in which games.

Anonymous 3

Exactly what I was looking for. All I wanted was a list of new critters with their abilities readily visible, but this even came with stats to boot. Excellent competitive tool going into a new generation--thank you!

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