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Best Pokemon Tier List - Ranked Battles

Pokemon Sword and Shield | Best Pokemon Tier List - Ranked Battles | Isle Of Armor

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Check this Pokemon Sword and Shield guide for best Pokemon tier list for ranked battles! Including top strongest Pokemon, best Pokemon team, tier list, & Isle of Armor tier!!!

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Meta Report - What Determines Best Pokemon Tier

Crown Tundra Out

Crown tundra pokemon

With the release of the Crown Tundra Expansion on October 23rd, many Pokemon are finally back to Sword and Shield! Among them are a ton of powerful Legendary Pokemon from previous games, many of whom will not be usable in Ranked Play. Regardless, with the addition of another 100 Pokemon, the meta landscape will no doubt change.

The New King Of Ranked Is Here


Landorus has finally made its way to Sword and Shield. The powerful Ground/Flying type is also tearing it up in online ranked play, reaching #1 in usage statistics easily within a weak.

Therian Landorus Usage Stats (※ As of 11/2)

MovesEarthquake: 99.8%
U-Turn: 61.6%
Rock Tomb: 57.9%
Fly: 51.6%
Stealth Rock: 49.2%
NatureJolly: 41.4%
Impish: 27.3%
Adamant: 27.0%
ItemSitrus Berry: 23.4%
Focus Sash: 13.9%
Life Orb: 13.4%
Lum Berry: 11.4%
Choice Scarf: 10.6%

Jolly U-Turn using Landorus abound in the current meta, so be ready for them by carefully studying the state of the meta. Check out our Meta Report for more in-depth analysis of what's happening in online ranked battles in the Crown Tundra!

Check Out 7 Pokemon We Think Will Affect The Meta Here

Check Out The Newest Ranked Meta Report Here!

Meta Report
Meta Report For Single Ranked Battles

Best Pokemon Tier List For Single Ranked Battle

※ The Tier List has been updated to include some Isle of Armor Pokemon. More will be added as the online meta develops, so stay tuned!!!

Filter The Tier Lists By Role

The Tier List is divided into 4 sections. Tap or click the appropriate button below in order to view each section.

Damage Dealers Tier List

Tanks Tier List

Best Physical Damage Dealer Tier List

*Tap the Pokemon to see details!!!

Dragapult (Rating: S)

Total Base Stats600

>> Check Out More Info on Dragapult Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Clear Body
Prevents stat reduction from other Pokemon's abilities or moves.
Best Moveset
Phantom Force / Dragon Darts / U-Turn / Fire Blast
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Dragapult is a force to be reckoned with thanks to its incredible 120 Attack stat and 142 Speed stat. The Pokemon also has a great pool of moves and possible builds to choose from, which are not limited to only physical damage.

Check Out Dragapult Competitive Build Details Here

Mimikyu (Rating: S)

Mimikyu Icon
Total Base Stats476
Type Ghost IconFairy Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Mimikyu Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Negates the damage of one hit.
Best Moveset
Swords Dance / Shadow Claw / Play Rough / Substitute
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Mimikyu's unique "Disguise" ability allows it to take one free attack without taking any damage, allowing it to set up moves such as Swords Dance to deliver a nasty comeback surprise. Curse and Trick Room variants are also seeing increased play. This is one of the most common Pokemon in the metagame currently, so it is important to learn all of its possible builds and know how to counter them.

Check Out Mimikyu Competitive Build Details Here

Galarian Darmanitan (Rating: S)

Galarian Darmanitan
Total Base Stats480
(Zen Mode)
Type Ice Icon
Ice Iconfire Icon(Zen Mode)

>> Check Out More Info On Galarian Darmanitan Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Scarf
Best Ability
Gorilla Tactics
Only allows the use of one move, but attack is boosted.
Best Moveset
Flare Blitz / Icicle Crash / Earthquake / U-Turn
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Galarian Darmanitan's built-in Choice Band in the form of Gorilla Tactics is extremely powerful, allowing him to take out almost anything. Seeing as it already has a Choice Band, we feel that a Choice Scarf is much more preferable here to go first & OHKO your opponent.

Other Builds

Zen Mode variants are also viable. To activate Zen Mode, Darmanitan's HP must be below 50%. So it's imperative that he survive one-shot attacks. In such cases, some points in Defense & HP might be necessary.

Check Out Darmanitan Competitive Build Details Here!

Excadrill (Rating: S)

Total Base Stats508
Type Ground Icon
Steel Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Excadrill Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Sand Rush
Increases speed during Sandstorms.
Best Moveset
Earthquake / Iron Head / Rapid Spin / Swords Dance
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Great type for dealing with Fairy types, in addition to a stellar 135 Attack stat allow this Pokemon to shine. Mold Breaker is excellent for taking out Mimikyu. It also has access to OHKO moves to threaten bulky tanks, making it great in the current meta.

Check Out Excadrill Competitive Build Details Here

Cinderace (Rating: S)

Total Base Stats530
Typefire Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Cinderace Here

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Scarf
Best Ability
Changes the Pokemon's type to the type of the move it's going to use.
Best Moveset
Pyro Ball / U-Turn / High Jump Kick / Zen Headbutt
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Cinderace has a fairly decent Attack stat coupled with a well above average Speed, allowing him to get the first hit. Its ultimate move, Pyro Ball, is a 120 Power 90 Accuracy move that can burn the target. Court Change is also a powerful move that swaps the side of field effects. What really catapulted Cinderace to the top recently however, is its incredibly Hidden Ability: Libero. This makes all of its attacks STAB, making it quite lethal.

Check Out Cinderace Competitive Build Details Here

Gyarados (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats540
Typewater IconFlying Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Gyarados Here

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Spd↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Boosts the Attack stat after knocking out any Pokémon.
Best Moveset
Waterfall / Ice Fang / Earthquake / Bounce
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Gyarados has a great 125 Attack stat, with access to Max Airstream in the form of Bounce. With the ability Moxie, it can naturally raise its attack by defeating Pokemon.

Check Out Gyarados Competitive Build Details Here

Tyranitar (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats600
TypeRock Icondark Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Tyranitar Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Sand Stream
Summons a sandstorm whenever this Pokemon enters battle.
Best Moveset
Stone Edge / Crunch / Earthquake / Ice Punch
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Tyranitar's base stats are simply too high to ignore. STAB Stone Edge, as well as access to Dragon Dance, Earthquake, and Crunch makes him an incredible threat. Sandstorm can some

Check Out Tyranitar Competitive Build Details Here

Urshifu (Single Strike) (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats550
Typefighting Icondark Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Urshifu Here

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Spd↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Unseen Fist
If the Pokemon uses moves that make direct contact, it can attack the target even if the target protects itself.
Best Moveset
Wicked Blow / Close Combat / Sucker Punch / U-Turn
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Urshifu, the new Pokemon added in Isle of Armor, is a relatively bulky Pokemon with excellent moves and high attack. Wicked Blow in particular always critically strikes, making it incredibly powerful with a Choice Band.

Mienshao (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats510
Typefighting Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Mienshao Here

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Spd↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
This Pokemon restores some of its maximum HP when it switches out.
Best Moveset
U-Turn / Knock Off / High Jump Kick / Fake Out
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Mienshao's 125 Attack and reasonable 105 Speed allow it to maneuver around your opponents adeptly, weaseling its way in and out of the fight. Regenerator restores about 33% of its health when switching out, making it surprisingly persistent. It is a bit frail, however, so it can't take much of a beating.

Dracovish (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats505
Type water IconDragon Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Dracovish Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Strong Jaw
Increases the power of biting moves.
Best Moveset
Fishious Rend / Crunch / Dragon Rush / Earthquake
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Dracovish's move Fishious Rend allows it to do massive damage if it is able to attack first. This makes it ideal for breaking down slow, defensive threats like Corviknight, Toxapex, and Ferrothorn.

Choice Band VS Choice Scarf

If you want to get the element of surprise, you can switch to a Choice Scarf and outspeed targets you normally wouldn't be able to.

Check Out Dracovish Competitive Build Details Here

Arcanine (Rating: A)

Arcanine Icon
Total Base Stats555
Type Fire

>> Check Out More Info On Arcanine Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly(Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Flash Fire
When hit with a Fire move, take no damage and increase the power of your own Fire moves.
Best Moveset
Flare Blitz / Extreme Speed / Wild Charge / Close Combat
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Arcanine's Base Stats is well balanced with 110 Attack and 95 Speed. By using its ability Intimidate and Will-O-Wisp together, you can significantly lower the opponent's Attack.

Check Out Arcanine Competitive Build Details Here

Aegislash (Rating: A)

Aegislash Icon
Total Base Stats520
Type Steel IconGhost Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Aegislash Here!

Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Weakness Policy
Stance Change
The Pokemon changes between defensive and offensive forms when it uses certain moves.
Autotomize / Sacred Sword / Shadow Claw / King's Shield
EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Attack 4

Reason For Rank

Aegislash has the Stance Change ability, allowing it to fulfill a role as both physical attacker and tank. The variant here focuses on Weakness Policy and sweeping teams with buffed attack, as well as speed from Autotomize. A tankier variant is also possible.

Check Out Aegislash Competitive Build Details Here

Dracozolt (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats505
Type electric IconDragon Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Dracozolt Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Raises attack significantly, but lowers accuracy.
Best Moveset
Outrage / Earthquake / Aerial Ace / Bolt Beak
Best EV Spread
Atk 252, Speed 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Dracozolt is a good counter to Rotom and also works really well with Dynamax due to its varied move pool. Access to a flying move also gives it a speed boost post-Dynamax, allowing it to get 170 Power Bolt Beaks off more reliably.

Check Out Dracozolt Competitive Build Details Here

Braviary (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats510
Type Normal IconFlying Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Braviary Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Sharply raises attack when its stats are lowered.
Best Moveset
Brave Bird / Close Combat / U-Turn / Bulk Up
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Braviary is an excellent Dynamax sweeper with access to STAB Max Airstream and a great ability that can boost its attack power when its stats are lowered. Max Knuckle and U-Turn also give it a surprising amount of flexibility.

Check Out Braviary Competitive Build Details Here

Zeraora (Rating: A)

Total Base Stats600
Type electric Icon
> Check Out More Info On Zeraora Here
Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Volt Absorb
Restores HP if hit by an Electric-type move.
Best Moveset
Close Combat / Plasma Fists / Grass Knot / Play Rough
Best EV Spread
Atk 252, Sp 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Zeraora's 600 total base stats, coupled with an unrivaled 143 Speed and a strong monotyping make it unstoppable. Its signature ability Plasma Fists has a power of 100, which deals devastating damage. Access to Grass Knot means it doesn't have to be so scared of Ground types, either.

Scizor (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats500
Typebug Iconsteel Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Scizor Here

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk↑ / Sp.Atk↓)
Best Ability
Powers up the Pokémon's weaker moves.
Best Moveset
Bullet Punch / U-Turn / Knock Off / Superpower
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Scizor's Technician ability gives moves that are under 60 power a 1.5x multiplayer, meaning Bullet Punch can deal huge damage with a Choice Band equipped. STAB U-Turn also allows it to escape from battles easily. A 4x weakness to Fire and the lack of Pursuit in Gen 8 has hurt it somewhat, however. It is quite powerful in Double Battles, however.

Bisharp (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats490
Type dark Icon Steel Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Bisharp Here

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk.↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
When a stat is lowered, it sharply raises its Attack.
Best Moveset
Iron Head / Swords Dance / Sucker Punch / Stone Edge
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Bisharp's STAB Sucker Punch gives it a priority move that can take out major threats like Dragapult. Its ability Defiant also gives it a great attack boost when its stats are lowered, making it a good counter to Intimidate users. Consider a Life Orb or a Focus Sash if you're having trouble staying alive.

Check Out Bisharp Competitive Build Details Here

Rillaboom (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats530
TypeGrass Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Rillaboom Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Deals more damage with grass moves when at low health.
Best Moveset
Drum Beating / U-Turn / Knock Off / Superpower
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Rillaboom is on the list for similar reasons as Cinderace. He is slower, but significantly bulkier. His move pool gives him access to Drum Beating, which is only 80 Power but lowers the opponents speed, which is quite useful.

Check Out Rillaboom Competitive Build Details Here

Conkeldurr (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats505
TypeFighting Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Conkeldurr Here

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Flame Orb
Best Ability
Deals more damage when afflicted with a status condition.
Best Moveset
Drain Punch / Stone Edge / Mach Punch / Fire Punch
Best EV Spread
HP 252, Attack 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Conkeldurr's base 140 Attack is absolutely unstoppable. Although its Ability Sheer Force (removes secondary effects, damage increased by 30%) is good, we recommend the ability Guts (when afflicted with a status condition, deals 50% more damage) in conjunction with a Flame Orb. Drain Punch and Mach Punch are recommended moves here for their extra effects.

Check Out Conkeldurr Competitive Build Details Here

Grimmsnarl (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats510
Type dark IconFairy Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Grimmsnarl Here

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Light Clay
Best Ability
Gives priority to status moves.
Best Moveset
Reflect / Light Screen / Thunder Wave / Play Rough
Best EV Spread
HP 252, Attack 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Grimmsnarl has the unique role of setting up defensive buffs for your team using Light Clay and its Prankster ability. This will allow you to set up and sweep with other Pokemon. It can also be a safe counter for common dragon types like Dragapult.

Check Out Grimmsnarl Competitive Build Details Here

Cloyster (Rating: B)

Cloyster Icon
Total Base Stats525
Type water IconIce Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Cloyster Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Focus Sash
Best Ability
Skill Link
Multi-hitting moves always hit the maximum number of times.
Best Moveset
Shell Smash / Icicle Spear / Liquidation / Rock Blast
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

The use of Shell Smash allows Cloyster to drastically increase its attack capabilities and take out major threats. Its high defenses also allow it take a hit before setting up to sweep.

Check Out Cloyster Competitive Build Details Here

Diggersby (Rating: B)

Diggersby Icon
Total Base Stats423
Type Normal IconGround Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Diggersby Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Assault Vest
Best Ability
Huge Power
Boosts the Pokemon's Attack stat.
Best Moveset
Bounce / Earthquake / Giga Impact / Superpower
Best EV Spread
Atk 252, Speed 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Don't be thrown off by its low stats, Diggersby shines because of its Hidden Ability "Huge Power", which doubles its Attack. Give it an Assault Vest and Dynamax it to deal massive damage. Choice Scarf builds are also possible!

Check Out Diggersby Competitive Build Details Here

Kommo-o (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats600
Type Dragonfighting Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Kommo-o Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant(Atk ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Immune to moves that use balls or bombs.
Best Moveset
Close Combat / Outrage / Psychic Fangs / Dragon Dance
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Kommo-o's high Physical and Special attack capabilities makes this one of the most versatile Attackers on this list. Although can fall a bit short on HP and multiple weaknesses, Kommo-o still owns a formidable movesets and stats to be used competitively.

Check Out Kommo-o Competitive Build Details Here

Centiskorch (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats525
Type Fire Icon Bug Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Centiskorch Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Flash Fire

Immune to Fire-type moves, and when hit with one, raises the damage of Fire moves by 50%
Best Moveset
Knock Off / Fire Lash / Power Whip / Lunge
Best EV Spread
HP 228, Attack 252, Speed 28

Reason For Rank

This is a Gigantamax specific build which makes use of Centiskorch's decent attack stat and good movepool. It can give many steel types, including the popular Corviknight, a run for their money. G-Max Centiferno also traps opponents in for 4-5 turns, forcing them to fight you whether they like it or not. Be wary of Centiskorch's 4x Rock weakness and avoid bringing it vs. Stealth Rock users, however!

Check Out Centiskorch Competitive Build Details Here

Haxorus (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats600
Type Dragon Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Haxorus Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Mold Breaker
Moves can be used on the target regardless of its Abilities.
Best Moveset
Outrage / Iron Tail / Swords Dance / Earthquake
Best EV Spread
Atk 252, Speed 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Haxorus occupies the important role of checking Mimikyu, due to its massive attack power and Mold Breaker ability. Penetrating its Disguise, as well as Rotom's Levitate, allows it to deal well with 2 major threats in the meta. It also works well as a Dynamaxer and has a variety of move options available to it.

Check Out Haxorus Competitive Build Details Here

Drednaw (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats485
Type water Icon rock Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Drednaw Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk↑ / Sp.Atk↓)Life Orb
Best Ability
Swift Swim

Boosts the Pokémon's Speed stat in rain.
Best Moveset
Earthquake / Liquidation / Swords Dance / Head Smash
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Drednaw has high attack and access to a strong Water GMax move which also lays Stealth Rocks around the field. This is excellent, but needs to be used relatively early in the fight in order to get the most use out of it. It works well on a Rain team, as it can't set up its own rain (as this is a Gigantamax build).

Check Out Drednaw Competitive Build Details Here

Blastoise (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats530
Type water Icon
Best NatureBest Item
Adamant (Atk↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)
Jolly (Speed↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)
White Herb / Life Orb
Best Ability
Increases damage of Water moves when at low health
Best Moveset
Shell Smash / Liquidation / Ice Punch / Brick Break
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Blastoise is a Shell Smash user with fairly high defensive stats and an excellent move pool. In addition to the 4 moves listed above, it also has access to Dragon, Rock, and Dark moves, meaning it's highly customizable as well.

Check Out Blastoise Competitive Build Details Here

Durant (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats484
Type bug IconSteel Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Durant Here

Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed ↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Choice Band
Best Ability
Attack increases by 50%, but physical moves have 20% lower accuracy.
Best Moveset
First Impression / Iron Head / Superpower / Thunder Fang
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, Attack 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Durant is a surprisingly strong physical attacker that has fairly decent speed. Its steel typing allows it to deal with common fairy threats, and the priority move First Impression is great for revenge kills.

Check Out Durant Competitive Build Details Here

Incineroar (Rating: B)

Total Base Stats530
Type fire Icondark Icon
Best NatureBest Item
Jolly (Speed↑ / Sp.Atk ↓)Weakness Policy or Life Orb
Best Ability
Lowers the opponent's Attack stat when entering battle
Best Moveset
Acrobatics / Flare Blitz / Darkest Lariat / Swords Dance
Best EV Spread
Attack 252, Speed 252, HP 4

Reason For Rank

Incineroar has excellent overall stats, all at the expense of its rather low 60 speed. However, this can be supplemented by Dynamaxing and using Max Airstream. This coupled with Intimidate will allow it to be a surprising mix of bulky, deadly, and (kind of) fast. There is also an Assault Vest variant of this on our detailed build page, so make sure to check that out.

Check Out Incineroar Competitive Build Details Here

Other Notable Mentions - Best Pokemon Tier

*Tap the Pokemon to see details!!!

S Tier
- -
A Tier
Glalie Icon▼Glalie Eiscue Icon▼Eiscue
B Tier
Pelipper Icon▼Pelipper -

Glalie (Rating: A)

Glalie Icon
Total Base Stats480
Type Ice Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Glalie Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Timid (Speed↑ / Atk ↓)Leftovers
Best Ability
Randomly raises one stat by 2 stages and lowers another by 1 stage at the end of every turn.
Best Moveset
Protect / Substitute / Freeze-Dry / Sheer Cold
Best EV Spread
Speed 252, HP 252, Defense 4

Reason For Rank

Glalie might have a unique place in the meta with its Ability "Moody", which randomly raises one of its stats sharply but lowers another at the end of every turn. Running Substitute and Protect will allow you to buy time to boost your stats.

Check Out Glalie Competitive Build Details Here

Eiscue (Rating: A)

Eiscue Icon
Total Base Stats470
Type Ice Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Eiscue Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Bold (Def ↑ / Atk ↓)Leftovers
Best Ability
Ice Face
Can sustain a physical attack without taking damage. Changes to "No Ice" form after. Can be restored in hail.
Best Moveset
Icicle Crash / Belly Drum / Waterfall / Zen Headbutt
Best EV Spread
HP 252, Speed 252, Def 4

Reason For Rank

Eiscue's ability acts similarly to Mimikyu, allowing it to take a free hit. However, unlike Mimikyu, it can reactivate it by using Hail again. Dynamax Ice Moves automatically trigger hail, making this Pokemon rather gimmicky, but strong against physical attackers. Be careful VS special moves.

Pelipper (Rating:B)

Pelipper Icon
Total Base Stats440
Type water IconFlying Icon

>> Check Out More Info On Pelipper Here!

Best NatureBest Item
Bold (Def ↑ / Atk ↓)Damp Rock
Best Ability
Causes rain whenever it enters battle.
Best Moveset
Scald / Roost / U-Turn / Hurricane
Best EV Spread
HP 252, Def 252, Sp. Def 4

Criteria for Choosing Best Pokemon to Breed

Pokemon Compatible for Ranked Battles

The Pokemon on this list have been strictly limited to those that are compatible with Ranked Battle matches. Certain Pokemon such as Legendaries are not compatible with the Ranked Matches. It's best to breed and train Pokemon for Ranked Battles!

Check Out How To Breed Pokemon!

Pokemon With Specific Tactical Roles

The listed Pokemon have been selected to have a specific tactical role in your party such as damage-dealer, tank, team support or otherwise.

Beware Of Pokemon Speed

Speed stats will determine which Pokemon moves first in a battle. It will pay off in the long run to know if your Pokemon or your opponent will use their moves first!

Speed Stats Tier List

Pokemon With High Base Stats or Utility

Although there are some exceptions, the Pokemon chosen in this list have been chosen due to their high Base Stats or utility in combat. For more details, check out the description under each Pokemon.

Check Out What Are Base Stats From Here!

Reason For Rank

Pelipper's Drizzle ability will allow it to summon rain. This makes the Pokemon a great addition to a rain team. It also has decent Defense stats, allowing it to tank some physical hits before switching out with U-Turn. Equip an Assault Vest in order to boost the Sp. Def or use a Damp Stone to increase the rain's duration!

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Article Written by
Sword Shield Strategy Team

Sword Shield Strategy Team

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RattyA. 25

I just use zacian to sweep everyone

Anonymous 24

Please update this page

Anonymous 23

this list is out of wack were is fini,eleci and moltres and why is incinaroar at the bottom

Anonymous 22

Please fix the issue with the 4 ****on that is missing

Anonymous 21

Please fix the page. The other 3 parts are gone.

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