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Evolution Chart - Pokemon Evolutions List

Evolution Chart - Pokemon Evolutions List | Pokemon Sword Shield

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Evolution Chart - Pokemon Evolutions List | Pokemon Sword Shield - GameWith
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Check out Pokemon Sword and Shield Evolution Chart and List here. This include a list of all Pokemon Evolutions, Special Evolutions, items needed to evolve, & trade evolutions!!!

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List Of Pokemon With Special Evolutions

Evolution Chart in Sword and Shield

*You can filter between Pokemon which evolve by leveling up and those which evolve by other means!!!

Reset Filter
Before EvolvingConditionAfter Evolving
GrookeyGrookeyLv. 16: Evolve From GrookeyThwackeyThwackey
ThwackeyThwackeyLv. 35: Evolve From ThwackeyRillaboomRillaboom
ScorbunnyScorbunnyLv. 16: Evolve From ScorbunnyRabootRaboot
RabootRabootLv. 35: Evolve From RabootCinderaceCinderace
SobbleSobbleLv. 16: Evolve From SobbleDrizzileDrizzile
DrizzileDrizzileLv. 35: Evolve From DrizzileInteleonInteleon
BlipbugBlipbugLv. 10: Evolve From BlipbugDottlerDottler
DottlerDottlerLv. 30: Evolve From DottlerOrbeetleOrbeetle
CaterpieCaterpieLv. 7: Evolve From CaterpieMetapodMetapod
MetapodMetapodLv. 10: Evolve From MetapodButterfreeButterfree
GrubbinGrubbinLv. 20: Evolve From GrubbinCharjabugCharjabug
CharjabugCharjabugUse a Thunderstone on Charjabug to evolveVikavoltVikavolt
HoothootHoothootLv. 20: Evolve From HoothootNoctowlNoctowl
RookideeRookideeLv. 18: Evolve From RookideeCorvisquireCorvisquire
CorvisquireCorvisquireLv. 38: Evolve From CorvisquireCorviknightCorviknight
SkwovetSkwovetLv. 24: Evolve From SkwovetGreedentGreedent
PidovePidoveLv. 21: Evolve From PidoveTranquillTranquill
TranquillTranquillLv. 32: Evolve From TranquillUnfezantUnfezant
NickitNickitLv. 18: Evolve From NickitThievulThievul
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian ZigzagoonLv. 20: Evolve From Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian LinooneGalarian Linoone
Galarian LinooneGalarian LinooneLv. 35: Evolve From Galarian Linoone at nightObstagoonObstagoon
WoolooWoolooLv. 24: Evolve From WoolooDubwoolDubwool
LotadLotadLv 14: Evolve From LotadLombreLombre
LombreLombreUse a Water Stone on Lombre to evolveLudicoloLudicolo
SeedotSeedotLv. 14: Evolve From SeedotNuzleafNuzleaf
NuzleafNuzleafUse a Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf to evolveShiftryShiftry
ChewtleChewtleLv. 22: Evolve From ChewtleDrednawDrednaw
PurrloinPurrloinLv. 20: Evolve From PurrloinLiepardLiepard
YamperYamperLv. 25: Evolve From YamperBoltundBoltund
BunnelbyBunnelbyLv. 20: Evolve From BunnelbyDiggersbyDiggersby
MinccinoMinccinoUse a Shiny Stone on Minccino to evolveCinccinoCinccino
MinccinoMinccinoUse a Shiny Stone on Minccino to evolveCinccinoCinccino
BounsweetBounsweetLv. 18: Evolve From BounsweetSteeneeSteenee
SteeneeSteeneeEvolve by leveling up a Steenee with the move StompTsareenaTsareena
OddishOddishLv. 21: Evolve From OddishGloomGloom
GloomGloomUse a Leaf Stone on Gloom to evolveVileplumeVileplume
GloomGloomUse a Sun Stone on Gloom to evolveBellossomBellossom
BudewBudewEvolves by leveling up Budew with high friendship at any time of the day except night.RoseliaRoselia
RoseliaRoseliaUse a Shiny Stone on Roselia to evolveRoseradeRoserade
WingullWingullLv. 25: Evolves From WingullPelipperPelipper
JoltikJoltikLv. 36: Evolves From JoltikGalvantulaGalvantula
ElectrikeElectrikeLv. 26: Evolves From ElectrikeManectricManectric
VulpixVulpixUse a Fire Stone on Vulpix to evolveNinetalesNinetales
GrowlitheGrowlitheUse a Fire Stone on Growlithe to evolveArcanineArcanine
VanilliteVanilliteLv. 35: Evolve From VanilliteVanillishVanillish
VanillishVanillishLv. 47: Evolve From VanillishVanilluxeVanilluxe
SwinubSwinubLv. 33: Evolves From SwinubPiloswinePiloswine
PiloswinePiloswineEvolves by leveling up a Piloswine that knows the move Ancient PowerMamoswineMamoswine
SnoruntSnoruntLv. 42: Evolves From SnoruntGlalieGlalie
SnoruntSnoruntUse a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolveFroslassFroslass
BaltoyBaltoyLv. 36: Evolves From BaltoyClaydolClaydol
MudbrayMudbrayLv. 30: Evolves From MudbrayMudsdaleMudsdale
DwebbleDwebbleLv. 34: Evolves From DwebbleCrustleCrustle
GolettGolettLv. 43: Evolves From GolettGolurkGolurk
MunnaMunnaUse a Moon Stone on Munna to evolveMusharnaMusharna
MunnaMunnaUse a Moon Stone on Munna to evolveMusharnaMusharna
NatuNatuLv. 25: Evolves From NatuXatuXatu
NatuNatuLv. 25: Evolves From NatuXatuXatu
StuffulStuffulLv. 27: Evolves From StuffulBewearBewear
SnoverSnoverLv. 40: Evolves From SnoverAbomasnowAbomasnow
KrabbyKrabbyLv. 28: Evolves From KrabbyKinglerKingler
WooperWooperLv. 20: Evolves From WooperQuagsireQuagsire
CorphishCorphishLv. 30: Evolves From CorphishCrawdauntCrawdaunt
NincadaNincadaLv. 20: Evolves From NincadaNinjaskNinjask
NincadaNincadaEvolves when having a Pokeball and free space in your party and levelling a Ninjask to 20ShedinjaShedinja
TyrogueTyrogueLv. 20: Evolves From a Tyrogue which has higher Attack than DefenseHitmonleeHitmonlee
TyrogueTyrogueLv. 20: Evolves From a Tyrogue which has higher Defense than AttackHitmonchanHitmonchan
TyrogueTyrogueLv. 20: Evolves From a Tyrogue which has the same Defense and AttackHitmontopHitmontop
PanchamPanchamEvolves when Pachamp reaches Lv. 32 with a Dark-Type Pokemon in the partyPangoroPangoro
KlinkKlinkLv. 38: Evolves From KlinkKlangKlang
KlangKlangLv. 49 Evolves From KlangKlinklangKlinklang
CombeeCombeeLv. 21: Evolves From a female Combee VespiquenVespiquen
BronzorBronzorLv. 33: Evolves From BronzorBronzongBronzong
RaltsRaltsLv. 20: Evolves From RaltsKirliaKirlia
KirliaKirliaLv. 30: Evolves From KirliaGardevoirGardevoir
KirliaKirliaUse a Dawn Stone on a male Kirlia to evolveGalladeGallade
DrifloonDrifloonLv. 28: Evolves From DrifloonDrifblimDrifblim
GossifleurGossifleurLv. 20: Evolves From GossifleurEldegossEldegoss
CherubiCherubiLv. 25: Evolves From CherubiCherrimCherrim
StunkyStunkyLv. 34: Evolves From StunkySkuntankSkuntank
TympoleTympoleLv. 25: Evolves From TympolePalpitoadPalpitoad
PalpitoadPalpitoadLv. 36: Evolves From PalpitoadSeismitoadSeismitoad
DuskullDuskullLv. 37: Evolves From DuskullDusclopsDusclops
DusclopsDusclopsEvolves by trading a Dusclops holding a Reaper ClothDusknoirDusknoir
MachopMachopLv. 28: Evolves From MachopMachokeMachoke
MachokeMachokeEvolves by trading MachokeMachampMachamp
GastlyGastlyLv. 25: Evolves From GastlyHaunterHaunter
HaunterHaunterEvolves by trading HaunterGengarGengar
MagikarpMagikarpLv. 20: Evolves From MagikarpGyaradosGyarados
GoldeenGoldeenLv. 33: Evolves From GoldeenSeakingSeaking
RemoraidRemoraidLv. 25: Evolves From RemoraidOctilleryOctillery
ShellderShellderUse a Water Stone on Shellder to evolveCloysterCloyster
FeebasFeebasEvolves by Trading a Feebas holding a Prism ScaleMiloticMilotic
TrubbishTrubbishLv. 36: Evolves From TrubbishGarbodorGarbodor
SizzlipedeSizzlipedeLv. 28: Evolves From SizzlipedeCentiskorchCentiskorch
RolycolyRolycolyLv. 18: Evolves From RolycolyCarkolCarkol
CarkolCarkolLv. 34: Evolves From CarkolCoalossalCoalossal
DiglettDiglettLv. 26: Evolves From DigglettDugtrioDugtrio
DrilburDrilburLv. 31: Evolves From DrilburExcadrillExcadrill
RoggenrolaRoggenrolaLv. 25: Evolves From RoggenrolaBoldoreBoldore
BoldoreBoldoreEvolves by trading BoldoreGigalithGigalith
TimburrTimburrLv. 25: Evolves From TimburrGurdurrGurdurr
GurdurrGurdurrEvolves by trading GurdurrConkeldurrConkeldurr
WoobatWoobatEvolves by levelling up Woobat with high friendshipSwoobatSwoobat
NoibatNoibatLv. 48: Evolves From NoibatNoivernNoivern
OnixOnixEvolves by trading an Onix holding a Metal CoatSteelixSteelix
ArrokudaArrokudaLv. 26: Evolves From ArrokudaBarraskewdaBarraskewda
MeowthMeowthLv. 28: Evolves From MeowthPersianPersian
Galarian MeowthGalarian MeowthLv. 28: Evolves From Galarian MeowthPerrserkerPerrserker
MilceryMilceryEvolves when the player spins around while making Milcery hold a Strawberry SweetAlcremieAlcremie
CutieflyCutieflyLv. 25: Evolves From CutieflyRibombeeRibombee
FerroseedFerroseedLv 40: Evolves From FerroseedFerrothornFerrothorn
PumpkabooPumpkabooEvolves by trading PumpkabooGourgeistGourgeist
PichuPichuEvolves by levelling up Pichu with high friendshipPikachuPikachu
PikachuPikachuUse a Thunder Stone on Pikachu to evolveRaichuRaichu
EeveeEeveeUse a Water Stone on Eevee to evolveVaporeonVaporeon
EeveeEeveeUse a Thunder Stone on Eevee to evolveJolteonJolteon
EeveeEeveeUse a Fire Stone on Eevee to evolveFlareonFlareon
EeveeEeveeEvolves by levelling up Eevee with high friendship in the daytime.
(Must not know any Fairy moves)
EeveeEeveeEvolves by levelling up Eevee with high friendship at night.
(Must not know any Fairy moves)
EeveeEeveeUse a Leaf Stone on Eevee to evolveLeafeonLeafeon
EeveeEeveeUse an Ice Stone on Eevee to evolveGlaceonGlaceon
EeveeEeveeEvolves by levelling up Eevee with high friendship that knows a Fairy-type moveSylveonSylveon
ApplinApplinEvolves by using a Sour Apple on ApplinFlappleFlapple
ApplinApplinEvolves by using a Sweet Apple on ApplinAppletunAppletun
EspurrEspurrLv. 25: Evolves From Male EspurrMeowsticMeowstic
SwirlixSwirlixEvolves by trading a Swirlix holding a Whipped DreamSlurpuffSlurpuff
SpritzeeSpritzeeEvolves by trading Spritzee holding a SachetAromatisseAromatisse
DewpiderDewpiderLv. 22: Evolves From DewpiderAraquanidAraquanid
WynautWynautLv. 15: Evolves From WynautWobbuffetWobbuffet
Galarian FarfetchGalarian Farfetch'dEvolves when a Galarian Farfetch'd lands a critical hit 3 times in one battle and wins.Sirfetch’dSirfetch’d
ChinchouChinchouLv. 27: Evolves From ChinchouLanturnLanturn
ChinchouChinchouLv. 27: Evolves From ChinchouLanturnLanturn
CroagunkCroagunkLv. 37: Evolves From CroagunkToxicroakToxicroak
ScraggyScraggyLv. 39: Evolves From ScraggyScraftyScrafty
BarboachBarboachLv. 30: Evolves From BarboachWhiscashWhiscash
ShellosShellosLv. 30: Evolves From ShellosGastrodonGastrodon
WimpodWimpodLv. 30: Evolves From WimpodGolisopodGolisopod
BinacleBinacleLv. 39: Evolves From BinacleBarbaracleBarbaracle
Galarian CorsolaGalarian CorsolaLv. 38: Evolves From Galarian CorsolaGalarian CursolaGalarian Cursola
ImpidimpImpidimpLv. 32: Evolves From ImpidimpMorgremMorgrem
MorgremMorgremLv. 42: Evolves From MorgremGrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl
HatennaHatennaLv. 32: Evolves From HatennaHattremHattrem
HattremHattremLv. 42 Evolves From HattremHattereneHatterene
SalanditSalanditLv. 33: Evolves From Female SalanditSalazzleSalazzle
PawniardPawniardLv. 52: Evolves From PawniardBisharpBisharp
KoffingKoffingLv. 35: Evolves From KoffingGalarian WeezingGalarian Weezing
KoffingKoffingLv. 35: Evolves From KoffingGalarian WeezingGalarian Weezing
BonslyBonslyEvolves by leveling up a Bonsly that knows the move MimicSudowoodoSudowoodo
CleffaCleffaEvolves by leveling up a Cleffa with high friendshipClefairyClefairy
ClefairyClefairyUse a Moon Stone on Clefairy to evolveClefableClefable
TogepiTogepiEvolves by leveling up a Togepi with high friendshipTogeticTogetic
TogeticTogeticUse a Shiny Stone on Togetic to evolveTogekissTogekiss
MunchlaxMunchlaxEvolves By Leveling Up Munchlax With High FriendshipSnorlaxSnorlax
CottoneeCottoneeUse a Sun Stone on Cottonee to evolveWhimsicottWhimsicott
RhyhornRhyhornLv. 42: Evolves From RhyhornRhydonRhydon
RhydonRhydonEvolves by trading a Rhydon holding a ProtectorRhyperiorRhyperior
GothitaGothitaLv. 32: Evolves From GothitaGothoritaGothorita
GothoritaGothoritaLv. 41: Evolves From GothoritaGothitelleGothitelle
SolosisSolosisLv. 32: Evolves From SolosisDuosionDuosion
DuosionDuosionLv. 41: Evolves From DuosionReuniclusReuniclus
KarrablastKarrablastTrade a Karrablast for a Shelmet to evolveEscavalierEscavalier
ShelmetShelmetTrade a Karrablast for a Shelmet to evolveAccelgorAccelgor
ElgyemElgyemLv. 42: Evolves From ElgyemBeheeyemBeheeyem
CubchooCubchooLv. 37: Evolves From CubchooBearticBeartic
RuffletRuffletLv. 54: Evolves From RuffletBraviaryBraviary
VullabyVullabyLv. 54: Evolves From VullabyMandibuzzMandibuzz
SkorupiSkorupiLv. 40: Evolves From SkorupiDrapionDrapion
LitwickLitwickLv. 41: Evolves From LitwickLampentLampent
LampentLampentUse a Dusk Stone on Lampent to evolveChandelureChandelure
InkayInkayLv. 30: Evolves from Inkay while holding the Nintendo Switch upside downMalamarMalamar
SneaselSneaselEvolves by leveling up a Sneasel holding a Razor Claw at nightWeavileWeavile
RioluRioluEvolves by leveling up a Riolu with high friendship in the daytime.LucarioLucario
CufantCufantLv. 34: Evolves From CufantCopperajahCopperajah
FrillishFrillishLv. 40: Evolves From FrillishJellicentJellicent
MareanieMareanieLv. 38: Evolves From MareanieToxapexToxapex
ToxelToxelLv. 30: Evolves From ToxelToxtricityToxtricity
SilicobraSilicobraLv. 36: Evolves From SilicobraSandacondaSandaconda
HippopotasHippopotasLv. 34: Evolves From HippopotasHippowdonHippowdon
HelioptileHelioptileUse a Sun Stone on Helioptile to evolveHelioliskHeliolisk
TrapinchTrapinchLv. 35: Evolves From TrapinchVibravaVibrava
VibravaVibravaLv. 45: Evolves From VibravaFlygonFlygon
AxewAxewLv. 38: Evolves From AxewFraxureFraxure
FraxureFraxureLv. 48: Evolves From FraxureHaxorusHaxorus
YamaskYamaskLv: 34: Evolves From YamaskCofagrigusCofagrigus
Galarian YamaskGalarian YamaskEvolves under very specific conditions, see details here.RunerigusRunerigus
YamaskYamaskLv: 34: Evolves From YamaskCofagrigusCofagrigus
HonedgeHonedgeLv. 35: Evolves From HonedgeDoubladeDoublade
HonedgeHonedgeLv. 35: Evolves From HonedgeDoubladeDoublade
HonedgeHonedgeUse a Dusk Stone on Doublade to evolveAegislashAegislash
Galarian PonytaGalarian PonytaLv. 40: Evolves From Galarian PonytaGalarian RapidashGalarian Rapidash
SinisteaSinisteaEvolves by using a Broken Pot or a Cracked Pot on SinisteaPolteageistPolteageist
PhantumpPhantumpEvolves by trading PhantumpTrevenantTrevenant
MorelullMorelullLv. 24: Evolves From MorelullShiinoticShiinotic
SnomSnomEvolves by leveling up a Snom with high friendship at nightFrosmothFrosmoth
ClobbopusClobbopusEvolves by leveling up a Colobbopus that knows the move TauntGrapploctGrapploct
MantykeMantykeEvolves by leveling up a Mantyke while having a ‎Remoraid in your teamMantineMantine
WailmerWailmerLv. 40: Evolves From WailmerWailordWailord
BergmiteBergmiteLv. 37: Evolves From BergmiteAvaluggAvalugg
Mime Jr.Mime Jr.Evolves by leveling up a Mime Jr. that knows the move MimicGalarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime
Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. MimeLv. 42: Evolves From Galarian Mr. MimeMr. RimeMr. Rime
Galarian DarumakaGalarian DarumakaUse an Ice Stone on Galarian Darumaka to evolveGalarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan
Galarian DarumakaGalarian DarumakaUse an Ice Stone on Galarian Darumaka to evolveGalarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan
RotomRotomForm ChangeHeat RotomHeat Rotom
RotomRotomForm ChangeWash RotomWash Rotom
RotomRotomForm ChangeFrost RotomFrost Rotom
RotomRotomForm ChangeFan RotomFan Rotom
RotomRotomForm ChangeMow RotomMow Rotom
CharmanderCharmanderLv. 16: Evolves From CharmanderCharmeleonCharmeleon
CharmeleonCharmeleonLv. 36: Evolves From CharmeleonCharizardCharizard
Type: NullType: NullEvolves by leveling up a Type: Null with high friendshipSilvallySilvally
LarvitarLarvitarLv. 30: Evolves From LarvitarPupitarPupitar
PupitarPupitarLv. 55: Evolves From PupitarTyranitarTyranitar
DeinoDeinoLv. 50: Evolves From DeinoZweilousZweilous
ZweilousZweilousLv. 64: Evolves From ZweilousHydreigonHydreigon
GoomyGoomyLv. 40: Evolves From GoomySliggooSliggoo
SliggooSliggooLv. 50: Evolves From Sliggoo in rainy weatherGoodraGoodra
Jangmo-oJangmo-oLv. 35: Evolves From Jangmo-oHakamo-oHakamo-o
Hakamo-oHakamo-oLv. 45: Evolves From Hakamo-oKommo-oKommo-o
DreepyDreepyLv. 50: Evolves From DreepyDrakloakDrakloak
DrakloakDrakloakLv. 60: Evolves From DrakloakDragapultDragapult

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Sword Shield Strategy Team

Sword Shield Strategy Team

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Anonymous 3

What means evolves by trading?

Anonymous 2

Munna and shellder are missing

Anonymous 1

You need to edit polteageist. The rare marked sinistea (under the cup) require a chipped pot to evolve. Other than that, idk if there's a difference once evolved lmao

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