Read this Pokemon Sword & Shield guide on points of no return. Including missable items, locked areas, version exclusives, & more!!!
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Game Version & Pre-Order Bonuses
Game Version Have Exclusive Pokemon

In Pokemon Sword & Shield, depending on the version you get, you'll be able to encounter exclusive Pokemon in the Galar Region.
Check Out Version Differences Here!Pre-Orders Have Different Bonuses

Fans can also receive different pre-order bonuses depending on where they purchased their game. These can include a special Meowth that is able to Gigantmax and supply boosters such as Quick Balls.
Check Out Different Pre-Order Bonuses Here!Trainer Customization & Starter Pokemon
Trainer Gender & Name Cannot Be Changed

When you're customizing your trainer for the first time, be very sure of your chosen gender & name. These are two aspects you cannot change after you've started the game & you'll need to reset if you want to change.
Check Out How To Customize Your Character!Can't Change Chosen Starter Pokemon

When you've made the decision between Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey, this will be permanent. The only way to change your starter Pokemon is to restart your game from the beginning.
Check Out Which Starter Pokemon To Choose!Pokemon Moves & Evolution
Pokemon Evolution Is Permanent

A Pokemon has already evolved, there is no way to go back to its previous form. You can stop a Pokemon from evolving by cancelling the evolution process before it completes.
Check Out Galar Region Pokedex!What Are Points Of No Return?
Permanent Features That Can't Be Changed

Points of no return in Pokemon Sword and Shield are game features that cannot be changed once chosen. This can range from choosing your game's version, ordering bonuses, character customization, and even training your Pokemon!
Locked Areas Or Missable Items

Other points of no return refer to areas that lock you out after a certain point of the game. These also include items you can miss during your travels so be sure to explore every nook and cranny!
Check Out the All Walkthrough List Here!