Read this Pokemon Sword and Shield guide on where and how to get evolution items. Including evolution item locations, evolution stones, Sweets, Apples, Pots, and other items!!!
Table Of Contents
How To Get Evolution Item Locations
Item | Location |
▼ Evolution Stones | - Pick up in diff. areas - Digging Duo |
▼ Sweets | - Battle Cafe |
▼ Whipped Dream | - Hammerlocke BP Shop |
▼ Sachet | - Hammerlocke BP Shop |
▼ Sour Apple | - Boy in Hammerlocke |
▼ Sweet Apple | - Boy in Hammerlocke |
▼ Chipped Pot | - Above Stow-on-Side warehouse - Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop |
▼ Cracked Pot | - Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop |
▼ Prism Scale | - West of Prof. Magnolia's House (on Lake near Route 2) |
▼ Metal Coat | - Roof of Stow-on-Side house |
▼ Protector | - Small island on Route 9 - Hammerlocke BP Shop |
▼ Reaper Cloth | - Hammerlocke mail event - Hammerlocke BP Shop |
▼ Razor Claw | - Wild Area (Dusty Bowl) - Hammerlocke BP Shop |
How To Get Evolution Stones
Effect | Used to evolve specific Pokemon |
Evolution stones are normally used to evolve specific Pokemon of a certain type. You need to use these stones to evolve those Pokemon that don't evolve by leveling.
Check Out Evolution Stone Locations!Get Stones From Digging Duo

Another viable way to get multiple evolution stones is to hire the Digging Duo. They cost 500 Watts each, and they will hunt treasure for you in the Bridge Field area of the Wild Area!
How To Get Sweets
Effect | Evolves Milcery to Alcremie |
You'll need to have any type of Sweet to evolve your Milcery into an Alcremie. Make your Milcery hold a Sweet, spin your character and watch your Milcery evolve into its final evolution - Alcremie!
>> Check Out How To Evolve To Alcremie!Obtain Randomly From Battle Cafe Rewards

You can randomly receive a Sweet from the Battle Cafes in Motostoke, Hammerlocke, and Wyndon. You can fight in these Battle Cafes once per day and receive 3 random rewards in total.
Check Out Battle Cafe Rewards & Locations!▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartHow To Get Whipped Dream
Effect | Evolves Swirlix to Slurpuff |
In order to evolve a Swirlix into the Slurpuff, you'll need to use a Whipped Dream item on it.
Purchase From Hammerlocke BP Shop

The Whipped Dream can be purchased from the Hammerlocke BP Shop for 10 Battle Points or BP.
How To Get Sachet
Effect | Evolves Spritzee to Aromatisse |
Give a Spritzee a Sachet to evolve it into its final form, Aromatisse.
Purchase From Hammerlocke BP Shop

Sachets can be purchased from the Hammerlocke BP Shop for 10 Battle Points or BP.
Check Out How To Farm BP Here!▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartHow To Get Sour Apple
Effect | Evolves Applin to Flapple |
Limited only to Pokemon Sword, you'll need a Sour Apple for your Applin to evolve into a Flapple.
Give Applin To Boy In Hammerlocke

In order to get a Sour Apple in Pokemon Sword, visit the boy in Western Hammerlocke. He'll be by the exit of the town and will be wearing a red jacket. Give him an Applin to get the Sour Apple item.
How To Get Sweet Apple
Effect | Evolves Applin to Appletun |
Limited only to Pokemon Shield, you'll need a Sweet Apple for your Applin to evolve into a Appletun.
Give Applin To Boy In Hammerlocke

In order to get a Sweet Apple in Pokemon Shield, visit the boy in Western Hammerlocke. He'll be by the exit of the town and will be wearing a red jacket. Give him an Applin to get the Sweet Apple item.
▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartHow To Get Chipped Pot
Effect | Evolves Sinistea to Polteageist |
If you want to evolve your Sinistea into a Polteageist, you'll need a Chipped Pot evolution item in order to do so.
Climb Green Ladder In Stow-On-Side

The Chipped Pot can be found by going up a green ladder to the right of the stairs heading up to the Stow-on-Side Stadium.
Purchase From Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop

If you're lucky, you can purchase a Chipped Pot from the Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop. The wares change daily and you can check what item will be on sale the next day, so keep your eyes peeled for this item.
How To Get Cracked Pot
Effect | Evolves Sinistea to Polteageist |
There are some Sinistea that will only evolve into a Polteageist using a Cracked Pot instead of a Broken Pot.
Purchase From Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop

If you're lucky, you can purchase a Cracked Pot from the Stow-on-Side Bargain Shop. The wares change daily and you can check what item will be on sale the next day, so keep your eyes peeled for this item.
▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartHow To Get Prism Scale
Effect | Evolves Feebas to Milotic |
If you want to evolve your Feebas into a Milotic, you'll need to use a Prism Scale evolution item on it.
Pick Up From Lake Near Prof. Magnolia's House

Fly to Route 2 and head towards Prof. Magnolia's house. Head left until you reach a lake. Go around the lake and pick up any shiny drops you spot for a chance to get a Prism Scale.
How To Get Metal Coat
Effect | Evolves Onix to Steelix |
Using a Metal Coat on an Onix will make it evolve into its powerful evolution Steelix.
Find On Roof In Stow-on-Side

To find a Metal Coat, head to Stow-on-Side and go to the western part of town. Head up the metal ladder you see at the end of an alleyway and you'll find the item in a Poke Ball on the roof.
How To Get Protector
Effect | Evolves Rhydon to Rhyperior |
The Protector will evolve a Rhydon into its final evolution, Rhyperior.
Pick Up In Route 9

In Route 9, find a small island with a single sign to find the Protector evolution item.
▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartHow To Get Reaper Cloth
Effect | Evolves Dusclops to Dusknoir |
Using a Reaper Cloth on a Dusclops will evolve it into a Dusknoir.
Deliver Letter For Girl In Hammerlocke

To get a Reaper Cloth, go to Hammerlocke and look for the girl that will ask you to deliver her letter. When you do so, go back to where the little girl was to find the Reaper Cloth on the ground.
How To Get Razor Claw
Effect | Evolves Sneasel to Weavile |
To evolve a Sneasel into a Weavile, you'll need to use a Razor Claw on that specific Pokemon.
Find In Wild Area's Dusty Bowl

In the Wild Area, go towards the Dusty Bowl region. You can find the Razor Claw with the Water Bike as you need to cross a pond in the northwest. The item will be in a shiny spot by some trees.
▲Go Back To Evolution Items ChartWhat Are Evolution Items?
Used To Evolve Certain Pokemon
Evolution items are important in every Pokemon game. They are unique items that evolve specific Pokemon into their final evolutions, making them stronger versions of themselves.