Find out how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield in this guide. This includes how to make catching easier, where to find Pokemon, and catch Pokemon in Wild Area & water!!!
Basics of Catching a Pokemon
Can Only Catch Wild Pokemon

Players can only catch Pokemon that they encounter in the wild. Trying to catch another Trainer's Pokemon is impossible so don't waste your Poke Ball on any already caught Pokemon!
Requires Pokeballs

You won't be able to catch Pokemon without Pokeballs. There are multiple kinds of Pokeballs that you can bring with their own benefits. Remember to stock up on them at Shops before going off into the wild.
Check Out All Poke Ball Types Here!Cannot Catch High Level Pokemon

It has been confirmed that there is a level-restriction now when capturing Pokemon. You won't even be able to throw a Pokeball at Pokemon tagged with "strong-looking".
Excess Pokemon Get Sent to Storage
If you already have 6 Pokemon with you, any Pokemon you catch will be sent to your storage. You can check back and switch them around later on.
Caught Pokemon will be Added to Pokedex

Pokemon caught for the first time will unlock their Pokedex entry. Complete your Pokedex by catching, evolving, and trading Pokemon!
Check Out the Galar Pokedex HereCatch Pokemon In Wild Area
Appearing Pokemon In Different Weather

The Wild Area has different regions that can have different types of weather every day. The weather in the Wild Area affects the type of Pokemon that will spawn in each region.
Wild Area Unlocked As You Progress
You can immediately explore the Wild Area even without Badges during the early stages of the game. However, bear in mind that as you delve deeper into the Wild Area, you'll encounter Pokemon that are too strong for you to capture.
How to Catch Pokemon in Air
Use the whistle function to catch the attention of Flying Pokemon. Aggressive types will go down to you immediately, while less aggressive ones will try to run away if you keep moving.
Today's Recommended Pokemon (10/15)
The Pokemon listed here are found during fixed weather (which resets at midnight). Pokemon which appear during random weather (Sandstorms, Hail, Fog, etc) are not included.
How to Catch Pokemon Easier
Lower Health of Wild Pokemon First

Lowering the health of a wild Pokemon will raise the chances of it getting capture. Aim to make their health bar yellow or red before capturing them!
Check Out How to Catch Pokemon Using False Swipe!Apply Status Effects
Paralyzed or Asleep Pokemon are more likely to be caught. You can apply Status Effects to Pokemon by using the moves or passives of your Pokemon.
Check Out the Status Effects Guide Here!Use Higher Level Pokeballs
Some Pokeballs work better than others. Considering using higher level ones when capturing Pokemon. For example, a Great or Ultra Ball will work better than a Pokeball.
Master Ball has a 100% Chance of Capturing Pokemon
The Master Ball is a unique Pokeball with a 100% chance of capturing any Pokemon. Once you throw it, it's a guarantee that the Pokemon will be captured. Though it's single-use on so think hard on who to use it on.
Check Out How to Get the Master Ball HereGet Catching Charm From Director
To help you catch Pokemon, go and get the Catching Charm from the Director in Circhester. He can be found in the 2nd floor of the Hotel Ionia.
Check Out How To Get Catching Charm!How to Catch Pokemon Guide
Enter Battle with Wild Pokemon

You can wild Pokemon all around Galar. Initiate battle with them by approaching and touching them when out in the wild.
Lower Health or Add Status Effect

It's a good idea to lower the wild Pokemon's health first or apply a status effect on them. Just make sure not to fully deplete their health or they'll faint!
Press X to Choose & Use Pokeball
Open up the Pokeball Menu by pressing X. Select which Pokeball to throw at the Pokemon then confirm. This will instantly throw the Pokeball!
Wait for Capture Animation

The Pokemon is captured after the Pokeball shakes thrice and clicks in place. It's possible for the Wild Pokemon to break free so consider lowering their health further or using a higher level Pokeball.
How to Catch Pokemon in Water
Requires Water Bike

A Water Bike is need to get to the Pokemon found in bodies of water. You'll be able to upgrade your bike on Route 9 after battling in the Circhester Gym.
Check Out How to Get the Water Bike HereUse the Fishing Pole at Water Spots
Darker spots with bubbling means there's a Pokemon you can fish for! Don't run towards it since it might spook the Pokemon, instead walk slowly then use the Fishing Pole once you're in front of it.