Read this Pokemon Sword and Shield (SWSH) guide to learn more about Pokemon Centers! Find out the Pokecenter features, such as healing, the Poke Mart, Rotomi, and more!!!
Table of Contents
Pokemon Center Features
What is the Pokemon Center?
One Stop Shop For Trainers

The Pokemon Center is the one-stop-shop for Trainers exploring the Galar region! It houses most if not all of the things you need to assist you on your journey towards catching them all!
Distinct Red Color

The Pokemon Center is easy to spot as it has a reddish-pink in color. This allows you to easily distinguish it from other buildings in cities or towns.
Uses of the Pokemon Center
Heal Your Pokemon Party

The counter at the center of the building will allow you to rest and heal your Pokemon free of charge! Talk to the lady at the counter to heal your tired pokemon!
Also Heals Status Effects & Restores PP
Aside from restoring your party's health, healing your party at the Pokecenter will also remove any status effects from your Pokemon as well as restore their PP!
Buy Items From the Pokemon Mart

The blue section of the building is the Poke Mart. Here you can spend your hard-earned cash on supplies such as potions & Poke Balls to help you in your travels!
Check Out How to Earn Money Fast Here!Each NPC Sells Different Items
If there is more than one person manning the shop's counter, make sure to talk to both of them! Each of these NPCs sell different items, and you might just find the item you're looking for with one of the NPCs!
BP Store At Hammerlocke Pokemon Center

A BP shop is located at the Hammerlocke Pokemon Center, selling all sorts of BP items and vital Pokemon Evolve items.
Sell Unwanted Items For Cash
You can also sell any unwanted items for some extra cash. Remember to sell items that have no value to you in order to get more money!
Access the Rotomi

The Rotomi is the computer on the left side of the healing counter. It will have a Rotom on top of it to make it easy to spot.
Manage Your Party
Use the Rotomi to access your Pokemon Boxes and manage your party! Keep in mind that you can only bring 6 Pokemon with you at a time. So make sure to bring along the best Pokemon to handle different situations and battles!
Take On Poke Jobs

You can use the Rotomi to send your Pokemon on Poke Jobs! These allow them to earn some Exp while they are not in your party! Keep in mind that some Pokemon excel at certain jobs and gain more Exp!
Check Out Poke Jobs Here!Customize League Card

You can also use the Rotomi to customize your League Card! Customize your League Card to show off your personality and achievements. Then give them to your friends to add to their album!
Check Out the League Card Here!Relearn Forgotten Moves

Speaking to the Counter on the left will allow you to talk to a man who will allow your Pokemon to learn forgotten moves! This NPC is also able to make Pokemon forget moves, free of charge!
How To Remember Forgotten MovesCannot Remember Moves That Aren't Learned Yet
Keep in mind that you will not be able to ask the man to remember moves that your Pokemon has not learned yet. You will need to level up your Pokemon to a certain level in order for them to learn the move for the first time.
Can Also Make Pokemon Forget Moves
The man is also able to make your Pokemon forget a move. Instead of picking "Remember a Move", pick "Forget a Move" to make your Pokemon forget a move you do not want in their moveset!