Check out how to get the Water Bike for Pokemon Sword and Shield in this guide. This includes how to get the Water Bike, places to visit, items you can get and how to use it!!!
Table of Contents
What is the Water Bike?

You'll be able to move and travel across bodies of water once you've acquired the Water Mode of the Rotom Bike. It functions similar to how Surf was in previous Pokemon games.
Rotom Bike Automatically Transforms

You won't need to press anything else to use the Water Mode Rotom Bike. Ride it towards the water & it'll automatically transform! It also does the same when you go back to land.
Get to Previously Inaccessible Places

With the Rotom Water Bike, you'll be able to go to places cut off by water that you weren't able to get to before. Often these places include items, TMs, and even rare Pokemon for you to catch!
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How to Get the Water Bike
After Getting 6th Gym Badge

You'll need to defeat the 6th Gym Leader first. For Sword, you'll need to beat Rock Gym Leader Gordie and for Shield, it's the Ice Type Gym Leader Melony. Without the badge, you won't get access to Route 9.
Gym Leader to Beat
Check Out the All Story Walkthrough List HereContinue Down Route 9

You'll find the same guy who gave you the Rotom Bike along Route 9. You'll need to beat a Team Yell Grunt before he will give it to you. This will add the Water Mode function to your Rotom Bike!
Where to Go on Water Bike
Wild Area

You will now be able to access Raids in the waters of the Wild Area with the Water Bike! You can also get to the Pokemon in the water to battle and catch if you want.
Check Out the Wild Area Guide HereGalar Mine No. 2

Galar Mine No. 2 has a series of small ponds that you can traverse through to further explore the mine.
Near Professor Magnolia's House

There's a pretty wide open water area near Professor Magnolia's House. You can get to it by going down the ledge near the Pokemon Battle area.
Route 9

Route 9 offers a lot to explore as soon as you get your Water Bike. There's also a lot of Pokemon here that you can only catch when you're on your bike.
Slumbering Weald

The Slumbering Weald includes a narrow river by its side. Explore the mysterious area further by going down it.

The lake near Turffield has a good amount of Pokemon around it. It offer good scenery and some hidden items to find.