A simple unadorned clay jar of rather rough make, but which excels in terms of the thickness of its walls. No matter rain, wind, sun, or shine, they will not easily damage this jar, thus making it very suited for a public water point. Caravan Ribat once used jars like this to provide fresh water to passers-by. A jar of water is provided every morning, noon, and night, which is just enough for a hundred to use. However, some mercenaries would come to draw water using bottles that had been used to store wine, causing the water to be contaminated with strong wine and affecting the usually sober merchants. As such, the use of this sort of public water point has been discontinued as of late.
How To Get Plain Vase: Drinks For A Hundred & Location Map
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How To Get
Found inside a Remarkable Chest.
Plain Vase: Drinks For A Hundred Location
Plain Vase: Drinks For A Hundred blueprint is located at ground of southern Vourukasha Oasis. Head from the Statue Of The Sevens nearby and beat enemies around.
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