[Your UID (Unique ID)]
[World Level]
[Note] Looking for a Childe main up for some chili
join me, UID: 603155985
I’m looking for someone to visit serenitea pot too. UI is 600851054
[Your UID (600851054)]
[Need to join a tea pot to buy from trader]
[Your UID (Unique ID)]
[World Level]
[rama 605578395]
[SouthAmerica ps4]
[World lv7]
[serenitea pot to buy from the trader]
i still need help with the 3 chests... Anyone wanna help this fella out?
[Phantasm (618984372)]
[North American Server on PC]
[World Level 6]
[Looking to join someone's Serenitea Pot to buy from the Trader, I need to do that for the Challange. You are welcome to join my pot for rewards as well. =>]
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 822022239
[Server] Asia
[World Level] 5
[Note] Teapot & getting more friends
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 617749307
[World Level]6
[Note] looking for teapot friends and maybe we can take on some domains
[Your UID (Unique ID)]608653716
[World Level]4
[Note]need to do that one challenge in dragonspine to fully unlock the area
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 600660312
[Server] NA
[World Level] 7
[Note] Looking for teapot friends
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 624114549
[Server] America
[World Level] 4
[Note] we can just chill and have fun lmao and help eachother level up. Mano el manoo
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 800958311
[Server] Asia
[World Level] 6
[Note] looking for teapot friends :)
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 703545422
[Server] EU
[World Level] 7
[Note] Hi, I need sum Dandelion seeds for my Eula and i'm willing to help with bosses and domains and such in exchange
Hi , i need help leveling up eula , help from a high player would be apprecieated , [Your UID
(Unique ID)] 711674174
[Server] EU
[World Level] 4
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 711674174
[Server] EU
[World Level] 4
[Note] I need help finding friends and defeating bosses, I'm trying to get Eula up but i can also help you in your quests and/or just play randomly
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 706080978
[Server] EU
[World Level] 5
[Note] I search tea pot friend too :)
[Your UID (Unique ID)] 605561135
[Server] NA
[World Level] 7
[Note] Just wanna find some more people to play with and farm some rng/unlucky artifacts and have fun in the open world!
Still need some help? I got nothing to do much and would love to help :D