Read this Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch (ACNH) guide on the passport! Including passport titles, passport maker, passport photo, island name, & native fruits!!!
Table of Contents
New Passport Titles in Summer Update

Show off that feel of Summer in your passport with the new Titles added for the Summer update! Naturally, these are summer-themed and the challenges required to unlock them revolve around the new update!
Check Out the Summer Update Patch NotesNew Title Samples
- Kind
- Cynic
- Cerulean
- Diver
- Midsummer
- Swimmer
- Bodyboardin'
- Beachcomber
What Is The Passport?
Place To Check Your Profile

The Passport is where players can check and update their profiles. Here they can see their birthdays, island's name, titles, & passport photos!
Can Be Accessed Via Nook Phone

The Passport is one of the many apps on the Nook Phone. Just open your Nook Phone to access it!
Check Out Nook Phone Apps & Features!Check Island Name & Native Fruit

You can use your Passport to check your island's name & native fruit. Island names can only be written with up to 10 characters while native fruits are random and cannot be selected.
Check Out Points Of No Return!Update Your Passport Photo

Your Passport will also contain your villager's profile picture. This can be changed at any time, using the Nook Phone's camera app.
Check Out How To Use The Camera!Add Comment Greeting To Profile

Your Passport can also hold a comment or greeting that can be seen by other players. Make sure to keep it kid-friendly and safe!
Change Your Villager Title

You can also changed your villager's title in your Passport. You can select from a range of words that represent who you are!
Passport Titles
Additional titles will be added once confirmed in-game!
All Passport Titles List In New Horizons
First Column | 2nd Column |
Accomplished | Ally |
Active | Angler |
Aggressive | Animal |
Ancient | Ant |
Animal | Artisan |
Anonymous | Artist |
Apprentice | Authority |
Arrived | Avatar } |
Art-school | Backbone |
Aspiring | Beach Bum |
At-Capacity | Beginner |
Atmospheric | Bill Payer |
Autonomous | Boss |
Avaricious | Bounty |
Bait-Snatching | Boy |
Basement | Brute |
Buried | Buddy |
Carefree | Bug Fan |
Careful | Camper |
Caretaking | Caretaker |
Casual | Challenger |
Catchable | Child |
Change-It-Up | Chill Soul |
City Folk | Chum |
Clever | Cleaner |
Cliffhanging | Clown |
Comparative | Club Member |
Competent | Coast Dweller |
Connected | Coconut |
Covetous | Collector |
Cowardly | Connector |
Crafty | Consumer |
Creative | Coordinator |
Crisp | Crafter |
Curious | Creator |
Defiant | Crossing |
Deserted-Island | Crusher |
Detail-Oriented | Crybaby |
Detailed | Custodian |
Digital-Age | Dancer |
Discovered | Daughter |
Down-And-Out | Decorating Fiend |
Easy-breezy | Defender |
Eco-Friendly | Designer |
Efficient | Dietitian |
Elusive | Eccentric |
Emergent | Ecologist |
Emerging | Egg |
Energetic | Engineer |
Festive | Enthusiast |
Fickle | Eventuality |
Flapping | Family Member |
Flightless | Father |
Flower-loving | Figure |
Flying | Fish |
Freshly Delivered | Fishing Fan |
Friendly | Flag Waver |
Friendship | Floaty Thing |
Full-fledged | Flower |
Future | Force |
Global | Fossil |
Greedy | Fowl |
Greenhouse | Free Spirit |
Handmade | Frenzy |
Happy Home | Freshman |
Herbivorous | Friend |
Highly Aware | Gardener |
Hip | Genius |
History-Loving | Ghost |
Hobby-Level | Gifted One |
Home | Girl |
Homey | Grandma |
Hooked | Grandpa |
Horizon-bound | Ground Traveler |
Hospitable | Grub |
Humming | Guard |
Inexperienced | Hobbyist |
Interior | Hunter |
Internet | Influencer |
Invested | Insect |
Invulnerable | Intellectual |
Jovial | Island Dweller |
Kindly | Island Resident |
Knowledge-Thirsty | Keeper |
Late-Night | Klutz |
Legendary | Lad |
Lonely | Landlord |
Lucky | Lass |
Materialistic | Lawn Clippings |
Messy | Legend |
Mistakenly Caught | Life |
Moderate | Life-Form |
Mold-Breaking | Life Hacker |
New Leaf | Loner |
Night Owl | Mama |
Nook Inc.'s | Manager |
Novice | Materialist |
Occasional | Meanie |
Omnivorous | Meteorite |
One-Room | Modder |
Organic | Model |
Outdoor-Loving | Moneybags |
Outdoorsy | Mother |
Over-Shelled | Mr. Popular |
Overacting | Ms. Popular |
Overboard | Muscle |
Overnight | Music-Lover |
Overstuffed | Musician |
Partially Obscured | Neatnik |
Photogenic | Neophyte |
Picky | Observationalist |
Plaza | Older Brother |
Plucky | Older Sister |
Other Half | |
Pointy | Pal |
Pond-Raised | Papa |
Precocious | Paradise |
Pro | Partier |
Rascally | Partitioner |
Ready | Party Animal |
Refined | Patron |
Reliable | Pear |
Responsible | Person |
Restless | Personality |
Risen | Pesca Pro |
Rough-And-Tumble | Pet |
Rowdy | Phoenix |
Royal | Photographer |
Rumormongering | Pioneer |
Savvy | Prince |
Science-y | Princess |
Seashore | Problem Solver |
Second-Floor | Producer |
Self-Paced | Punk |
Self-Possessed | Pupa |
Sharp | Reaction |
Shell-Grabbing | Relocator |
Shifty | Remodeler |
Single-Occupant | Representative |
Small-Fry | Researcher |
Smartphone | Resident |
So-Called | Reviewer |
Soothing | Ringleader |
Specific | Rookie |
Spirited | Rose |
Sports-Minded | Runner |
Spring-Born | Savant |
Status-Minded | Seashell Seller |
Swept-Away | Season |
Teary-Eyed | Seeker |
Tentative | Sentiment |
Thorny | Shell Fan |
Thrifty | Shell Master |
Tidal | Shellector |
Tidy | Shopaholic |
Total | Shy Kid |
Trailblazing | Sidekick |
Traveling | Slingshot Ace |
Trendy | Something Or Other |
Trivia | Son |
Tropically Grown | Sort |
Twin's | Sorter |
Unabashedly | Specialist |
Understated | Speculator |
Unhindered | Stalkholder |
Unique | Standard |
Unpearable | Star |
Untamed | Student |
Untossable | Stylist |
Upstart | Sundries Fan |
Very First | Superstar |
Waterway | Surfer |
Wave-Tossed | Tack |
Weak | Talent |
Weekend | Tourist |
Well-Known | Trader |
Wide-Ranging | Transformer |
Widely Accepted | Trash |
Wild World | Traveler |
Wishful | Tropical Fish |
- | Truth |
- | Type |
- | Vagabond |
- | Virtuoso |
- | Walking Dictionary |
- | Wallflower |
- | Wanderer |
- | Wild Child |
- | Younger Brother |
- | Younger Sister |