Check out this Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch (ACNH) summary guide on the new features in the game! Including gameplay details, new mechanics & features, and more!!!
New Features List
Nook Phone

The Nook Phone is a new tool that grants you easy access to many of the game's new mechanics/features. With a touch of your finger, you can open up your camera, map, Nook Miles, DIY Recipes, and more!
Check Out Nook Phone Apps & Features!DIY Crafting

DIY or Do-It-Yourself crafting is also a new feature in the game. Now you can craft your own tools & furniture as long as you have the DIY recipes and materials for it.
Check Out DIY Crafting Guide Here!DIY Customization Available

You can also customize the way your items look as long as you've already completed the DIY customization workshop. You can change colors & patterns, according to your preference.
Gather Materials On The Island

Crafting materials can easily be gathered around the island. Chop trees, break rocks, etc. to get the materials you need to complete your DIY recipes.
Craft Using Workbench

After learning the DIY recipe and gathering enough materials, you can craft using a workbench! Use Tom Nook's or create one for yourself that you can place anywhere on the island.
Place Furniture Outdoors

Unlike previous Animal Crossing games, you can now place furniture outdoors! This heavily personalizes your island, making you feel right at home.
Sell Weeds For Extra Bells

You can now also sell weeds at the Resident Services building to either Timmy or Tommy. This is a great way to make extra Bells and keep your island free from pesky weeds!
Check Out How To Farm Money Fast!Nook Miles

Another new feature is the Nook Mileage Program. Players can complete Tasks around the island to earn Nook Miles. This they can use to pay of the island package or buy useful items in the Nook Stop terminal!
Flower Wreaths

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can pick flowers and make them into flower wreaths that you can wear. You can also just pick flower petals, leaving flower to still grow on the ground.
Pole Vaulting

A new way of traversing the island via pole vaulting is newly introduced in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This is a great way to move around if you haven't built enough bridges yet.
Check Out How To Craft Vaulting Pole!Dig Up Trees Directly

You can also now dig trees up directly, without having to chop them down or plant them from saplings.
Easily Replant Dug Up Trees

Trees that you've dug up and put in your inventory can be replanted as they are. No need to plant saplings & waiting them grow anymore.
Party Play With 4 Players

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you can locally play with 4 players with just one console. You can connect up to 4 Joy-Cons to one Switch to enjoy party play!
Check Out How To Party Play Here!Online Multiplayer With 8 Players

The online multiplayer function of the game can host up to 8 players! In previous games, you can only play online with up to 4 people so more can now visit each other's islands.
Check Out Online Multiplayer Features!Island Designer

For players who want freedom to custom their islands can do so with the new Island Designer app. This allows players to terraform their island, pave pathways, and more!
Check Out Terraforming Guide Here!Pick North Or South Hemisphere

Players can now choose between the northern or southern hemisphere. The seasons will change depending on the choice of hemisphere.
Check Out Difference Between Hemispheres!Choose Own Tent Location

You can also pick the initial location of your tent, something you couldn't do in previous Animal Crossing games.
Check Out Best Tent Locations Here!Choose Residents' Tent Locations

Aside from picking out your own tent's location, you can also pick the spot for the residents on the island. You can place them all in one space, making it easier to locate them when you're walking around the island.
Can Relocate Shop

Shops and facilities can easily be moved around the island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Doing so will allow you to arrange the island perfectly to your liking.
Rescue Service Returns You Home

For players who get lost or stuck in some place, they can call the Rescue Service from their Nook Phone. This will teleport you back home and takes the place of Resetti from the older games.
Check Out How To Use Rescue Service!In-Game Storage

Now storage won't be a problem as Animal Crossing: New Horizons provides in-game storage without the use of cabinets from previous games!
Transfer Custom Designs

Your old custom designs from Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Happy Home Designer can be transferred to the latest game via the use of the Nook Link app!
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Chat With Mobile Devices

With the use of the Nook Link app, players can chat with others online via their mobile devices. A subscription to Nintendo Switch Online is requires to use this feature.
Check Out How To Use Nook Link App!Free Updates & DLC

Unlike the previous games, Animal Crossing: New Horizons will have free updates and DLC that will bring back holiday events and iconic Animal Crossing characters!