Learn how to catch a Scorpion with this Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch (ACNH) Guide. Includes scorpion island & how to catch, scorpion price, what time do scorpions come out!!!
Table Of Contents
Scorpion - Price and Spawn Conditions
Scorpion - Appearance and Price

Sell Price | 8000 |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Spawn Conditions & Time Of Day
Time Of Year | N:May ~ Oct S:Nov ~ Apr |
Time Of Day | 7pm ~ 4am |
Spawn Location | On the ground |
Spawn Conditions | N/A |
When Do Scorpions Spawn
Spawn Period - Northern Hemisphere
Spawn Period - Southern Hemisphere
Can Be Found In Scorpion Island
During the Summer, going on a Mystery Island Tour will give you the chance to arrive at the Scorpion Island! This island is home to many scorpions, so you will be able to catch as many as you want!
How To Get To & Make Scorpion Island
Go To Scorpion Island With Mystery Island Tour
By using the Nook Miles Ticket, you have a chance to visit a mystery island full of scorpions (A.K.A. scorpion island). Since which mystery island you get is random and the probability of getting scorpion island extremely low, you might need to spend a lot of miles to get there.
Items You Need | - Nook Miles Ticket (2000 miles) - Net (Avoid using Flimsy net) |
How Much You Can Earn | Max 312,000 bells (If your inventory has 40 spaces) |
Note | Scorpion island only appears when Scorpions are in season. - North: May - October - South: November - April |
How To Make A Scorpion Island
By removing all trees, flowers, and stones from a mystery island, you can increase the spawn rate of scorpions. However, you'll still have 3-4 species of insects appear, and you also need to scatter away any Wharf Roaches that might be lurking around.
Steps To Make Scorpion Island
1 | Remove all trees and flowers |
2 | Dig out all tree stumps with a shovel |
3 | Break all rocks |
4 | Fill all holes you've made |
5 | Catch Giant water bugs |
Why Catch Giant Water Bugs?
In order to increase the chance to encounter scorpions, you need to catch Giant Water Bugs spawning in the pond and release them. Also note that Giant Water Bugs won't spawn when it's raining! This makes it a lot easier to create a scorpion island.
How To Catch A Scorpion
Approach from Behind

Do not approach a Scorpion from its front becase it will immediately be aware of you. Creep up to it from behind to close the distance without catching its attention.
Will Attack When it Sees Your Net
If you have your Net out, the Scorpion will attack you when it becomes aware of you. Remember that it won't attack unless you are holding your net.
Check Out How to Craft the Net HereHas A Very Fast Attack

If the Scorpion is about to attack, it will raise its pincers & tail. It will then lunge in to attack your character!