I have peaches on my island. Free of charge
sw-4479-2100-8328 add me. Your switch name kev?
anyone have a picnic table with cloth for sale in their nook cranny or willing to sell one????
anyone want to buy Zucker? moving out!
HI! I am in desperate need of flowers. If anyone has extra flowers they are willing to part with let me know! I need:
Purple Hyacinth
Purple Pansy
Purple mum
Purple windflower
Blue pansy
Blue rose
Pink lily
Green mum
White lily
Black cosmos
Black lily
I know it’s a lot!! Thanks in advance
Anyone got iron nuggets?
Please drop 7BGXK
Anyone have turnips over 115? I’ll pay with bells or NMTs please please
Anyone have turnip prices over 100? I’ll bring gifts
I have some peaches
Has anybody got any peaches for sale? I’d be willing to pay 10,000 bells for just the one!
Code: 28J0V
Fruits, pumpkins, free stuff on the ground and beach
Anyone open with a dodo code? Looking to explore/get inspiration :)
code: H5SLB
please bring 5 or more books or as much as you can and please bring a wooden bookshelf if possible. I will pay for it. I really need it.
Code: BYKQ0
Free stuff, some fruits and pumpkins
Why so angry? You could be the prom queen
Hi Guys come to my island I'm having a prom cone dressed up code is 7jql8
Use an amiibo card(s), I've replaced my entire set of villagers with ones I actually want rather than ones that were "forced" upon me :).
You need to is make the character angry once then never speak to it. Renee is another character that I had since 'day 1' which wont leave I made it angry so many times and haven't spoken to the character for practically 2 months! time travel wont even work. Any tips?