The friend code is the main forum on here especially for trades
You will have better luck posting in the Island Code Exchange forum. This is the general forum - not much traffic in here.
Ok. No one is showing up so I will close the gate. I will try again later. Got tons of diy and free money, fruits and
Flowers. All kinds. Bye 4 now.
Forgot to give code. 2j2cl
Hi I am inviting 2 people at a time. Come take my diy recipes. As many as you can carry. U will have 3 minutes to choose. If u need fruit or supplies, just tell me, k? Giving away money too. Just ask.
Hi! Im selling flowers (the whole plant). Reply with what flower u want and how many and i will reply back with the price and ask for ur friend code.
Anyone knows how to change the nickname a villager is giving us? I know that we had to constantly talk to them everyday, but she suggest a new one and I refuse, the game doesn't let me suggest a new one. Is it random?
Come to my island, please bring rare flowers or fun DIY for bells or fruit (:
Hi I wanna get new flowers! I have fruit and bells I can exchange!
hiiii i wanna visit islandsss
Anybody have a clothing shop I could use to download custom designs??
Anybody have a clothing shop I could use to download custom designs??
acshily know trades
I will trad for tabby for a new vilijer
have fun and know more trades
marshel but dont have him
Anybody have a clothing shop I can use ?
What is everyone’s favorite villager