It’s March. I’m in the Southern Hemisphere and I caught a marlin about an hour ago. I think that you might want to update your listing info.
Sea b***!!
Pea**** ****erfly is not a rare insect.
How lucky!
My first fish caught was a barreleye.
ok so a mole cricket isn’t found on a tree. you’ve gotta look for chirping and dig it up from the ground. i don’t even know how you got that wrong but everybody makes mistakes ig
PLEASE make a survey for valuable fish and bugs too!!!!!!!!!
Why are none of the cliff river fish being considered? Golden Trout is a very rare fish to find.
Today I caught 2 new sharks + a stag beetle within 3 minutes
Ive Caught 10 Coelacanths And 1 barralye and ive caught 8 Great white sharks and 3 whale sharks solded them all and payed off my home loan
"Rare Fish In The Bridge" - should be renamed to "Rare fish on the pier", since it's not a bridge and gives false information.
Caught a Coelacanth march 21. In the sea at 8:25pm. Oarfish about 10 minutes earlier.