[Code] LLKK2
[Fruits] all fruits and veggies
[Note] come play on haunted, if you need anything ask I might have it
[Code] L6115
[Fruits] All plus vegetables ! If you need any, I have some in storage.
[Note] please come and explore my island ~ all homes are decorated inside , shops are open and I have a Christmas display somewhere on the beach . Free DIY to the left . Tom is cooking and if you have cooking unlocked he will give you a DIY . Any questions just ask ~
[Code] M9NX6
[Fruits] all
[Note] 6th Night of Christmas Lights of Foxton free of visitors but trade hours are 9:15PM to 12:15AM GMT come visit tonight to trade
Does anyone have red wrapping paper in their storage or for sale in the nook shop ?
HI can i come to your island i need fruit i can trade if you want
all fruits n veg
Redd and Celeste here. Looking to make new friends
Really need oranges, I have apples, thinking of using free nintendo online trial to come visit someone tonight to trade.
[Fruits]All except apples
[Note]I really want apples please someone trade with me
all fruits and veg
Haven't done loads to island, feel free to add
[Code] 80FHB
[Fruits] all
[Note] 5th Night of Christmas Lights of Foxton free of visitors but trade hours are 10:30PM to 12:30AM GMT plus Redd is here north west of island
[Note]gate crashed reopened celestial on island
[Note] celestial is here top right of island
Free black roses to give away, black tulips and black lilies. First dodo gets mix. Second gets roses only
[Code] K2H4C
[Fruits] all
[Note] 4th Night of Christmas Lights of Foxton free of visitors only few items left just hour open gate but trade hours are 7AM AWST to 8AM AWST who visiting Foxton Enjoy
my island is still open, id appreciate it
I come in I have apples