Good morning. If anyone wants to chill with me, lemme know, and I can log on LOL
[Note] does anyone have any of these villagers in boxes?
1) Raymond
2) Lolly
3) Molly
4) Coco
5) Merengue
6) Maple
I can pay in bells or nmt.
C0fL6 to ScaredyCat Island, murder themed.
Turnips: 101
Native fruit: apples. Okay to shake, run, and pick. Take what you need. Time traveling: utc +8
Please leave using the airport so it doesn't crash the game, thanks.
[Fruits] Pear
[Note] Come take anything from resources, flowers, furniture lying around at the beach. Have fun.
[Fruits] apple
[Note] Visit island challenge: If you can find where I hid some rare furniture its yours. Finders keepers. Have fun on the challenge
Clearing up the storage. Come pick up if you want any of it. Finders keepers.
[Note] Sw-0546-7849-1585 add me and have fun on the island
[all fruits]
[free fruit and bells on beach ]
Hi guys. Come visit and help me clearing up my island. Stuff I leave on the floor of the island is considered unwanted. Take it if any of you wanted it. Will sell all those in an hour. Thanks
Open island, free things, come empty, 4NFDW
[Code] LMX7S
[Note] I have Sprinkle in boxes and ready to move out if you have an empty plot on your island.
Does anyone have any black athletic shorts they are willing to sell?
[all fruits]
[All fruits and some bells left on the beach for anyone who needs it! Feel free to shake trees as needed. I’d love some diy recipes/cool furniture in return :)]
[Note] Sw-0546-7849-1585 add me and have fun on the island
[Note] hi! Does anyone have the stormy night wallpaper?
Sw-0546-7849-1585 friend code if u want to add and come visit Lambert Island
Kjq3r to ScaredyCat Island, murder themed.
Turnips: 50~
Native fruit: apples. Okay to shake, run, and pick. Take what you need. Time traveling: utc +8
Please leave using the airport so it doesn't crash the game, thanks.
Open island, free things, 82PNX
You cant trade fish or bugs, sadly. But you can visit different hemisphere island
Code: 2P2R4
Come visit my island to help me clear out. Take any item or resource you want/found. Finders keepers. Thank you for visiting and helping.