Hey i have roses in my shop, wanna add?
Dodo Code: K866B
Looking for mums and cosmos
Got all other flowers and fruits. You can pick anything just please dont dig stuff up without asking
Will buy gold nuggets for 11.000 bells
Am time traveller if you don't like it don't come
Looking for SH players SW-8050-7306-6629
Sorry just saw your message. If you want add my friend code SW-2115-9793-2611.
I need roses, pears and peaches. I have plenty of cherries,a few apples, coconuts and oranges on me. Feel free to shake trees but leave some for everyone. I have pansies, tulips and Cosmo seeds in my shop. Please don't take any of the random things laying around...I'm moving alot of things around. The code is BY7KJ
Looking for friends !
Needing some who are on the south hemisphere so I can go fish. Add me! :)
I want to trade flower types
Sorry lol I've got 40 turnips dodo code: BS3FQ
I've got 40 turnips
I desperately need apples and oranges! I have cherries at the moment.
Does anyone have turnips to buy?
Sorry closed the gates since everyone came at once. I can open back up if you’d still like to come over!
I have peaches, oranges, tulips, windflowers, and mums.
Looking for apples, cherries, and any other flower you may have!
Dodo code is L27V8
Sure, dodo code is L27V8
looking for a southern hemisphere island to come fish on with my 2 friends. won’t dig up flowers or shake trees or anything just want to be able to go fishing in southern hem. message me with dodo codes!!!
Dodo code: G6M0H. Open til 10pm Berlin