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Anonymous 15555

Sorry I am dumb

But I guess that kinds prooves ur real Kirb

We just need jamels opinion

Oaushadeia 15554

Does anyone have oranges, 3 ball-tee, and/or all types of bamboo?

Dr. Kirb 15553

Jamel is female you dummy

Doorman 15552


Anonymous 15551

Ofc he's the real Jamel! If he knows the answer to that question ofc he's real! Your just stalling!!

Dr. Kirb 15550

Prove to me that you are the real Jamel first. There have been so many fakes on here since the real one left

Jamel 15549

Also if you are really Dr Kirb...When I roleplayed as Hat Kid and Pip/Snacther roleplayed well Snacther on genral forum a while back ago who were you in the roleplay and by that i mean who did you roleplay as

(DISCLAIMER TO ANYONE WHO MAY READ THIS!!!!!!!!) It was not a werid or dating roleplay kinda thing we were all just messing around back then lolz

Anonymous 15548

Are you sure ur the real kirb?

If you are answer this?

What was ur sister called

Dr. Kirb 15547

There's two sides to every Kirb. Well actually there's only one of me

Anonymous 15546

Not the one who said Dr kirbs bad- I'm the one who said that I get impersonated too- I knew Dr kirb in two ways: the kind kid friendly peaceful Dr kirb and the Innapropriate rated R Dr kirb. Not sure if it was an impersonated tho :/

Jamel 15545

;-; thats surprising well the dr kirb i knew wasnt like that. Maybe the one your talking about was an impersonator

Anonymous 15544

TF are you talking about... he was a piece of shit that talk trash on this chat

Jamel 15543

wait are you saying Im fake?

Anonymous 15542


I certainly am

Anonymous 15541

Just ignore the fake, he is on both forums

Anonymous 15540

Eat shit jamel

Jamel 15539

yea he was a pretty good guy I do miss him :)

Jamel 15538

Yea nice try faker :)

Anonymous 15537

It was just my hamster phew

Anonymous 15536


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