Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Wiki Guide
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Anonymous 8

y’all, when it says 100 bugs, it means in your entire time playing. not 100 in your critterpedia. not 100 in your game. it’s the same spawning technique as all other “golden” things (specifically, the tools).

Anonymous 7

this is the only place that I can find that says we need to catch 100 bugs for this to spawn. I really don't know if it's a valid requirement and it doesn't even explain what the 100 bugs mean.

Anonymous 6

Why is it that I read everywhere that you have to have caught 100 bugs before this will spawn, when there are only 80 bugs in the critterpedia???

Anonymous 5

Same question, do I need to catch 100 bugs in a day, before zoning? This is my only bug left and I just can not spawn it

Anonymous 4

What does it mean catch 100 or more bugs to spawn?? Like in that day? Or I’m general??

Anonymous 3

This guy is super twitchy. It will fly away if you approach it while it's not moving even in sneak mode.

Anonymous 2

isn't this supposed to be the rarest bug? I caught it twice but have yet to catch a cicada shell.

Anonymous 1


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