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Mayanas Shrine Guide - Treasure Chest & Shrine Quest

TotK | Mayanas Shrine Guide - Treasure Chest & Shrine Quest | Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

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TotK | Mayanas Shrine Guide - Treasure Chest & Shrine Quest | Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom - GameWith

Mayanas Shrine Guide for Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Includes locations and how to find, treasure chest, movie guide, & nearby Shrine Quest!

Table Of Contents

Shrine List & Strategy Guide

Mayanas Shrine Location & Treasure Chest

Shrine Map Location


Coordinates Of Shrine

The X-axis represents the horizontal position, the Y-axis the vertical position, and the Z-axis the height position, which is displayed at the bottom of the mini-map and at the bottom right of the overall map.

Close View Movie

Shrine & Treasure Chest Details

TrialThe Ice Guides You
Tower NearbyMount Lanayru Skyview Tower
Treasure ContentMighty Zonaite Shield

Shrine Quest Guide


Shrine Quest Details & Rewards

Shrine Quest NameThe South Lanayru Sky Crystal
LocationMount Lanayru Skyview Tower
Quest GiverNone
Condition For Quest ActivationExamine Mayanas Shrine

Where To Activate Quest

Examine the Mayanas Shrine at the South Lanayru Sky Archipelago. The South Lanayru Sky Archipelago can be reached from Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower using the Zonai Devices vehicle on Sky.

How To Go & Guide Video

Walkthrough Chart
  1. Fly with paraglider from Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower and aim to the northeast South Lanayru Sky Archipelago.
  2. Land on the island a little before South Lanayru Sky Archipelago.
  3. Ride the automobile that is on the island that you landed and head to the northeast island.
  4. Switch automobiles that is on the island you landed, and go to the northeast island. When you examine the Mayanas Shrine then it will activate the Shrine Quest.
  5. Head northeast and ride the automobile.
  6. Control the automobile and head to the middle area of the island (part where the trees are covering). There is a device ready but the wings do not work well, so it is good to keep the automobile that you came with.
  7. Cut down the roots to the trees and progress forward to find the rock.
  8. Use the automobile that you came with or create an automobile with materials around the rock. Attach the rock to the automobile with Ultrahand.
  9. Control the automobile and land hear the Mayanas Shrine.
  10. From the automobile detach the rock and carry it to Mayanas Shrine.

Mayanas Shrine Guide

Shrine Guide Movie

Mayanas Shrine Procedure Guide

Walkthrough Guide
  1. Guide 1
    Progress forward and activate the ice Zonai Device and sink it in the water and create ice slates.
  2. Guide 2
    Carry the ice slate with Ultrahand, and attach to the bottom of the iron slate.
  3. Place the slate that you created under the ice and make it slide to hit the switch in the back.
    * The back switch will move and slowdown for a while so watch the timing and make the slate hit it on time.
  4. Guide 4
    Progress through the open door and progress forward if you want the treasure chest.
    * The goal is on the left side, so if you don't need the treasure chest then you can skip this step and go to the goal.
  5. Guide 5
    Like Step 1 ~ Step 2, create a slate and make it slide under the ice and hit the switch in the back.
  6. Guide 6
    [Treasure Chest] Mighty Zonaite Shield
    Progress through the open door and get the treasure chest.
  7. Guide 7
    Examine the goal that is in the middle of the stage.

Mayanas Shrine - How To Get The Treasure Chest

How To Get Treasure Chest

ContentsMighty Zonaite Shield

When you activate the 1st Switch then the door will open and you can progress through. Then slide the board to activate the switch and enter the area. When you activate the switch in this area then you can open the door to the treasure chest.

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TotK Strategy Team

TotK Strategy Team

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