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Marari-in Shrine Guide & Treasure Chest

TotK | Marari-in Shrine Guide & Treasure Chest | Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

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Marari-in Shrine Guide for Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Includes locations and how to find, treasure chest contents, movie guide (footage) and more!

Table Of Contents

Shrine List & Strategy Guide

Marari-in Shrine Location & Treasure Chest

Shrine Map Location


Coordinates Of Shrine

The X-axis represents the horizontal position, the Y-axis the vertical position, and the Z-axis the height position, which is displayed at the bottom of the mini-map and at the bottom right of the overall map.

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Shrine & Treasure Chest Details

TrialRauru's Blessing
Tower NearbyMount Lanayru Skyview Tower
Treasure ContentRuby

Marari-in Shrine - How To Find

How To Get To Movie

Marari-in Shrine How To Get Guide

How To Go To Shrine (Eventide Island)

How To Go To Shrine
  1. Shrine
    Head to Hateno Ancient Tech Lab from Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower which is to the south. If you have unlocked the shrine in Hateno Village (Zanmik Shrine/Mayahisik Shrine) then you can go from there as well.
  2. Shrine
    From the Tech Lab, go down south to the shore.
  3. Shrine
    Attach the slate, control stick, fan and battery together to create a boat.
  4. Shrine
    Head to the island on the right (Eventide Island).

How To Unlock Shrine

1st Base (Top Of Island)

Walkthrough Guide
  1. The Shrine itself is inside the cave but the road to the Shrine is closed off. You will first need to defeat the 3 monsters to unlock it.
  2. Climb up the ladder and defeat the enemy with the bow. Then also defeat the enemy at the landing.
  3. Use Ascend to go up, and defeat the enemy. For the Bow holding enemy use bow and arrows to defeat it.
  4. Defeat the enemy at the very top and get the Bomb Flower from the treasure chest.

2nd Base (Bottom Left Of Island)

Walkthrough Guide
  1. Shrine
    Defeat 1 enemy at the entrance of the base. It will drop an iron ball so be careful.
  2. Shrine
    Defeat the enemy that is on top of the base holding a bow and arrow. For the bottom enemies you can use materials like Muddle Buds and something that can stop them to make it easier for you.
  3. Shrine
    Go up with Ascend and defeat the enemy is the bow.
  4. Shrine
    Fuse the Cart and Flame Emitter and when you activate it at the bottom then you can use it in battle.
  5. Shrine
    Defeat the ground of enemies with Bomb Flowers, Muddle Buds, Dazzlefruit and such.
  6. Shrine
    If you run out of weapons, then use the weapons that the enemies drop or materials to fight.
  7. Shrine
    Move to the next base. In the middle there will be a spring, and if you stack them together then you can jump to the destination.

3rd Base (Bottom Right Of Island)

Walkthrough Guide
  1. Shrine
    Defeat the Lookout holding the bow.
  2. Shrine
    Run to the top rock and defeat the enemy holding the bow.
  3. Shrine
    Use Bomb Flowers or Muddle Buds to defeat the enemy.

How To Unlock

Walkthrough Guide
  1. Shrine
    From the bottom right on the map, go down the cliff and enter the cave.
  2. Shrine
    Defeat the enemy with the bow on the right.
  3. Shrine
    Use the boat to go to the back.
  4. Shrine
    In the back there is a slate, combine them and create a bridge to the Shrine.
  5. Shrine
    Examine the Shrine and complete. Inside the cave you can either defeat the enemies or ignore them.

Marari-in Shrine - How To Get The Treasure Chest

How To Get Treasure Chest


By arriving to the shrine is the challenge so when you go inside then you can get the treasure chest.

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TotK Strategy Team

TotK Strategy Team

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