FF7 Remake
FF7 Remake (Final Fantasy 7 Integrade) Walkthrough & Wiki Guide
All Materia List & Guide

FF7 Remake | All Materia List & Guide | Final Fantasy 7 Integrade

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FF7 Remake | All Materia List & Guide | Final Fantasy 7 Integrade - GameWith

Guide on all Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R). Includes Materia list per type, effects, where to get (location), system tips, combos, & more!!!

Check Out Our Best Materia Guide Here!

All Materia List

Magic Materia

MateriaEffect / Where To Get
Allows you to use fire magic.
1: Use Fire
2: Use Fira
3: Use Firaga
How To Get:
Cloud's initial equipment
Buy at shops
Allows you to use healing spells.
1: Use Cure
2: Use Cura
3: Use Regen
4: Use Curaga
How To Get:
Jessie gives you in Chapter 2
Buy at shops
Allows you to use ice magic.
1: Use Blizzard
2: Use Blizzara
3: Use Blizzaga
How To Get:
Buy at shops
Allows you to use lightning magic.
1: Use Thunder
2: Use Thundara
3: Use Thundaga
How To Get:
Buy at shops
Allows you to use curative spells.
1: Use Poisona
2: Use Esuna
3: Use Resist
How To Get:
Buy at shops
Allows you to use toxin-related spells.
1: Use Bio
2: Use Biora
3: Use Bioga
How To Get:
Buy at shops
Allows you to use wind magic.
1: Use Aero
2: Use Aerora
3: Use Aeroga
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.2
Buy from Chadley
Allows you to use disruptive spells.
1: Use Sleep
2: Use Silence
3: Use Berserker
How To Get:
Buy at shops
Allows you to use subversive spells.
1: Use Breach
2: Use Dispel
How To Get:
Defeat the Ghoul in Chapter 11
Buy from Shops for 1500 gil
Allows you to use time magic.
1: Use Haste
2: Use Slow
3: Use Stop
How To Get:
"Missing Children" Odd Job Reward
Chest in Hojo Lab - 4th Tier in Chapter 17
Buy from Shops for 2500 gil

Complete Materia

MateriaEffect / Where To Get
Deadly DodgeDescription:
Attack command will do area damage immediately after dodging.
1: Deadly Dodge
2: Increase the potency and effects of Deadly Dodge
How To Get:
You can pick up in Chapter 2
Buy at shops
Magic UpDescription:
Increases your magic attack power. The total boost limit is +199% when more than one is equipped.
1: Magic boost of 5%
2: Magic boost of 10%
3: Magic boost of 15%
4: Magic boost of 20%
5: Magic boost of 25%
How To Get:
Pick up at Mako Reactor 5 in Chapter 7
HP UpDescription:
Increases your max HP. The total boost limit is +100% when more than one is equipped.
1: Max HP boost of 10%
2: Max HP boost of 20%
3: Max HP boost of 30%
4: Max HP boost of 40%
5: Max HP boost of 50%
How To Get:
Buy at shops
MP UpDescription:
Increases your max MP. The total boost limit is +100% when more than one is equipped.
1: Max MP boost of 10%
2: Max MP boost of 20%
3: Max MP boost of 30%
4: Max MP boost of 40%
5: Max MP boost of 50%
How To Get:
Katie's reward for slaying 50 enemies
Buy at shops
Casts Cure on severely injured allies sup to a set number of times. Will not activate if the character does not have enough ATB charges and MP, or the player is controlling the character.
1: Auto-Cure (up to 3 times per battle)
2: Auto-Cure (up to 10 times per battle)
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.1
Buy from Chadley
First StrikeDescription:
Increases how full the ATB gauge is at the start of battle.
1: Small ATB increase at start of battle
2: Medium ATB increase at start of battle
3: Large ATB increase at start of battle
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.3
Buy from Chadley
Luck UpDescription:
Increases your luck. The total boost limit is +100% when more than one is equipped.
1: Luck boost of 10%
2: Luck boost of 20%
3: Luck boost of 30%
4: Luck boost of 40%
5: Luck boost of 50%
How To Get:
Become No.1 in Darts Mini Game and Wedge will give you in Chapter 4
ATB BoostDescription:
Doubles ATB when activated. Cannot be used continuously. Press L1 + R1 to activate.
1: ATB Boost (cooldown: 360s)
2: ATB Boost (cooldown: 300s)
3: ATB Boost (cooldown: 240s)
4: ATB Boost (cooldown: 180s)
5: ATB Boost (cooldown: 120s)
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.4
Buy from Chadley
Allows you to use the Refocus limit break. Can only be used once per battle.
1: Use the Refocus limit break
How To Get:
Aerith's initial equipment
Steadfast BlockDescription:
Further decreases enemy damage and fills the ATB gauge faster when guarding.
1: Take slightly less damage + small ATB boost when guarding
2: Take less damage + medium ATB boost when guarding
3: Take even less damage + large ATB boost when guarding
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.6
Buy from Chadley
Automatically uses Provoke to temporarily draw the enemy's attention when teammates are severely injured. Ineffective against powerful enemies. Will not activate if the player is controlling the character.
1: Provoke (effect: 60s / cooldown: 90s)
2: Provoke (effect: 90s / cooldown: 60s)
3: Provoke (effect: 60s / cooldown: 90s)
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.8
Buy from Chadley
ATB StaggerDescription:
Increases ATB when staggering an enemy.
1: Small ATB boost on staggering foe
2: Medium ATB boost on staggering foe
3: Large ATB boost on staggering foe
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 14
Buy from Chadley
ATB AssistDescription:
Slightly fills teammates' ATB gauges when ATB commands are used back-to-back.
1: Small ATB increase for ally when repeating command 2 times
2: Medium ATB increase for ally when repeating command 2 times
3: Large ATB increase for ally when repeating command 2 times
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 13
Buy from Chadley
Guards against enemy attacks and allows you to quickly unleash your next move. Hold R1 and press X to activate. Deals a small amount of damage.
1: Use Parry
2: Increase damage dealt with Parry + slight ATB boost
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 12
Buy from Chadley
Item MasterDescription:
Increases the effectiveness of items used in battle.
1: Increase item efficacy by 30% during battle
2: Increase item efficacy by 40% during battle
3: Increase item efficacy by 50% during battle
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 11
Buy from Chadley
Exp UpDescription:
Increases the amount of EXP you earn in battle.
1: Increase EXP earned by 100%
How To Get:
Clear Three-Person Team vs Team Ragbag in Shinra Combat Simulator
Gil UpDescription:
Increases the amount of gil you earn in battle.
1: Increase gil earned by 100%
How To Get:
Clear Two-Person Team vs High Flyers in Shinra Combat Simulator

Command Materia

MateriaEffect / Where To Get
Allows you to restore your own HP and cure poison with Chakra. The amount restored is relative to damage received, and more is restored the lower your HP.
1: Use Chakra (Restores 20% HP of damage taken)
2: Use Chakra (Restores 25% HP of damage taken)
3: Use Chakra (Restores 30% HP of damage taken)
4: Use Chakra (Restores 35% HP of damage taken)
5: Use Chakra (Restores 40% HP of damage taken)
How To Get:
Tifa's initial Materia
Sector 5 Church
Allows you to use Assess.
1: Assess on a single target
2: Assess on all targets
How To Get:
Clear "Chadley's Report Guide" Odd Job
Buy from Chadley
Allows you to use defensive spells.
1: Use Barrier
2: Use Manaward
3: Use Manawall
How To Get:
Jessie gives you in Chapter 4
Allows you to restore the party's HP with Pray.
1: Use Pray (Slight HP restoration)
2: Use Pray (Modest HP restoration)
3: Use Pray (Moderate HP restoration)
4: Use Pray (Great HP restoration)
5: Use Pray (Significant HP restoration)
How To Get:
Aerith's initial equipment
Allows you to use Steal.
1: Use Steal
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.7
Buy from Chadley
May do something after taking a number of steps with it set.
1: Goal: 5,000 Steps
How To Get:
Pick up at right of Aerith's home in Chapter 14
Enemy SkillDescription:
Gives you a chance to learn certain enemy techniques that you've endured and use them as abilities. These abilities can only be used when the Materia is set to your equipment.
1: Learn and use enemy skills
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 16
Buy from Chadley

Support Materia

MateriaEffect / Where To Get
Allows you to use revival spells.
1: Use Raise
2: Use Arise
How To Get:
Chest in Plate Boundary in Chapter 4
Buy from Shops for 1500 gil
When linked with another Materia, infuses your attacks with a linked element OR gives you resistance/immunity to a linked element.
1: Weapon: adds 8% linked elemental damage dealt
Armor: Halves linked elemental damage taken
2: Weapon: adds 15% linked elemental damage dealt
Armor: Prevents linked elemental damage taken
3: Weapon: adds 23% linked elemental damage dealt
Armor: Absorbs linked elemental damage taken
How To Get:
First: Chapter 6
Second: Chapter 14
Allows an ally to follow the leader's attack command with an attack from linked materia. Works with fire, ice, lightning, and poison materia.
: Activate Synergy
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.9
Buy from Chadley
Allows you to expand the range of spells with the linked materia. To switch back to a single target, press L1 when selecting a spell.
: Expand range of linked materia (effect reduced by 60% when expanded)
1: Expand range of linked materia (effect reduced by 45% when expanded)
2: Expand range of linked materia (effect reduced by 25% when expanded)
How To Get:
Robot Puzzle area in Chapter 9
Grants resistance to the linked materia's status ailment. Works with poison, time, bind, and subversion materia.
1: Reduce debuff duration by 25%
2: Reduce debuff duration by 50%
3: Reduce debuff duration by 100%
How To Get:
Sector 7 Sewers in Chapter 10
AP UpDescription:
Increases amount of AP earned for linked materia.
1: Increase AP earned for linked materia by 100%
How To Get:
Reach 5000 steps with Pedometer Materia
MP AbsorptionDescription:
Allows you to recover MP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type. Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, and poison materia.
1: Absorb MP (0.1% of damage dealt)
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.18
Buy from Chadley
HP AbsorptionDescription:
Allows you to recover HP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type. Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, poison, enemy skill, deadly dodge, and parry materia.
1: Absorb HP (20% of damage dealt)
2: Absorb HP (30% of damage dealt)
3: Absorb HP (40% of damage dealt)
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No.19
Buy from Chadley

Summon Materia

Check Out All Summons List
MateriaEffect / Where To Get
Chocobo & MoogleDescription:
Allows you to summon a chocobo and moogle
How To Get:
Get at Sector 4 Plate Interior (Mid Level)
Allows you to summon Shiva.
How To Get:
Battle Intel Report No. 5
Buy from Chadley
Allows you to summon Ifrit
How To Get:
Jessie gives you in Ch. 3
Allows you to summon Leviathan
How To Get:
Complete Battle Intel Reports and defeat Leviathan in No. 15
Fat ChocoboDescription:
Allows you to summon Fat Chocobo
How To Get:
Complete 12 Battle Intel Reports and clear No.1 to No. 9 and defeat Fat Chocobo
Allows you to summon Bahamut
How To Get:
Complete 19 Battle Intel Reports and defeat Bahamut in No. 20

Hidden Materia

Hidden Materia

What Is Hidden Materia?

Hidden Materia is Materia you may not be able to acquire during the story progression. It is located on routes you won't normally access through the course of the story. To find the hidden Materia, you will need to check every corner of every map.

Check Out The Location Of All Hidden Materia

What Is The Materia System?

How To Use Materia Quick Video Guide

Equippable Item Enabling Skills & Abilities

Equippable Item Enabling Skills & Abilities

Materia are unique item that enables users to configure magics and abilities to those used. You can use a materia by equipping it on to your weapons & accessory slots.

Repeated Usage Empowers The Materia

Repeated Usage Empowers The Materia

Equipped Materia will grow more stronger with the AP acquired from defeating enemies. Through practice, the Materia will grow stronger and give bigger boosts to its effects. There are cases where players specifically seeks to farm AP for Materia, much like level farming. There are also specific equipments that boosts Materia leveling rate.

Check Out How To Farm AP Fast Here!

Use Materia Combinations For Unique Boosts

Use Multiple Materia

Certain equipments will have multiple slots you can equip Materia in. You can 'combo' a Materia effect by equipping different types of Materia to give a unique boost. For example, Using Magic Materia 'Lightning' and Support Materia 'Elemental' on a weapon will enchant the weapon with electric attacks.

Better Effects By Linking Materias

Linking Materias

Certain weapons and items allow you to equip multiple Materias. In some cases, you can even connect slotted Materias for better and more powerful effects. For example, Magnify converts a single-target Magic attack into an area-of-effect attack.

Check Out The Linked Materia Guide Here!

Not All Materias Return From Remake

FF7R only includes story up to Midgard. Powerful end-game Materia like 'Slash All' from the original will not be available as of now.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Related Articles

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Article Written by
FF7 Remake Strategy Team

FF7 Remake Strategy Team

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Cliff81 7

Your missing 2nd Luck in the sit up challenge. And 2nd magic up in pull ups side game. Oh and 2nd refocus in the shinra level 6 challenge.

Avatar86 6

11. Gil Up (1)
12. Exp Up (1)
13. Wind (3)
14. Assess (2)
15. ATB Boost (1)
16. Steal (1)
17. Enemy skill (1)
18. Parry (3)
19. First Strike (2)
20. ATB Stagger (3)
21. ARB Assist (1)
22. Provoke (1)
23. Steasfast (3)
24. Skill Master (3)

Anonymous 5

Here is a list of the Total number of each "rare" materia you can get, both in normal AND har mode (FF7R pt1):
1. Luck up (2)
2. Element (2)
3. Magnify (1)
4. Magic Up (2)
5. HP Absorbtion (2)
6. Item Master (2)
7. Auto-Cure (1)
8. Synergy (1)
9. MP Absorbtion (1)
10. AP up (1)

Anonymous 4

3rd Chakra materia picked up in the ba*****t in Don Costello’s place before you climb the wall, the guy tied to the table gives it to you fir freeing him.

Anonymous 4

3rd Chakra materia picked up in the ba*****t in Don Costello’s place before you climb the wall, the guy tied to the table gives it to you fir freeing him.

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FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE © 1997, 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
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