Check out all about the Honey Bee Inn in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R, FF7 Remake). Including dress costume for Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, dance minigame tips, notable characters and more!!!
Wall Market Facilities & CharactersWhat Is Honey Bee Inn?
Cloud Dressed As A Female Entertainer

Honey Bee Inn, a member-only luxury entertainment complex in Wall Market, owned by Andrea Rhodea. This also happens to be Don Corneo, tyrant of Wall Market's favorite play spot. Cloud, in an attempt to get closer to this target, goes the extra mile to put on a disguise as a lady entertainer.
Multiple Dress Costume For Cloud

According to the prerequisite you've fulfilled prior to this chapter, you will have 3 different dresses that Cloud may wear.
Click Here For All Of Cloud's Dress ChoicesTifa & Aerith Dresses Up For The Occasion
Along with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith will also be dressing up in a dress to go undercover to get to Corneo. Their dress will affect how they appear throughout the Chapter.
Tifa & Aerith Also Has 3 Different Costumes
Similarly to Cloud, the dress both Tifa and Aerith wears in the event has 3 different variation based on your side mission completion and other prerequisites. Click the link below for more details!
Check Out All Dress Unlock & Requirement For Cloud, Tifa & Aerith!Dance Rhythm Game At Honey Bee Inn
Take Part In Dance Off Mini Game

As you first meet Andrea Rhodea, you will take part a dance off along with Andrea Rhodea. Time your QTE with flying streak of light & colored prompts to strike a perfectly timed dance move.
Check Out The Dance Minigame Here!Your Rhythm Game Is Rated By Great, Good & Bad

Your timing on your rhythm game is rated by Great, Good & Bad, depending on your timing. You can check whether your timing was right with the sound effect when pushing the QTE, and Aerith's response after that dance section. There are 28 fixed QTE prompts in total.
Notable Characters At Honey Bee Inn
Don Corneo

The underlord of Wall Market is a regular at the Honey Bee Inn, looking for his woman nightly with his own auditions.
Andrea Rhodea

Owned and chief dancer of the Honey Bee Inn. One of the few representative that can nominate participants for Corneo's 'auditions'.
Madam M

An owner of a massage parlour in Wall Market, Madame M can also be seen in the Honey Bee Inn. She is also one of the representative that can nominate participants for Corneo's 'auditions'.