Check this Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake, FF7R) Guide guide on flower picking for Leaf House Delivery! Pick flowers in Aerith's garden and see the results of your choice!!!
Check Out All Choices & Consequences Guide!Flower Picking In Aerith's Garden Choices
Help Aerith Pick Flowers In Chapter 8

In Chapter 8, when you make your way to Leaf House, Aerith will ask for your help to pick flowers. This changes the Leaf House decoration so check below which flowers result in what!
Check Out Ch. 8 Budding Bodyguard Guide!Flower Picking In Aerith's Garden Choices - Results
Flowers Picked Changes Decoration In Leaf House

The type of flowers you pick with Aerith with change the way Leaf House will be decorated. Check the results below to see which flowers produce each decoration.
Cactuar Decor With 3 Foxtails

If you pick up 3 Foxtail flowers during your walk with Aerith, you'll get a Cactuar decoration for Leaf House.
Chocobo Decor With 3 Yellow Flowers

Picking up 3 yellow flowers will result in a Chocobo decoration on the corner of Leaf House.
Moogle Decor With 3 White Flowers

You'll get a Moogle decoration adorning Leaf House when you pick up 3 white flowers with Aerith.
Does Not Affect Story
This part of the game will have no effect on the story & will only change the way that Leaf House looks, depending on your choices of flowers.
Flower Picking Choices - Dialogue & Dating Affects
Does Not Affect Dating Event In Chapter 14

This dialogue and event only affects the change in decor in Leaf House. It does not affect the story or the dating event that will happen in Chapter 14.
Check Out Date & Romance Guide Here!