Read this guide on Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FFVII Remake, FF7 Remake) and learn how to fill and use ATB gauge. The guide includes tips on how to fill ATB gauge fast and more!!!
Table of Contents
Battle System Articles
Learn More Battle Tips From HereHow To Use ATB Gauge
Use Abilities, Magic, Items With ATB Gauge

In order to use Abilities, Spell, and Items in Tactical Mode (menu that pops up by pressing O button) during the battle, you need to charge ATB gauge. There are two ATB gauge bar & 1 ATB gauge will be consumed when you used any of them once.
Things You Can Do By Consuming ATB Gauge
Abilities | Perform character's unique abilities such as Cloud's |
Spells | Cast magics such as Fire, Thunder, and Blizzard |
Items | Use consumable items such as potion, ether, and phoenix down |
Limit | Use limit break. You need to charge Limit Break Gauge to use this |
Summon | Use Summon materia such as Ifrit and Shiva |
Limit Break Does Not Consume ATB

It is notable that Limit Break does not require any ATB gauge.
Learn More On Limit Break From HereSome Ability Consumes More Than 1 ATB Gauge
Some ability such as Barret's Focused Shot spends all of the ATB Gauge you've charged.
How To Fill ATB Gauge Fast
Guard & Attack To Fill ATB Gauge

ATB gauge charges automatically as the time passes. However, you can charge the gauge more effectively by attacking and guarding enemy's attack. Our recommended way is to guard enemy's attack and strike back when your ATB gauge is filled.
Use Unique Ability

Some character's unique ability such as Barret's Overcharge (press △ to activate) fills ATB gauge faster. Strategically use it to this move to charge ATB fast.