Trinkets & Scrolls are decorations that you can display inside your house in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Know how to collect house & lottery trinkets, and hanging room scrolls!!
Some parts of this article may still be in Japanese. We are currently processing the translation and the article will be updated soon.
Table of Contents
How To Collect Trinkets
Get Them From Relic Records

Each map in Monster Hunter Rise contains Relic Records that can be stored inside you Notebook. Once you collect a couple of them, you can hand them over to Kagerou the Merchant in exchange for a Trinket.
Trinkets From Relic Records
Trinket | How To Unlock |
Arzuros Carving | Collect 5 Relic Records in Shrine Ruins |
Magnamalo Carving | Collect all Relic Records in Shrine Ruins |
Tetranadon Carving | Collect 5 Relic Records in Frost Islands |
Goss Harag Carving | Collect all Relic Records in Frost Islands |
Bishaten Carving | Collect 5 Relic Records in Flooded Forest |
Somnacanth Carving | Collect all Relic Records in Flooded Forest |
Izuchi Carving | Collect 5 Relic Records in Sandy Plains |
Almudron Carving | Collect all Relic Records in Sandy Plains |
Aknosom Carving | Collect 5 Relic Recods in Lava Caverns |
Rakna-Kadaki Carving | Collect all Relic Recods in Lava Caverns |
Ibushi Caving | Collect all Rampage Messages |
Narwa Carving | Collect all Rampage Messages |
Win Them From Lotteries

These Trinkets can be obtained by playing the Lottery during Sales. You can these Trinkets if you get a "Jackpot". The required Lottery Ticket can also be had by buying from the store from time to time. Also, having an amiibo allows you to use the Lottery, so having one can easily help you complete the whole set!
Trinkets From The Lottery
Name | How To Unlock |
招きアイルー | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Wheeled Canyne Toy | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Bombadgy Pot | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Kamura Twins | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Golden Hojo Cast | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Cahoot Lottery | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Mini Toadversary | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Mini Submarine | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Felyne Daruma | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
Moofy Doll | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
純マカライト鉱石 | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
クリスタル塊 | Jackpot from the Lottery (Random) |
How To Get Scrolls
Get Them From The Argosy

Scrolls can be obtained by talking to Rondine in the Buddy Plaza and selecting "Exchange for Items". Usually, hunting down a monster for at least 10 times unlocks the scroll allowing you to exchange Kamura Points to get them.
Hanging Scroll List
Scrolll | How To Unlock |
The Leader | Starting Scroll |
Izuchi Scroll | Hunt Great Izuchi 10 times |
Baggi Scroll | Hunt Great Baggi 10 times |
Kulu Scroll | Hunt Kulu-Ya-Ku 10 times |
Wroggi Scroll | Hunt Great Wroggi 10 times |
Arzuros Scroll | Hunt Arzuros 10 times |
Lagombi Scroll | Hunt Lagombi 10 times |
Volvidon Scroll | Hunt Volvidon 10 times |
Aknosom Scroll | Hunt Aknosom 10 times |
Royal Ludroth Scroll | Hunt Royal Ludroth 10 times |
Barroth Scroll | Hunt Barroth 10 times |
Khezu Scroll | Hunt Khezu 10 times |
Tetranadon Scroll | Hunt Tetranadon 10 times |
Bishaten Scroll | Hunt Bishaten 10 times |
Pukei-Pukei Scroll | Hunt Pukei-Pukei 10 times |
Jyuratodus Scroll | Hunt Jyuratodus 10 times |
Basarios Scroll | Hunt Basarios 10 times |
Somna Scroll | Hunt Somnacanth 10 times |
Rathian Scroll | Hunt Rathian 10 times |
Barioth Scroll | Hunt Barioth 10 times |
Kadachi Scroll | Hunt Tobi-Kadachi 10 times |
Magnamalo Scroll | Hunt Magnamalo 10 times |
Anjanath Scroll | Hunt Anjanath 10 times |
Nargacuga Scroll | Hunt Nargacuga 10 times |
Mizutsune Scroll | Hunt Mizutsune 10 times |
Goss Scroll | Hunt Goss Harag 10 times |
Rathalos Scroll | Hunt Rathalos 10 times |
Almudron Scroll | Hunt Almudron 10 times |
Zinogre Scroll | Hunt Zinogre 10 times |
Tigrex Scroll | Hunt Tigrex 10 times |
Diablos Scroll | Hunt Diablos 10 times |
Rakna-Kadaki Scroll | Hunt Rakna-Kadaki 10 times |
Daora Scroll | Hunt Kushala Daora 10 times |
Chameleos Scroll | Hunt Chameleos 10 times |
Teostra Scroll | Hunt Teostra 10 times |
Rajang Scroll | Hunt Rajang 10 times |
Bazel Scroll | Hunt Bazelgeuse 10 times |
Ibushi Scroll | Hunt Ibushi 10 times |
Narwa Scroll | Hunt Narwa 10 times |
Apex Arzuros Scroll | Hunt Apex Arzuros 10 times |
Apex Rathian Scroll | Hunt Apex Rathian 10 times |
Apex Diablos Scroll | Hunt Apex Diablos 10 times |
Apex Mizutsune Scroll | Hunt Apex Mizutsune 10 times |
Fast Friends | Unlock ★3 Village Quests or ★2 Hub Quests |
Slayer of Malice | Unlock ★5 Village Quests |
Moonlit Night | Defeat the Narwa the Allmother |
The Showdown | Unlocked by default |
Valstrax Scrolll | Hunt Valstrax 10 times |
Apex Rathalos Scroll | Hunt Apex Rathalos 10 times |
Apex Zinogre Scroll | Hunt Apex Zinogre 10 times |
Rewards From Collecting Trinkets & Scrolls
Get A Special Award

Collecting all the Trinkets and Scrolls rewards you with an exclusive Award. Completing all of them certainly takes time but you do get something very exclusive for the trouble. If you have time (and want to fully decorate your home), then try to collect all of the Trinkets and Scrolls!
All Awards List 3.0