The Village Quests List in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn if you can do multiplayer or coop, village quests vs hub quests, are there high rank or 7 star quests, and rewards!!
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Village Quests - Multiplayer?
What Are Village Quests?

Village Quests are the quests that move you smoothly through the storyline of the game. If you're a beginner, definitely start with Village Quests so you can familiarize yourself more with the game.
Village Quests vs Hub Quests
Village Quests move you through the storyline, are generally easier to clear, and are limited to solo play. Hub Quests are much more difficult, but because of this, you can hunt monsters via multiplayer or coop. Hub Quests are what help you raise your Hunter Rank (HR), so make sure to focus on Hub Quests if you want to level up!
See The Hub Quests ListVillage Quest - Multiplayer or Coop
Unfortunately, village quests are limited to solo play and therefore multiplayer or coop is impossible in MH Rise.
Check Out The Multiplayer & Co-op GuideVillage Quest - High Rank & 7 Star
There are no high rank or 7 star quests for Village Quests. If you want to farm high level materials and items, challenge yourself to Hub Quests instead.
Learn How To Increase Hunter RankList Of Village Quests
Village Quests 1★
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Roly-poly Lanterns | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 8 Firelanterns | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, Back to Basics |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Fungal Frustrations | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 8 Unique Mushrooms | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, Back to Basics |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Unpious Peons | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Slay 8 Jagras | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, Back to Basics |
Quest Name | Map |
Help With Maintenance | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Slay 8 Izuchi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, Back to Basics |
Quest Name | Map |
A Tour of the Ruins | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: - | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, Back to Basics |
Village Quests 2★
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest Great Izuchi, Great Pain | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Great Izuchi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the 2 Key Village Quest with 1★ difficulty |
2★ Village Quests
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Grizzly Glutton | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt an Arzuros | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Plump and Juicy | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 10 Raftshells | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest A Frosty Paradise | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Slay 10 Baggi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Out Cold | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Great Baggi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Rabid Rabbit | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Lagombi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Case of the Creepy Crawlies | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Slay a total of 14 Altaroth or Bnahbra | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
Hmm, Not So Tasty... | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 3 Popo Tongues | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Quest Name | Map |
A Tour of the Islands | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: - | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 2★ Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
Village Quests 3★
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest Feathered Frenzy | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt an Aknosom | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the 3 Key Village Quest with 2★ difficulty |
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest The Rampage Approaches | Red Stronghold |
Clear Conditions: Defend the final gate | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
3★ Village Quests
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Can't Stomach the Thought | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Tetranadon | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Walking on Eggshells | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Fightin' Dirty | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Barroth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Obnoxious Lord, Noxious Monster | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Great Wroggi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Spongy Oasis | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Royal Ludroth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Supply Run | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 6 Classic Dango Ingredients | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy, and talk to Yomogi the Chief |
Quest Name | Map |
Faceless Foe | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Khezu | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
The Cactus Diet | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 10 Bauble Cactus | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
A Sandy Cabal | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Slay a total of 14 Jaggi or Jaggia | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Breath of the Past | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 10 Simple Prisms | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
Ladies of the Lake | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Slay 10 Ludroth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
A Tour of the Plains | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: - | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Quest Name | Map |
A Tour of the Forest | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: - | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 3★ Feathered Frenzy |
Village Quests 4★
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest Monkey Wrench in Your Plans | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Bishaten | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the 4 Key Village Quest with 3★ difficulty |
Special License Test
Quest Name | Map |
Special License Test 1 | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt an Aknosom and a Rathian | |
Unlock Conditions: While Hub Quest is at 1★, Finish 3 Key Village Quest with 4★ difficulty |
4★ Village Quests
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Infernal Lacrimosa | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Somnacanth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Raging White-out | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Barioth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest The Queen's Procession | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Rathian | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Streaking Shadow | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest A Song of Red and Fire | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Volvidon | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Off Your Rocker | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Basarios | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Getting Back the Groceries | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 6 Secret Dango Ingredients | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans, and talk to Yomogi the Chief |
Quest Name | Map |
A Poisonous Project | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Pukei-Pukei | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Deliver the Liver | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 5 Monster Guts | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
So Hot, It Melts Iron | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Deliver 12 pieces of Coal | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
THE BEST Quest | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Slay 10 Rachnoid | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
Third Wheel | Arena |
Clear Conditions: Hunt all target monsters | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Quest Name | Map |
A Tour of the Carverns | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: - | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 4★ Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
Village Quests 5★
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest Comeuppance | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Magnamalo | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the 5 Key Village Quest with 4★ difficulty |
Special License Test
Quest Name | Map |
Special License Test 2 | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt Great Izuchi , , & | |
Unlock Conditions: While Hub Quest is at 2★, Finish 3 Key Village Quest with 5★ difficulty |
Urgent 5★ Village Quests
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Wind Speed Wyvern | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Nargacuga | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Electrifying Ephiphany | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Zinogre | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Nocturnal Tracker | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Anjanath | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Waltzing by Moonlight | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Mizutsune | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
Key Quest Rathalos Alert! | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Rathalos | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
The Secret Ingredient | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Capture a Somnacanth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance, and talk to Yomogi the Chief |
Quest Name | Map |
BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Khezu and a Somnacanth | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
Nosey Nuisances | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku and an Anjanath | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Quest Name | Map |
The Hottest Around | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Tetranadon and a Volvidon | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 5★ Comeuppance |
Village Quests 6★
Quest Name | Map |
Urgent Quest Hermit of the Swamp | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Almudron | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the 4 Key Village Quest with 5★ difficulty |
Special License Test
Quest Name | Map |
Special License Test 3 | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt Rathalos , , & | |
Unlock Conditions: While Hub Quest is at 3★, reach level 6★ Village Quest difficulty |
6★ Village Quests
Quest Name | Map |
Abominable Snow-beast | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Goss Harag | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |
Quest Name | Map |
Thundering Voice | Frost Islands |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Tigrex | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |
Quest Name | Map |
Twisted Desire | Sandy Plains |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Diablos | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |
Quest Name | Map |
A Test of Courage | Shrine Ruins |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Magnamalo and a Zinogre | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |
Quest Name | Map |
Like a Flash of Lightning | Flooded Forest |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi and a Mizutsune | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |
Quest Name | Map |
King of the Sky, Bane of the Land | Lava Caverns |
Clear Conditions: Hunt a Rathalos and a Tigrex | |
Unlock Conditions: Clear the Urgent Village Quest, 6★ Hermit of the Swamp |