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Sunbreak Switch Skills - How To Unlock & List

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Switch Skill allows you to swap skills in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MHR Sunbreak). Guide Includes how to unlock, silkbind attacks, switch skill lists, quests, how to switch.

Table of Contents

Sunbreak Switch Skills

Greatsword New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Surge Slash Combo
Surge Slash Combo
- A style that balances the speed and weight of Surge Slash Combo
- Has the advantage of increasing the numbers of attacks
Strongarm Stance
Strongarm Stance
- Skill used for parrying attacks
- If parrying is successful, it will use True Charged Slash or Rage Slash.

Longsword New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Sacred Sheathe Combo
Sacred Sheathe Combo
- The user delivers a series of slashes after an attack according to the Spirit Gauge level
- If the user is hit before the sword is retracted, the Spirit Gauge color decreases by 1 level and the attack from enemies will be negated
- Spirit Gauge and Color Stage are restored when a well-timed retract action is done.
Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon
- Draws a circle using Wirebug
- The user's Spirit Gauge does not decrease when in the area of the circle and releases extra series of blows for every successful counterattacks made.

Sword & Shield New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Twin Blade Combo
Twin Blade Combo
- Sword & Shield Combo changing techniques
- Shield Moves replaced by Sword Moves
Destroyer Oil
Destroyer Oil
- Replacement technique for Metsu Shoryugeki/Windmill
- It makes easier to stun a monster

Dual Blades New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Slide Slash Combo
Slide Slash Combo
- Slashing monsters while sliding
- Evasive attacker build
Spiral Slash
Spiral Slash
- Continuous damage to a single part of the monster
- Higher damage when hitting a weak point

Hammer New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Spinning Bludgeon: Charge
Spinning Bludgeon: Charge
- Charging is possible during a rotating attack
- When connected to a Charge Change, the charge stage can be retained
Impact Burst
Impact Burst
- Causes a follow-up attack to occur when at a time of Charge Attack
Makes monsters easily stunned for a certain period of time

Hunting Horn New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Swing Combo
Swing Combo
- Constant attack by switching weapon position from left to right
- User can moves with the attacks
Silkbind Shockwave
Silkbind Shockwave
- Attacks at the same time as jumping
- A follow-up attack occurs for ever successful hits made for a certain period of time
- User wont be flinched during the skill's duration

Lance New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Skyward Thrust
Skyward Thrust
- Jumps on the spot with a falling thrust follow-up
- Attack that hits multiple times
Shield Tackle
Shield Tackle
- Uses a shield attack while guarding
- Can be connected to various attacks

Gunlance New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Erupting Cannon
Erupting Cannon
- Technique that ejects multiple shell ammo that erupt
- Attack power increases for a certain period of time after use
Bullet Barrage
Bullet Barrage
- Rapidly approach and fire Artillery/Wyvern's Fire/Wyrmstake Shots all at once
- If there is a shortage of ammunition, reload action is performed at the start
- Blowout disablement at the start of the action.

Switch Axe New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Axe: 2-Staged Morph Slash Combo
Axe: 2-Staged Morph Slash Combo
- Axe: Replacement move for Wide Sweep
- The skill is expected to recover the slash gauge
Elemental Burst Counter
Elemental Burst Counter
- The counter explosion is triggered by an additional command input from the user
- When the counter succeeds, it becomes high-powered.
- Slash Gauge is consumed while in stance

Charge Blade New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Phial Follow-up: Firing Pin
Phial Follow-up: Firing Pin
- When you hit it with a sword and shield that are strengthening its attribute, it will leave some energy in the area
- When hit with an axe attack, it explodes and does follow-up damage
Ready Stance
Ready Stance
- Combines the sword and the shield and takes a guarding posture
- After guarding, the sword and axe modes can be connected to their respective attacks

Insect Glaive New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Kinsect Slash
Kinsect Slash
- Consumes stamina in mid-air and rushes forward with the insect
- Collects the extract from the hit area and derives it into a dancing leap
Awakened Kinsect Attack
Awakened Kinsect Attack
- Throwing kinsects and inflicting fixed damage
- Absorbs all of the enhanced extract being obtained
- After throwing the insects, the attacker himself will also be contacted by the insects, which will lead to a dancing leap

Bow New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Stake Thrust
Stake Thrust
- Pikes that explode in response to arrows
- The follow-up shot that occurs depends on the content of the arrow that hit
Butcher's Bind
Butcher's Bind
- The arrow is connected by an wirebug thread when fired
- When the next attack hits the pierced arrow, it inflicts slashing damage
- When an attack on a pierced arrow misses, the thread disappears

Light Bowgun New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Critical Firepower
Critical Firepower
- Increases the distance and recoil
- Increases the ammo power
Wyvern Counter
Wyvern Counter
- An emergency escape technique that shoots bullets with a large recoil and uses the momentum to jump backward
- The explosion damage varies depending on the monster's attack

Heavy Bowgun New Switch Skills

Skill ImageSkill Efect
Setting Sun
Setting Sun
- Generates a circular pattern in front of the user
- Passing through the circle reduces bullet velocity and increases the number of hits
Crouching Shot
Crouching Shot
- A technique that replaces the Charged-Shot
- While crouching, the firing speed increases

List Of Switch Skills

Great Sword

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Adamant Charged SlashCraft or upgrade 8 unique Great Swords
Guard TackleUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Rage SlashClear the quest "Grasp the Great Sword" (★5)

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Adamant Charged Slash
[No Change] Tackle
[No Change] True Charge Slash

Adamant Charged Slash

Switch Skills

This ability can be used by swapping it out with Hunting Edge. This attack will let you fly forward and land a charged slash. Even if you're hit on the way, you won't be knocked back.

Guard Tackle

This attack can be swapped out for Tackle. You'll use the flat of your blade to charge forward. This ability is a bit slower than a regular tackle, but it also allows you to block and deals a fair amount of damage. If you successfully guard, you'll be able to connect it to True Charge Slash as well as other moves.

Rage Slash

This attack can be swapped out for True Charge Slash. Take a stance and then release a powerful attack. In terms of damage, this is weaker than True Charge Slash, but if you get hit during the ability, its attack will go up significantly. You can also freely change directions with this.

Full Greatsword Guide


Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Drawn Double SlashCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Longswords
Spirit Reckoning ComboClear the quest "Learn the Long Sword" (★6)
Slikbind Sakura SlashUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Drawn Double Slash
[Swapped] Spirit Reckoning Combo
[No Change] Soaring Kick

Drawn Double Slash

Can be swapped out with Step Slash. Fires out two attacks while your weapon is sheathed. This deals more damage than Step Slash, but it has fewer moves it can connect into.

Spirit Reckoning Combo

Switch Skills

This move can be swapped out with Spirit Roundslash Combo. It's harder to hit than Spirit Roundslash, but it deals much more damage in return.

Slikbind Sakura Slash

Switch Skills

Can be swapped with the Silkbind move Soaring Kick. Move forward, closing the distance from your foe and dealing damage. Places you've struck will take continuous damage after some time. This will also increase your Spirit Gauge by 1 when it hits.

Full Longsword Guide

Sword and Shield

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Metsu ShoryugekiClear the quest "Study the Sword & Shield" (★4)
Drill Slash ComboCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Sword and Shields
Sliding SlashUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Metsu Shoryugeki
[Swapped] Drill Slash Combo
[No Change] Advancing Slash

Metsu Shoryugeki

Switch Skills

This is a counter ability that uses the shield to do a powerful uppercut. There's a moment when the move starts when you can guard, and if you're successful the attack will hit multiple times and its attack will increase.

Drill Slash Combo

Can be swapped out with Head Basher. This attack is multi-hit, making it work very well with elemental weapons.

Sliding Slash

This move can be swapped out with Advancing Slash. Strike twice while sliding across the ground. After the first hit you'll automatically jump up and connect into the second hit.

Full Sword And Shield Guide

Dual Blades

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Tower VaultClear the quest "Dissect the Dual Blades" (★6)
Demon FlightUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Feral Demon ModeCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Dual Blades

Recommended Set

[No Change] Piercing Bind
[No Change] Demon Flurry Rush
[Swapped] Feral Demon Mode

Tower Vault

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with the Silkbind attack Piercing Bind. Uses the Wirebug to jump up high. It doesn't deal damage, but if you use this move wisely you can maneuver into the air in a variety of situations, even while your weapon is unsheathed!

Demon Flight

Can be swapped out with Demon Flurry Rush. Somersault and then swing down to attack. Whne you hit, do a vertical spin and ascend while slashing. It's possible to connect this into into a Midair Spinning Blade Dance. This works well against large monsters, in particular.

Feral Demon Mode

Can be swapped out with Demon Mode. This will greatly increase your overall damage compared to regular Demon Mode. You'll also be able to deal damage while dodging as well.

Full Dual Blades Guide


Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Water StrikeClear the quest "Honing Your Hammer" (★5)
Dash BreakerUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Charge Switch: CourageCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Hammers

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Water Strike
[Swapped] Dash Breaker
[No Change] Charge Switch: Strength

Water Strike

Switch Skills

This move can be swapped out with Side Smash. By using this at the right time, you won't take damage from enemy attacks. If you succeed in negating the damage, you'll be able to deal an additional attack.

Dash Breaker

Can be swapped out with Silkbind Spinning Bludgeon. This will prevent you from being knocked back, making it a great move for advancing, retreating, or setting up for a combo.

Charge Switch: Courage

Changes your charge attack significantly, letting you be able to connect multiple charge moves together like you would with a Great Sword. The order is generally a swing, uppercut, then a downward swing. By holding each charged attack for longer you can also increase its damage.

Full Hammer Guide

Hunting Horn

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Melody Mode: EchoUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Melodic SlapClear the quest "Honing Your Hunting Horn" (★4)
Bead of ResonanceCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Hunting Horns

Recommended Set

[No Change] Melody Mode: Performance
[Swapped] Melodic Slap
[No Change] Earthshaker

Bead of Resonance

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with the Silkbind move Earthshaker. Places a cocoon on the ground using the Wirebug. Melodies you play will also trigger from the cocoon. Additional, the cocoon will deal damage in a wave to enemies near it.

Melodic Slap

Can be swapped out with Overhead Smash. Swings the Hunting Horn once horizontally and triggers a sonic attack in front of you. This doesn't deal much damage, but can be quite good at stunning enemies.

Melody Mode: Echo

You can choose to set Melody Mode to either Echo or Performance. Echo mode will let you stock up notes and release them at your desired timing. The main benefit to this is that you won't have to repeatedly use the same note, since you can stockpile them. That being said, this mode is not as easy to use as Performance.

Full Hunting Horn Guide


Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Spiral ThrustClear the quest "Learn the Lance" (★6)
Shield ChargeUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Insta-BlockCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Lances

Recommended Set

[No Change] Anchor Rage
[Swapped] Shield Charge
[Swapped] Insta-Block
(※ Guard is okay here as well.)

Spiral Thrust

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with the Silkbind attack Anchor Rage. Guard against attacks with your shield and then fly forward with the Wirebug, dealing two swift hits.

Shield Charge

Can be swapped out with Dash Attack. Raise your shield and advance forward. It's possible to block damage taken while advancing this way. Hitting a monster will deal blunt damage.


Can be swapped out with Guard. Timing Insta-Block perfectly will let you massively reduce damage taken. The disadvantage however, is that if you don't time this well your overall guard power will decrease.

Full Lance Guide


Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Blast DashCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Gunlances
Ground SplitterUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Guard ReloadClear the quest "Grasp the Gunlance" (★4)

Recommended Set

[No Change] Charged Shelling
[Swapped] Ground Splitter
[No Change] Quick Reload

Blast Dash

Switch Skills

Fires off an attack behind you and uses that momentum to push you forward. Using this well will give you even more mobility.

Ground Splitter

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with Hail Cutter. Move forward and slash, all while temporarily increasing your shelling damage dealt.

Guard Reload

Can be swapped out with Quick Reload. Protect yourself while reloading your ammo and wyrmstakes. However, this will reload less than a regular reload. This works well with Wide Ammo, given that it already has fewer rounds than usual.

Full Gunlance Guide

Switch Axe

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Soaring Wyvern BladeUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Forward Overhead SlashCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Switch Axes
Compressed Finishing DischargeClear the quest "Study the Switch Axe" (★6)

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Soaring Wyvern Blade
[Swapped] Forward Overhead Slash
[No Change] Finishing Discharge

Soaring Wyvern Blade

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with the Silkbind attack Invincible Gambit. Using the Wirebug, slice with your sword and rise. from midair, you can perform Forward Slash. If your midair attack hits, your weapon gauge will fill up and you'll deal additional blast damage to the area you hit.

Forward Overhead Slash

Can be swapped out with Forward Slash. Mvoe forward a great distance swing down your weapon. This move can be hard to hit, but its damage is huge. If you connect Forward Overhead Slash to a sword mode changing move, you can get two hit in.

Compressed Finishing Discharge

Can be swapped out with Finishing Discharge. Take a stance that prevents you from being knocked back and then release a flash of elemental energy. This move is not affected by your awakening gauge.

Full Switch Axe Guide

Charge Blade

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Axe HopperClear the quest "Charge Blade Coalescing" (★5)
Condensed Spinning SlashUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Counter Morph SlashCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Charge Blades

Recommended Set

[No Change] Counter Peak Performance
[No Change] Condensed Element Slash
[Swapped] Counter Morph Slash

Axe Hopper

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with the Silkbind attack Counter Peak Performance. Slam your axe in front of you and use recoil and the Wirebug to fly up in the air. When midair, you can use a Super Amped Elemental Discharge as well.

Condensed Spinning Slash

Can be swapped out with Condensed Element Slash. Switches to axe mode after activating the ability, letting you multi-hit until the effect ends. Your axe attacks will charge your phials during this time.

Counter Morph Slash

Can be swapped out with Morph Slash. This version prioritizes defense more, as it has a longer window to block attacks. If you successfully guard an attack, the damage of Element Discharge Slash you use afterward will increase.

Full Charge Blade Guide


Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Aerial AimUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Absolute Power ShotClear the quest "Be One with the Bow" (★6)
DodgeboltCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Bows

Recommended Set

[No Change] Focus Shot
[Swapped] Absolute Power Shot
[Swapped] Dodgebolt

Aerial Aim

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with Focus Shot. Use the Wirebug to fly into the air and loose arrows. You can use even stronger attacks while in midair. It's possible to use arrows to deal damage directly below you as well.

Absolute Power Shot

Can be swapped out with Power Shot. This deals more damage than a regular Power Shot, but costs more stamina. It also has the possibility of stunning the target.


Can be swapped out with Charging Sidestep. Dodge while letting loose a 2-stage charged attack.

Full Bow Guide

Insect Glaive

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Diving WyvernClear the quest "Invoke the Insect Glaive"
Advancing RoundslashCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Insect Glaives
Tetraseal SlashUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Diving Wyvern
[No Change] Leaping Slash
[Swapped] Tornado Slash

Diving Wyvern

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with Recall Kinsect. Use the Wirebug to propel yourself upwards and do a powerful downward strike. The range on this move is small, but the damage it deals in the area it hits is quite large.

Advancing Roundslash

This can be swapped out with Leaping Slash. Attack forward while spinning. If you get attacked while doing this move, you can use the momentum to launch yourself up.

Tetraseal Slash

Perform 4 attacks without moving. You can lure in Powder Kinsects using this ability.

Full Insect Glaive Guide

Light Bowgun

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Fanning ManeuverUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests
Elemental ReloadClear the quest "Learning the Light Bowgun" (★4)
Quickstep EvadeCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Light Bowguns

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Fanning Maneuver
Choose depending on if your build is physical or elemental
[Swapped] Quickstep Evade

Fanning Maneuver

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with Fanning Vault. Uses the Wirebug to swiftly move from left to right. Your attacks will also deal more damage temporarily. You can also shoot while maneuvering.

Elemental Reload

Can be swapped out with Reload. This is a bit slower than a regular reload, but it increases the damage of your elemental ammo.

Quickstep Evade

Can be swapped out with Forward Dodge. Your regular dodge will become a step with this. Additionally, if you attack after evading, your bullet damage will increase.

Full Light Bowgun Guide

Heavy Bowgun

Switch SkillHow To Unlock
Counter ChargerClear the quest "Hone Your Heavy Bowgun" (★5)
TackleCraft or upgrade a total of 8 unique Heavy Bowguns
Healing Mech-WyvernsnipeUnlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub Quests

Recommended Set

[Swapped] Counter Charger
[Swapped] Tackle
[No Change] Mech-Wyvernsnipe

Counter Charger

Switch Skills

Can be swapped out with Counter Shot. Use the Wirebug to parry attacks. If you get attacked while defending, the time it takes to charge your charged attacks will temporarily decrease.


Can be swapped out with Melee Attack. This will prevent you from being knocked back. This isn't invulnerability, however, so you will still take damage.

Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe

Can be swapped out with Mech-Wyvernsnipe. Deals less damage than Mech-Wyvernsnipe, but lets you heal yourself upon hit.

Full Heavy Bowgun Guide

How To Unlock Switch Skills

Unlock Conditions Overview

Unlock 3★ Village quests or 2★ Hub quests
Craft 8 unique weapons of a specific type. (This needs to be done for each weapon you want to unlock Switch Skills for)
Clear the special quest that unlocks Switch Skills
Quest Spawn Conditions: Unlock 4★ Hub Quests
Sword And Shield, Hunting Horn, Switch Axe, Light Bowgun
Quest Spawn Conditions: Unlock 5★ Hub Quests
Greatsword, Hammer, Lance, Charge Blade, Heavy Bowgun Guide
Quest Spawn Conditions: Unlock 6★ Hub Quests
Longsword, Dual Blades, Gunlance, Insect Glaive, Bow

Talk To Utsushi To Get Quests

Switch Skills

Once you've satisfied the above conditions, speak to Utsushi in the Gathering Hub. You should see a speech bubble alerting you of a new quest you can accept. You'll also be able to see this marker appear on the village map as well.

Craft Or Upgrade A Unique Weapon 8 Times

Switch Skills

The second step will be to craft or upgrade a unique weapon 8 times. Only new (unique) weapons you craft will count - you can't just make the same weapon 8 times.

All Weapon Types List

Clear The Unlocked Hub Quest

Switch Skills

The final step in the process will be to clear the quest that you've gained access to. Note that the conditions for these quests to appear are different for each weapon type!

Check Out All Hub Quests Here

How To Use Switch Skills

Change From The Item Box

Switch Skills

Switch Skills can be changed via your item box. Item boxes can be found in various locations across the village, including next to the Village Quest NPC, camps, and the training grounds. This means it's also possible to swap skills mid-quest as well.

Command Inputs Are Usually The Same

In general, Switch Skills will have the same button inputs as the skill you swapped them out for. That being said, the skills themselves can differ drastically, so you'll want to experiment and get to know them before you use them in battle.

Only Certain Sets Of Skills Are Swappable

switch skills

This feature doesn't let you swap out just any weapon skills - only a specific set of skills for each weapon can be swapped out. For example, the Great Sword can swap out Hunting Edge with Adamant Charge, while the Gunlance can swap out Blast Dash with Charged Shelling.

What Are Switch Skills

A System For Swapping Abilities

Switch Skills

The Switch Skill system, as its name implies, allows you to swap out specific abilities and leave others behind. Only some specific sets of abilities can be swapped out, so you can't just swap out every ability you want. That being said, this gives you some room for flexibility and customization in your weapon builds.

3 Switch Skills Per Weapon

Each weapon in Monster Hunter Rise has a total of 3 Switch Skills. It seems that at least one of these swappable skills will be a Silkbind attack. However, note that some Silkbind attacks are fixed and cannot be swapped out. For example, on the Longsword you can swap out Silkbind Sakura Slash with Soaring Kick, but not with Serene Pose.

MH Rise Sunbreak - Weapon Related Articles

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