Check out this list of decorations in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise Sunbreak Update 1). Find out all unlock requirements, how to craft, slots, effects, rarity, & activated skills!
Table of Contents
Sunbreak Jewel Decorations
Lv 4 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Razor Jewel+ 4 | Razor Sharp Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Lucent Narga Razor x2 Magnamalo Bladeshell x2 |
Hard Venom Jewel 4 | Poison Attack Lv 3 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Lucent Narga Tailspear x2 Pukei-Pukei Shard x3 |
Sharp Jewel+ 4 | Protective Polish Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Silver Rathalos Lash x2 Seregios Breacher x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Counter Jewel+ 4 | Counterstrike Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Gold Rathian Surspike x2 Rathian Mantle x1 |
Destroyer Jewel+ 4 | Pathbreaker Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Silver Rathalos Cortex x2 Zinogre Hardclaw x1 |
Crisis Jewel+ 4 | Resusciate Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Sheath Jewel+ 4 | Quick Sheathe Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Artillery Jewel+ 4 | Artillery Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Gold Rathian Weave x2 Tobi-Kadachi Hardclaw x1 Bishaten Hardclaw x1 |
Trueshot Jewel+ 4 | Special Ammo Boost Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Lucent Narga Dapple x4 Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x1 Tiny Hermitaur Shell x1 |
Magazine Jewel+ 4 | Load Shells Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Distilled Blast Fluid x2 Golm Ploughtail x1 |
Quickswitch Jewel+ 4 | Rapid Morph Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Distilled Blast Fluid x2 Magnamalo Shard x2 Allfire Stone x3 |
Hard Sniper Jewel 4 | Steadiness Lv 3 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Flickering Silvershell x3 Almudron Hardclaw x1 |
Bubble Jewel+ 4 | Bubbly Dance Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Distilled Bubblefoam x2 Fine Black Pearl x1 Afflicted Scale x7 |
Fate Jewel+ 4 | Good Luck Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Chameleos Finehide x5 Almudron Mantle x1 Afflicted Fang x7 |
Hellfire Jewel+ 4 | Hellfire Cloak Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Magnamalo Soulprism+ x3 Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut+ x2 Afflicted Fang x7 |
Evasion Jewel+ 4 | Evade Window Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Tobi-Kadachi Thickfur x3 Fey Wyvern Gem x1 |
Wirebug Jewel+ 4 | Wirebug Whisperer Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Pyre-Kadaki Silk+ x2 Monster Essence x2 Afflicted Fang x7 |
Protection Jewel+ 4 | Divine Blessing Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Spongy Piel x2 Twisted Stiffbone x3 |
Fungiform Jewel+ 4 | Mushroomancer Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Tigrex Hardfang x4 Rainbowshrooms x2 Afflicted Claw x7 |
Mighty Bow Jewel 4 | Bow Charge Plus Lv1 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Afflicted Bone x3 Large Elder Dragon Gem x1 |
Sprinter Jewel+ 4 | Marathon Runner Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Boltscale x3 Magmadron Hardwhisker x2 Afflicted Scale x7 |
Shield Jewel+ 4 | Guard Up Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Basarios Pectus+ x3 |
Hard Grinder Jewel 4 | Speed Sharpening Lv3 | Sovereign Jewel x3 Seregios Breacher+ x1 Great Izuchi Grindtail x1 Afflicted Blood x7 |
KO Jewel+ 4 | Slugger Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Heavy Anjanath Nosebone x2 Basarios Pallium x1 Afflicted Shell x7 |
Enhancer Jewel+ 4 | Power Prolonger Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Orangaten Fur+ x3 Inferno Lava Mud x2 Afflicted Fang x7 |
Precise Jewel+ 4 | Ballistics Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Zinogre Hardclaw x3 Abyssal Dragonscale x2 Afflicted Claw x7 |
Hard Botany Jewel 4 | Botanist Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Great Izuchi Thickfur x3 |
Mind's Eye Jewel+ 4 | Mind's Eye Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Goss Finehide x2 Mizutsune Purplefell x3 Afflicted Scale x7 |
Hard Enduring Jewel 4 | Item Prolonger Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Royal Ludroth Shard x2 |
Hard Satiated Jewel 4 | Free Meal Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Mystic Hardfang x2 Colossal Drill Beak x1 |
Refresh Jewel+ 4 | Stamina Surge Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Almud Ascentic Whisker x3 Chic Crest x2 Afflicted Shell x7 |
Gobbler Jewel+ 4 | Speed Eating Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Tetranadon Greatbeak x1 Velociprey Shard x3 |
Hard Recovery Jewel 4 | Recovery Speed Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Barroth Chine x3 Gajau Thickhide x2 |
Crit Element Jewel+ 4 | Critical Element Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Pure Dragon Blood x2 Large Wyvern Gem x1 |
Hard Fire Res Jewel 4 | Fire Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Large Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume x1 Monster Toughbone x3 |
Hard Brace Jewel 4 | Flinch Free Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x5 Garangolm Shard x2 Luna Vermilion Hardclaw x1 Afflicted Monster Bone x7 |
耐振珠Ⅱ | Tremor Resistance Lv2 | Adamant Jewel x5 Solid Bone x3 Heavy Tetra Carapace x2 傀異化した竜骨 x7 |
Physique Jewel+ 4 | Constitution Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Volvidon Cortex x3 Boggi Shard x3 Afflicted Shell x7 |
Hard Water Res Jewel 4 | Water Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Imperial Beak x1 Spongy Piel x3 |
Hard Steadfast Jewel 4 | Stun Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Pukei-Pukei Fellwing x3 Kestodon Husk x2 |
Resistor Jewel+ 4 | Blight Resistance Lv2 | Adamant Jewel x5 Magnamalo Soulprism+ x2 S. Magala Lightwing x1 Afflicted Blood x7 |
Hard Ice Res Jewel 4 | Ice Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Glorious Crest x1 Prized Pelt x3 |
Hard Thunder Res Jewel 4 | Thunder Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Vespoid Razorwing x2 Monster Essence x2 |
Hard Dragon Res Jewel 4 | Dragon Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Hornetaur Cortex x2 Massive Monster Bone x5 |
Charger Jewel+ 4 | Focus Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Large Volvi Rickrack x2 Dragonbone Artifact x1 |
Hard Drain Jewel 4 | Stamina Thief Lv3 | Sovereign Jewel x3 Barroth Hardclaw x2 Afflicted Monster Bone x7 |
Hard Geology Jewel 4 | Geologist Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Kulu-Ya-Ku Shard x3 Eroded Elder Skeleton x2 |
Medicine Jewel+ 4 | Recovery Up Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Large Herbivore Bone x2 Fine Black Pearl x1 |
Jumping Jewel+ 4 | Evade Extender Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Bishaten Glidefeather x2 Large Beast Gem x1 |
Sniper Jewel+ 4 | Steadiness Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Rathian Weave x3 |
Hard Bomber Jewel 4 | Bombardier Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Bombadgy Activator x1 Conflagrant Sac x3 |
Draw Jewel+ 4 | Critical Draw Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Twisted Stouthorn x3 Amber Hardfang x2 Afflicted Claw x7 |
Gambit Jewel+ 4 | Punishing Draw Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Somnacanth Cortex x2 Large Wyvern Gem x1 |
Hard Wall Run Jewel 4 | Wall Runner Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Mystic Hardfang x2 Prized Stomach x3 |
Earplug Jewel+ 4 | Earplugs Lv2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Magnamalo Cortex x3 Lagombi Auricle x2 Afflicted Fang x7 |
Hard Defense Jewel++ 4 | Defense Boost Lv5 | Sovereign Jewel x3 Large Elder Dragon Bone x3 Diablos Chine x2 Conqueror's Seal x1 |
Hard Wind Res Jewel 4 | Windproof Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Heavy Tetra Carapace x2 Vespoid Razorwing x2 |
Hard Hungerless Jewel 4 | Hunger Resistance Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Tetranadon Greatbeak x1 Tiny Hermitaur Shell x5 |
Hard Friendship Jewel+ 4 | Wide-Range Lv4 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Auroracanth Iceclaw x2 Nargacuga Shard x4 Monster Slogbone x6 |
Level 3 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Foil jewel 3 | Tune-Up Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Lucent Narga Dapple x4 Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x1 Tiny Hermitaur Shell x1 |
Redirection Jewel 3 | Redirection Lv1 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Frostborn Hardfang x2 Malzeno Fellwing x2 |
Breath Jewel 3 | Quick Breath Lv1 | Adamant Jewel x3 Espinas Mantle x1 |
Hard Blaze Jewel 3 | Fire Attack Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x4 Pyre-Kadaki Dull Glowgut x2 Afflicted Pelt x7 |
Ironwall Jewel+ 3 | Guard Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x8 Jyuratodus Grandfin x2 Basarios Lash x1 |
Hard Dragon Jewel 3 | Dragon Attack Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x4 Gore Magala Cortex x2 Afflicted Bone x7 |
Hard Frost Jewel 3 | Ice Attack Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x4 Auroracanth Icescale x2 Afflicted Pelt x7 |
Hard Defence Jewel 3 | Defense Boost Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x2 Monster Slogbone x3 Basarios Cortex x2 |
Hard Friendship Jewel 3 | Wide-Range Lv3 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Arzuros Allbrace x2 Gargwa Finefeather x1 |
Hard Bolt Jewel 3 | Thunder Attack Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x4 Pearl Glosshide x2 Afflicted Bone x7 |
Hard Stream Jewel 3 | Water Attack Lv3 | Adamant Jewel x4 Jyuratodus Cortex x2 Afflicted Pelt x7 |
Level 2 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Charge Jewel 2 | Charge Master Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Gold Rathian Shard x3 Tigrex Cortex x2 |
Blaze Jewel+ 2 | Fire Attack Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Conflagrant Sac x3 Awegite x2 |
Bladescale Jewel 2 | Bladescale Hone | Adamant Jewel x3 Seregios Airblade+ x2 Archdemon Tailhook x1 |
Dragon Jewel+ 2 | Dragon Attack Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Rathian Cortex x2 Eroded Elder Skeleton x1 |
Frost Jewel+ 2 | Ice Attack Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Lagombi Fur x2 Frozen Stiffbone x2 |
Defense Jewel+ 2 | Defense Boost Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Barroth Chine x2 Massive Monster Bone x3 |
Bolt Jewel+ 2 | Thunder Attack Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Lightning Sac x3 Sapphiron Ore x4 |
Stream Jewel+ 2 | Water Attack Lv2 | Lazurite Jewel x6 Flood Sac x3 Overgrown Stiffbone x4 |
Level 1 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Cornerstone Jewel 1 | Defiance Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Flywall Jewel 1 | Wall Runner (Boost) | Adamant Jewel x3 Seregios Carver+ x2 Archdemon Wingtalon x1 |
Decoration List: Sunbreak Update 1 New Decorations
Lv 4 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Razor Jewel+ 4 | Razor Sharp Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Lucent Narga Razor x2 Magnamalo Bladeshell x2 |
Hard Venom Jewel 4 | Poison Attack Lv 3 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Lucent Narga Tailspear x2 Pukei-Pukei Shard x3 |
Sharp Jewel+ 4 | Protective Polish Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Silver Rathalos Lash x2 Seregios Breacher x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Counter Jewel+ 4 | Counterstrike Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Gold Rathian Surspike x2 Rathian Mantle x1 |
Destroyer Jewel+ 4 | Pathbreaker Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Silver Rathalos Cortex x2 Zinogre Hardclaw x1 |
Crisis Jewel+ 4 | Resusciate Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Sheath Jewel+ 4 | Quick Sheathe Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
Artillery Jewel+ 4 | Artillery Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x4 Gold Rathian Weave x2 Tobi-Kadachi Hardclaw x1 Bishaten Hardclaw x1 |
Trueshot Jewel+ 4 | Special Ammo Boost Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Lucent Narga Dapple x4 Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x1 Tiny Hermitaur Shell x1 |
Magazine Jewel+ 4 | Load Shells Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Distilled Blast Fluid x2 Golm Ploughtail x1 |
Quickswitch Jewel+ 4 | Rapid Morph Lv 2 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Distilled Blast Fluid x2 Magnamalo Shard x2 Allfire Stone x3 |
Hard Sniper Jewel 4 | Steadiness Lv 3 | Sovereign Jewel x6 Flickering Silvershell x3 Almudron Hardclaw x1 |
Lv 3 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Redirection Jewel 3 | Redirection Lv1 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Frostborn Hardfang x2 Malzeno Fellwing x2 |
Breath Jewel 3 | Quick Breath Lv1 | Adamant Jewel x3 Espinas Mantle x1 |
Foil jewel 3 | Tune-Up Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Lucent Narga Dapple x4 Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x1 Tiny Hermitaur Shell x1 |
Lv 2 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Charge Jewel 2 | Charge Master Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x5 Gold Rathian Shard x3 Tigrex Cortex x2 |
Lv 1 Decorations (Jewel)
Name | Skill | Required Materials |
Cornerstone Jewel 1 | Defiance Lv 1 | Sovereign Jewel x2 Gold Rathian Cortex x2 Rath Gleam x1 |
How To Unlock Decorations?
Gradually Released After Urgent Hub Quest 4★
Decorative items becomes available by clearing the Urgent Hub Quest ★4 "The Blue Apex" and can be crafted at the Smithy. After that, the lineup of decorations that can be produced by obtaining materials from monsters appearing at ★5, ★6, and ★7 will be added.
Urgent Hub Quest (4★ and above) Rewards Exclusive Materials
To produce decorations, special materials called Jewels are required. You can get these as rewards from the Urgent Hub Quest 4★ or higher.
How To Obtain Exclusive Materials | |
![]() | Can be obtained as a reward from Urgent Hub Quest 4-7★ |
![]() | Can be obtained as a reward from Urgent Hub Quest 6-7★ |
![]() | Can be obtained as a reward from quests with participation requirements of HR 8 or higher |
Decorations List - How To Equip List
Can Be Replaced In The Item Box Or At The Smithy

To equip Decorations, you just need to interact with Item Boxes located in every area. Select 'Manage Equipment' then 'Set Decorations' to be able to equip them.
The Size Of The Slot Should Fit The Decoration
Open Slot | Decorations You Can Set |
![]() | [1] Decoration |
![]() | [1] or [2] Decorations |
![]() | From [1] to [3] Decorations |
In order to attach a decoration to the equipment, it is necessary to have an open slot that matches the size of the decoration. It can be attached if the available slot is larger than the number in [ ].
Sunbreak Rampage Decorations List - How To Unlock Guide