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Sunbreak Heavy Bowgun (HBG) Best MR Build

Sunbreak | Heavy Bowgun (HBG) Best MR Build | Monster Hunter Rise

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Sunbreak | Heavy Bowgun (HBG) Best MR Build | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith

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A Heavy Bowgun (HBG) best MR/Master Rank build for Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Sunbreak. Learn about Heavy Bowgun (HBG) build, endgame weapons & armor!

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All Monster Hunter players should use it, please! Check out the world's easiest to use Armor Builder!

Armor Builder (Skill Builder)

Heavy Bowgun (HBG) - Best Endgame Build

▼Spread Ammo Build★★★★
▼Sticky Ammo Build★★★★
▼Piercing Ammo Build★★・・
▼Blood Rite + Dereliction Build★★・・

★4 Master Rank - Spread Heavy Bowgun Builds

Recommended Weapon Builds

Weapon Name
Golm Cannon+
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernheart
Ironwall Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Absorber Jewel 1
Rampage Decorations
Kushala Daora Soul [3]
Gradually increase affinity by continuously landing hits on foes in a short space of time

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadRakna Helm XIronwall Jewel+ 3
Absorber Jewel 1
ChestRakna Mail XIronwall Jewel+ 3
Absorber Jewel 1
ArmsPukei-Pukei Braces XThrift Jewel 2
Absorber Jewel 1
WaistRakna Coil XCritical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
LegsPukei-Pukei Greaves XSpread Jewel 3
Absorber Jewel 1
Absorber Jewel 1
TalismanWeakness Exploit Lv2-
- Guard Lv. 5
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Spread Up Lv. 3
- Reload Speed Lv. 3
- Ballistics Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Recoil Down Lv. 3
- Tune-Up Lv. 2
- Constitution Lv. 2
- Flinch Free Lv. 2
- Guard Up Lv. 1
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadRakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x3
Rakna-Kadaki Hardclaw x1
Rachnoid Mesmersilk x2
ChestRakna-Kadaki Hardclaw x3
Rakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Monster Essence x1
Rakna-Kadaki Spike+ x1
ArmsPukei-Pukei Fellwing x1
Pukei-Pukei Shard x3
Deadly Poison Sac x2
Velociprey Shard x2
WaistRakna-Kadaki Cortex x4
Rakna-Kadaki Glowgut+ x1
Rakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Rakna-Kadaki Spike+ x1
LegsPukei-Pukei Cortex x4
Pukei-Pukei Sac x2
Pukei-Pukei Fellwing x2
Features And Builds Of The Equipment
・Appealing ironclad defense with Guard Lv5 and Guard Up.
・Dango Booster, Dango Temper, Dango Marksman are the recommended Dango to increase damage.
・Also, weapons can be upgraded by using afflicted materials gathered.

★5 Master Rank - Sticky Heavy Bowgun Builds

Recommended Weapon Builds

Weapon Name
Antique Machina HB
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernheart
Ramp-Up SkillSpiribird Jewel 1
Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadMale: Utsushi True Mask (V)
Female: Channeler's Hair-tie X
Absorber Jewel 1
ChestKushala Cista XArtillery Jewel 2
Thrift Jewel 2
ArmsArtillery Corps GauntletsAbsorber Jewel 1
WaistAnjanath Coil XSniper Jewel+ 4
Quickload Jewel 1
Quickload Jewel 1
LegsGolm GreavesKO Jewel 2
Shield Jewel 2
Brace Jewel 1
TalismanAttack Boost Lv. 3Thrift Jewel 2
- Attack Boost Lv. 7
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Recovery Speed Lv. 3
- Ammo Up Lv. 3
- Reload Speed Lv. 3
- Artillery Lv. 3
- Slugger Lv. 3
- Razor Sharp Lv. 2
- Handicraft Lv. 2
- Stamina Thief Lv.2
- Recoil Down Lv. 2
- Steadiness Lv. 2
- Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 1
- Charge Master Lv. 1
- Guard Up Lv. 1
- Flinch Free Lv. 1
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadElgado Ticket x1
Rakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Monster Slogbone x1
Frocium x2
ChestDaora Cortex x5
Daora Shard x2
Daora Lash x2
Amber Hardfang x2
ArmsRoyal Order Certificate I x1
Imperial Beak x2
Massive Bone x1
Giant Monster Bone x2
WaistAnjanath Fur x4
Anjanath Shard x2
Monster Toughbone x2
Anjanath Mantle x1
LegsGarangolm Cortex x3
Garangolm Hardfang x3
Golm Thinck Juice x2
Gowngoat Thickfur x3
Features And Builds Of The Equipment
Players can stun a monster using Sticky Ammo, paired with Wyvern Ammo when the monster is knocked down. Cluster Bombs can also be use, however this may also blows up allies during multiplayer quests, so use the ammo during solo quests.

★5 Master Rank - Piercing Heavy Bowgun Builds

Recommended Weapon Builds

Weapon Name
Nirvana Ascension+
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernsnipe
Thrift Jewel 2
Ramp-Up SkillSpiribird Jewel 1
Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadMale: Utsushi True Mask (V)
Female: Channeler's Hair-tie X
Quickload Jewel 1
ChestDamascus Mail XArtillery Jewel 2
Artillery Jewel 2
ArmsBarioth Vambraces XSniper Jewel+ 4
WaistGolm FauldsQuickload Jewel 1
Absorber Jewel 1
Absorber Jewel 1
LegsIngot Greaves XCapacity Jewel 3
TalismanAttack Boost Lv. 3Thrift Jewel 2
- Critical Eye Lv. 7
- Attack Boost Lv. 5
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Pierce Up Lv. 3
- Maximum Might Lv. 3
- Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Recoil Down Lv. 3
- Razor Sharp Lv. 2
- Handicraft Lv. 2
- Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 1
- Tremor Resistance Lv. 1
- Quick Sheath Lv. 1
- Spiribird's Call Lv. 1
- Focus Lv. 1
- Reload Speed Lv. 1
- Flinch Free Lv. 1
538-54-5 41
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadElgado Ticket x1
Rakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Monster Slogbone x1
Frocium x2
ChestPure Dragon Blood x2
Rakna-Kadaki Cortex x2
Somnacanth Wild Fin x1
Purecrystal x1
ArmsBarioth Cortex x4
Barioth Thickfur x1
Cryo Sac x2
Supple Piel x3
WaistGarangolm Cortex x3
Garangolm Shard x1
Golm Ploughtail x1
Golm Thinck Juice x2
LegsPurecrystal x1
Meldspar Ore x1
Sapphiron Ore x1
Monster Toughbone x2
Features And Builds Of The Equipment
・Piercing Ammo are less likely to have effects from Weakness Exploit, instead, players can use the weapon's affinity of 30%, 40% through Critical Eye 7 skill, and 30% from Maximum Might 3 skill, for a total of 100% affinity rate. The weapon's Slicing Ammo also have less recoil, making it useful against monsters with slashing weakness.

Endgame Blood Rite + Dereliction Builds

Recommended Weapon Builds

Weapon Name
Antique Machina HB
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernheart
Ramp-Up SkillSpiribird Jewel 1
Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadMale: Utsushi True Mask (V)
Female: Channeler's Hair-tie X
Quickload Jewel 1
ChestKushala Cista XArtillery Jewel 2
Artillery Jewel 2
ArmsArchfiend Armor EpineSniper Jewel+ 4
WaistMalzeno CoilQuickload Jewel 1
Absorber Jewel 1
Absorber Jewel 1
LegsArchfiend Armor ScerosCapacity Jewel 3
TalismanAttack Boost Lv. 3Thrift Jewel 2
- Attack Boost Lv. 6
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Recovery Speed Lv. 3
- Ammo Up Lv. 3
- Dereliction Lv. 3
- Razor Sharp Lv. 2
- Handicraft Lv. 2
- Resentment Lv. 2
- Blood Rite Lv. 2
- Reload Speed Lv. 2
- Steadiness Lv. 2
- Artillery Lv. 2
- Recoil Down Lv. 2
- Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 1
- Partbreaker Lv. 1
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadElgado Ticket x1
Rakna-Kadaki Silk+ x3
Monster Slogbone x1
Frocium x2
ChestDaora Cortex x5
Daora Shard x2
Daora Lash x2
Amber Hardfang x2
ArmsAbyssal Dragonscale x5
Archdemon Backshell x2
Archdemon Tailhook x1
Garangolm Fist x2
WaistMalzeno Cortex x4
Malzeno Shard x3
Malzeno Tail x1
Bloody Parasite x2
LegsAbyssal Dragonscale x2
Archdemon Backshell x4
Archdemon Piercetalon x2
Consumption Parasite x3
Features And Builds Of The Equipment
Players can stun a monster using Sticky Ammo, and can destroy parts by using Wyvern Ammo when the monster is knocked down. Blood Rite can recover HP that was drained by Dereliction skill by hitting a broken monster part. It is also advisable to use Blue Swap Scroll skills, which increases the attack value significantly.

Heavy Bowgun (HBG) - Best Mid Game Build

★3 Master Rank - Normal Ammo Builds

Weapon Name
Golm Cannon
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernheart
Precise Jewel 2
Absorber Jewel 1
Quickload Jewel 1
Ramp-Up SkillSpiribird Jewel 1
Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadPukei-Pukei Helm XTenderizer Jewel 2
ChestTetranadon Mail XTenderizer Jewel 2
ArmsPukei-Pukei Braces XForceshot Jewel 3
WaistPukei-Pukei Coil XForceshot Jewel 3
Tenderizer Jewel 2
LegsIngot Greaves XSniper Jewel 1
Sniper Jewel 1
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Poison Attack Lv. 3
- Normal - Rapid Up Lv. 3
- Ballistics Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Attack Boost Lv. 2
- Critical Eye Lv. 2
- Steadiness Lv. 2
- Special Ammo Boost Lv. 1
- Evade Extender Lv. 1
- Speed Eating Lv. 1
- Recoil Down Lv. 1
- Reload Speed Lv. 1
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadPukei-Pukei Cortex x4
Large Pukei-Pukei Sac x2
Eltalite Ore x2
Fey Wyvern Gem x1
ChestHeavy Tetra Carapace x4
Tetranadon Thickhide x1
Massive Bone x1
Frocium x2
ArmsPukei-Pukei Fellwing x1
Pukei-Pukei Shard x3
Deadly Poison Sac x2
Velociprey Shard x2
WaistPukei-Pukei Shard x4
Pukei-Pukei Cortex x1
Monster Toughbone x1
Carbalite Ore x2
LegsPurecrystal x1
Meldspar Ore x1
Sapphiron Ore x1
Monster Toughbone x2

Heavy Bowgun (HBG) - Best Early Game Build

★1 Master Rank - Normal Ammo Builds

Weapon Name
Elite Bowgun+
Parts: Shield
Special AmmoWyvernheart
Critical Jewel 2
Ramp-Up SkillSpiribird Jewel 1
Occasionally increases the effect of Spiribirds.

Recommended Armor & Equipments

HeadTetranadon Helm XSteadfast Jewel 1
ChestVaik Mail XForceshot Jewel 3
Thrift Jewel 2
Brace Jewel 1
ArmsLudroth Braces XCritical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Brace Jewel 1
WaistPukei-Pukei Coil XTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
LegsVelociprey GreavesTenderizer Jewel 2
Brace Jewel 1
- Normal - Rapid Up Lv. 3
- Spare Shot Lv. 3
- Stun Resistance Lv. 3
- Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Flinch Free Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Poison Attack Lv. 2
- Windproof Lv. 2
- Speed Eating Lv. 1
- Hunger Resistance Lv. 1
- Marathon Runner Lv. 1
- Power Prolonger Lv. 1
Materials Need To Create The Armor
Required Materials
HeadTetranadon Finedisc x1
Tetranadon Thickhide x3
Tetranadon Greatbeak x1
Flood Sac x2
ChestLarge Armored Bream x1
Speartuna x1
Gajau Thickhide x2
Sapphiron Ore x1
ArmsRoyal Ludroth Shard x3
Flood Sac x2
Hydro Piel x2
Immature Sponge x2
WaistPukei-Pukei Shard x4
Pukei-Pukei Cortex x1
Monster Toughbone x1
Carbalite Ore x2
LegsVelociprey Thickhide x2
Tough Claw x1
Overgrown Stiffbone x2
Sunbreak Heavy Bowgun Early Game Build

Heavy Bowgun (HBG) - Best Skills

Skill NameEffect
Recommended Points
Normal - Rapid Up
Increases the attack power of a bowgun's conventional rounds or a bow's barrage of arrows
[Recommended Points]
It simply increases the power of bullets. It can be replaced with enhanced scatter and spread arrows or piercing bullets and piercing arrows, depending on the weapon.
Spare Shot
Rarely can be fired without consuming a bowgun bullet or bow bottle
[Recommended Points]
A skill that has up to a 20% chance of not consuming bullets. It is strong if it keeps activating, but it is not stable, so its priority is low.
Recoil Down
Reduced recoil when firing a round with a bow gun
[Recommended Points]
Important skill that can reduce recoil after shooting and eliminate skew. Use together with loading speed.
Wider distance for bullets and arrows to reach their maximum power state
[Recommended Points]
This skill is compatible with piercing bullets and shotgun shells. The appropriate distance becomes wider and it becomes easier to stand in the way.
Ammo Up
More bowguns are loaded.
[Recommended Points]
Increasing the number of bullets loaded reduces the number of reloads, which in effect increases firepower. The effect is doubled when used in combination with bullet saving.
It is more difficult to roll over when guarding and consumes less stamina.
[Recommended Points]
Since the guard performance of the heavies is quite poor, we would like to assist them with guard performance if possible. However, since the priority is only on firepower skills, the priority of guard performance is low.
Skills List

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Sunbreak Strategy Team

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Anonymous 8

piercing builds are better i made a build that rather bad and tested it with this one my trashy build beat it out by like 20 dmg

Tanky Crobat 7

★5 MR Pierce build SKILLS FIXED (2)
Artillery 2
Recoil Down 2
Steadiness 2 (0 without Talisman Decoration)
Focus 1
Quick Sheathe 1
Tremor Resistance 1
Wirebug Whisperer 1
Spiribird's Call 1

Tanky Crobat 6

★5 MR Pierce build SKILLS FIXED (1)

Critical Eye 7 (5 without Talisman)
Attack Boost 4
Maximum Might 3
Spare shot 3
Pierce Up 3
Reload Speed 3
Handicraft 2
Razor Sharp 2

Tanky Crobat 5

★5 MR Pierce build GEAR FIXED

Nirvana+- Thrift 2
Male Utsushi Mask H- QuickL 1
Damascus Mail X- Artillery 2, QuickL 1
Barioth Vambraces X- Artillery 2, QuickL 1
Golm Faulds- Pierce Jewel 3, Expert Jewel 2
Ingot Greaves X- Absorber Jewel 1x2
Divine Talisman (CritEye2)- Sniper Jewel +4

Tanky Crobat 4

★5 Master Rank Pierce build still VERY inaccurate.

If male, use Utsushi Hidden Mask H, replace Critical Eye Talisman with a level 4 deco slot, Remove one Thrift Jewel as there is one too many. You can use the level 3 deco slot for either Pierce up lvl 3 or Capacity 1

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