The Lazurite Jewel is an item for Monster Hunter Rise Switch (MH Rise). Guide contains details on how to farm, how to get, farming, and how to use the Lazurite Jewel in MHR!
Table of Contents
Lazurite Jewel - How To Farm & Get
Farm With Apex Monster Quests

The Lazurite Jewel is a reward often found in Apex Monster Quests. Apex Arzuros is one of the easiest to hunt in this category, so we recommending farming the Lazurite Jewel through this quest.
Check Out The Apex Monsters ListFarm By Taking 7★ Quests

Lazurite Jewel may be obtained as a Quest Reward for clearing 7★ Hub Quests once you unlock the Hunter Rank Cap in Update 2.0. A few monsters in this category include Chameleos and Bazelgeuse.
Check Out The Hub Quests ListLazurite Jewel - Uses and Crafting Items
Used For Rare Decorations

Lazurite Jewels are required to create Decorations with a Rarity of 6 or higher, which were added in the recent 2.0 Update. Since each Decoration requires 4 or more Lazurite Jewels, you will need to stock more.